
The Tables Are Turned

The fight looked dire at this moment. I knew this was going to end bad for my ground forces. They were already having it hard dealing with all the Hescos coming from the front and underground. And with the addition of the flying Hescos, things would turn worse.

"Tsk… At least we controlled a good area out there," I looked at the bright side. The defences might have gotten a small hit, but it was enough for my forces to claim a zone there.

Without towers, the Hescos couldn't control this region anymore. But for my forces, the entire place was filled with walls and heavily defended terrain, making it a good spot to make a stand there.

Up till now the Hescos were having it nice thanks to the forward motion of my forces. They never stopped for even a second or tried to make advantage of the heavy defences there.

If they did, they wouldn't be able to march ahead anymore. So they abandoned any defence, and kept the crazy offence.

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