
I Won't Fall Here!

"If we met in any other place and time, we might have fought together. It's a rare chance to fight against such a faction. But I'm sorry. You are part of my enemy camp, so I have to put an end to your adventure here."

"Screw you!" This time I didn't refrain from insulting him out loud like this.

"Don't feel this bitter. In fact you should be proud. After all the forces coming to you are only dispatched to fight the hegemon calibre forces of your side. It's an honour to die in their hands."

Damn! I looked up and all I could feel was the breaths of death lashing out at my face. These clouds were bringing terrifying dudes indeed.

That hegemony wasn't joking around. He was calling forth a mighty army this time, one that was enough to crush me with fear just before their arrival.

What should I do? I had to do something! I had to stop these things from coming here.

The first thing I thought about was that damn portal. It needed to be shut down. But how?

Next chapter