

Idalia sighed as they continued walking but with each step she was able to sense Arian. She perceived his presence along with Tariq and clicked her tongue. Tariq's scent was everywhere, although she wasn't affected by it but she couldn't say the same about Farah. After all it was only going to be a matter of time before it affects her, so leaving behind Farah by their door she hurried to Tariq's room and barged inside. She found Arian sleeping soundly in Tariq's arms and a pair of luminous sea green eyes glaring at her as if at any moment he will pounce on her. She smirked at him and said:

"Turn it down. There are other eves in this mansion apart from my big brother."

She banged the door and left hurriedly. Tariq couldn't keep his calm he got up abruptly forgetting Arian laid his head on his chest. Arian woke up and yawned, he robbed his eyes and was about to go back to bed again when he noticed Tariq was about to leave the room. He got up quickly and said:

Next chapter