

The lady carefully fixed Farah's disheveled hair behind her ears and allowed her eyes to look observantly at Farah from her facial features all the way down to her legs. The lady was absorbed looking at Farah when a voice distracted her:

"How many hearts must you conquer? You! dense woman?"

The lady Jolted away from looking at Farah with scrutiny and smiled as she fixed her curly hair behind her ears and looked at the man approaching her direction with a smile. She folded her arms as she got up from the floor where she was seated at and sat on the table where the bottle water, the towels and the bowl of water was kept. She sighed and said:

"Who knows? Perhaps like Solomon in the wisdom books I have read over time staying here on earth"

The man scoffed at her and said:

"Then that which you lust over is surely bond to be your downfall. Or do you doubt me?"

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