

The man from the screen was unsmiling as he glared at the scientist all seated in the facility. A scientist who was a superior stood up and explained things to the man, in the most convincing manner ever:

"We have our highly skilled men out there looking for Specimen XYi. We are certain that it's just a matter of time before they capture it"

"Why are you all so lenient about this matter when you all know how dangerous the specimen can be. Far from that, it's a military weapon that should not have been exposed to the world in such a carless manner." The infuriated sponsor wagged his head angrily and went off line.

*** *** ***

Jaden held his stomach as he struggled to open the door to his reservation. As soon as the door was open he rushed into the bathroom and vomited everything that was in his stomach and repeatedly said:

"I can't do this! I can't do this! I just can't."

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