

His sea green eyes were looking at her silver eyes nonstop. Her eyes felt like they were pulling him towards her without words. He creased his browse when he saw her tears, it affected him deeply to the point he gently wiped the tears away from her face. While they were lost looking into each other's eyes, she tipped toed to increase her height but even then she was still petit compared to his towering height, without even realizing what she was doing, she kissed him. Alba's eyes widened in shock at the feeling of her tender lips on his. Breaking away from the kiss, She whispered in a brittle voice to him before they continued kissing;

"I am sorry!..." but before she could say more he bit her lips and she moaned, then he sucked on her lips and ran his tongue round hers passionately. Everyone was awed, they thought she was desperate, but that didn't look like the case. Rather it was the other way round, Alba was the one looking desperate for her. Alba himself was confused by his own reaction to Mahina's touch, 'what is wrong with me? what is this feeling?' he thought to himself, but he loved the taste of her soft pink lips, so he delved into kissing her more passionately. 'Oh! What a rare feeling, this girl has, she's interesting!' he thought to himself. Ava, Emma and Darla where embarrassed suddenly. Their victim was kissing the hottest, wealthiest and the most desirable bachelor in town. 'What the heck was going on' they wondered. They looked away from the passionate kiss going on between the duo.

Alba held her tightly, his hands moving from her hair to her back passionately, he drew her closer to him as she was quite petite in nature. He lifted her up a bit with his hands around her back and hers around his neck, so that he could get enough access to kiss her even more passionately, but she surprised him, she raised herself up and wrapped her legs around his waist. This time around he was the one to whisper excitedly';

"You are in trouble now girl!" low voices of people could be heard around but the duo couldn't be bothered;

"Isn't that Alba? The CEO of Elites Corp, how does he know Mahina. When did a relationship start between them?" the guest at the cocktail party took pictures of them. Alba didn't even care one bit. He was consumed by Mahina's tenderness.

After the passionate kiss between the duo they walked out of the floor where the cocktail party was happening, looking at each other all lovey dovely. Alba had his hands around her waist and a smug smile was written on his face. He had his own motives all planed out, but so did Mahina. She was silent all the while, planning and scheming how to escape the man. As they walked out of the hotel to the streets Mahina saw her chance. A cab stopped in front of the hotel to drop someone, she swiftly releases herself from his grip and called out to the cab hastily. She ran away from Alba and entered the Cab. She yelled at the top of her voice;

"I am sorry Mister! But I don't even think we will meet again and thank you for your assistance." Alba smiled at her indifference and murmured under his voice;

"Interesting!" he smiled and added

"we will certainly meet again... miss silky."

A fancy car stopped in front of the hotel and Alba hopped in. He was driven away, by his driver. Alba smiled as he stared at the hands he grabbed her with. He wagged his head at his actions. His feelings about this girl was new to him and he was curious what it was all about.

When Mahina arrived at their apartment, she hurriedly ran inside the house. She was flushed and Dora noticed her face;

"Hey Mahina I have found out about your CEO..." Dora said but Mahina ran passed her into her room, her face was flushed;

'Why is she blushing this much?... what could have happened' Dora picked up her novel and continued taking her tea while reading.

"Oh well… I will just wait for you to tell me why you are blushing this much… Hina!"

***** ***** *****

Mahina woke up to Dora banging on her door. She grumpily woke up and walked to open the door';

"Girl what is wrong with you?... you have an interview today don't you?" Dora nagged her.

"Honestly though! I have an interview, but I still don't know who the fuck I am interviewing" Mahina answered her all flustered

"Well, lucky you. I was able to get information about the CEO you are interviewing"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah... give me a second I will go get my Laptop" Dora ran to get her Laptop while Mahina swiftly ran into the Bathroom and brushed her teeth before Dora returned.

Dora sat on Mahina's bed with her computer on her laps. She was humming to Arlo's song as she awaited Mahina. When Mahina came out of the bathroom, Dora raised the laptop with the CEO's picture and information on it, closer to Mahina's face. Mahina squinted to get a clearer view of the CEO's face. Her facial expression slowly changed as she got a clearer view of the man's face';

"Aaaarh" Mahina screamed. She looked worried

"Yeah! I know right? My sentiment exactly, the guy is so hot! And handsome" Dora answered her excitedly, thinking they were talking about the same thing.

"What! That's not what I am talking about." Dora looked at her quizzically

"I fecking kissed him randomly yesterday!" She buried her face in her palms.

"What!" Dora was surprised, she couldn't stop looking at Mahina. It wasn't because she was disappointed at her or anything. She just couldn't believe that Mahina could kiss a person randomly.

"I lost a job, before I could even start it" she faced palmed herself.

"How did that happen." Dora asked concerned.

"I don't know!" Mahina's cheeks suddenly grew flushed.

"Alright! Stop! Don't panic. How did he react to your kiss?

"He kissed me be back..." Mahina blushed, again. Dora smiled at her cute reaction

"Well there you go! You have nothing to stress about." Dora assured her, that the interview would go well.

Mahina stood still staring at Dora for a while and thinking to herself if her friend was being honest or trying to make fun of her. Although she remained smiling while looking at Mahina back. She pinched her cheeks and asked;

"When have I ever lied to you?" Mahina's face brightened up at Dora's words.

Next chapter