
Chad meets the fifth wife.

Cain woke up at down at Alice shaking him, "We need to grab Marina at Ourals, she should be waiting for us." Cain stared at her half-awake.

He turned his face around to look at the girls, it was then that his eyes fell on Sofia sleeping with her eyes half closed. For some reason, that face she was making, made him mistake her for bath old lady for a second.

Cain rubbed his eyes, usually, he will just assume it was because he was half-asleep. But Cain had more than 20 Intelligence, it was far likely that his brain picked on something so he should keep this moment in mind.

He stood up and followed Alice to clean his face, they had work, and worrying about what he saw would just hinder them.

Alice woke Sofia and Selena and told them to get ready while they go and pick Marina up. Gracie was already awake, in fact, she was the one who woke Alice up.

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