
Second phase

The wraith pulled away from Alice in panic, "What is a devil doing here? Was it that bastard who summoned you?" The wraith screamed, a deathly screech echoing in her voice.

"What did you say?" She growled back at her. Alice slowly lifted her hand toward the wraith [Dispel evil and Good]

A wave of cursed magic pulled the wraith toward her while the second wave of holy magic blasted her away. The wraith's body twirled in place as if it was put in a mixer and then suddenly disappeared.

Poof! The wraith reappeared behind Alice swinging a spectral scythe, "I'm a ghost!" She screamed [Death scythe]

Alice immediately turned her face toward her with an annoyed expression, "Just as he said..." [Banishment] The Wraith's scythe got erased immediately.


<Name: Alice Forberg><Race: Devil><Level: 13/20><Exp: 15350/140000>

<HP: 99><MP: 450><SP: 95>

<Strength: 12><Dexterity: 10><Constitution: 14>

<Intelligence: 12><Wisdom: 20><Charisma: 11>

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