
The beginning of the war

Furberg had closed its gates and filled its battlements. War was looming in the distance as they spotted an army appear from nowhere. An order was issued to the citizen by the cavalry, stay in their homes.

Leon rode his horse toward the front gate armed with his favorite wand. William was seated with the strategist to discern the plan of defense.

It was almost sunset at Cain's mansion, Sebas was dealing with some paperwork for the maids' payments When he heard something behind him.

"When will he returns?" A woman's voice came from behind him. He put down the papers and sighed.

"Master Cain didn't say, It might be a couple of days. But why are you asking?" He turned around to face Lisa, she has come to check on Cain's whereabouts as they were going to war.

"We want him to take a part in leading the mage's squad, someone with his skill might be able to shift the tides of battle," Lisa said as she took her hood off.

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