
Who are you?

The stranger man pulled Amber to a small path and hid behind some cardboard boxes thrown there.

"Who the hell are you...and why did you pull me here?" she asked very angrily.

"Shhh" he whispered closing her mouth with his hands and looking at the road

"Where did they go?" A man between a few men who are searching for him asked ...

"Maybe that side" another man replied and all went to that side.

*phew* he let out a relieved breath and laughed out loud.

Amber but his hand

*ouch* he said and took his hand away from her.

She stood up angrily.

"WHO ARE YOU?" she asked so angrily.

"Woah, Woah …relax, relax," he said casually with a small chuckle.

She took a large rock from the side and was ready to hit him.

"Hey..." he shouted keeping his hands as a shield

"Why did you pull me along? …who are you?".

"Okay, okay…relax ... I am Aiden …they thought you belong to me, so I had to pull you along with me !" he said

"why are they chasing you?"

"Hmm...why do you want to know?" he asked moving awfully close to her face

"so that I will know if I have to leave you or send you to jail!" she said flicking his forehead.

"Oww," he said rubbing his forehead

"It's a funny story actually," he said laughing ...

"Why don't you sit down...now, would you mind keeping that aside..." he said, slowly moving his hands, so he can take the rock away?

She moved back and say down, keeping the rock down.

"Well actually --

(a mini flashback)

Aiden is walking eating a meatball he bought from a small shop selling them hot and fresh…while blowing slowly … he saw a girl crying at the side of the road which is also a backside of a restaurant.

"How long are you going to sit there and cry …come back to work" A man who has a large muscled body and in black color wearing a tank top shouted at her coming out of the back door.

She flinched and stood up slowly, trembling a little …and nodded her head.

The man went back inside and Aiden walked to her.

"Hello dear," he said, sitting down to her height.

She looked like 10 years old girl wearing a small white gown which is dirty with black smoke and some curry marks while her hair is so messy and sticky.

He saw her hand and saw that it is red.

"Oh my god what happened," he asked looking at her hand.

"H…he dipped m…my hand I...in hot w…water" she stuttered

"Do you work here?"

"n…no, I am an m…maid and m…my mam is g…getting m…married today"

"want to eat meatballs?" he asked after a minute of silence.

She nodded and he gave it to her.

"Take your time in eating... I am sure they won't scold you if you are late" he said and stood up and went inside the restaurant.

As soon as he entered, he saw that there is a wedding happening inside.

And the little child is the maid of that bride.

He sat down in the hall until the ring exchange happened...

Just when they are about to kiss...

"Stop it" He shouted.

Everyone got surprised as they heard a loud voice.

"How can you do this?....we still have our love..." he was searching all sides to know the bride's name, and he saw that at the end of a small hoarding.

"RIA... I know I said I will leave you but ... I couldn't bare to see you kiss another man" he said, faking a cry.

"I don't know him...who are you?" she asked, panicking...

"I know …that right now you are in a position where you can't accept me but ... I still love you ...let's run away …far away ...and keep our promises"

"I don't know you …why are you doing this …please believe me," she said to the groom standing there in confusion...

"Remember the time you said you will never leave me, and you will always love me after we did it on our bed while we are naked …"

Everyone gasped as they heard that...

The groom was ready to leave the hall now...


Aiden burst into laughing suddenly.

"It was all a lie," he said and started running from there...

"Catch him" the bride's father shouted, and some men ran back from him.

(flashback end)

"Such an idiot," Amber said.

"Why so ?"

"If you want to give the small girl a space or time or revenge for the hot water thing … Shouldn't the one who done it should face it...what did the bride do ?".

"That small girl is around 10 years …not only having a child as a maid is a crime instead they tortured her a lot," he said

"How do you know that?"

"Because I saw the scars on her body which are made by a whip..."

Amber remembered her father hitting her with a whip whenever she made even a small mistake...

She remained silent...

"You have done nothing wrong …they deserved it," she said and stood up.

"Huh …where are you going ?" he asked surprised.

"Is there a business I have with you?" she asked with a cold look.

"Ah ...no" he mumbled slowly.

"Then bye," she said and turned back...

"Where can I meet you again?" he asked

"In death ...if you are interested," she said

"come on …tell me"

"Annoying" she mumbled and left from there. He burst into laughter again...

"How cold" he mumbled...

"He is here" someone spoke...

"Oh, shit" he made a run again.

Meanwhile, Zia is panicking

Looking at all sides and shops...

"Zia" Amber called her...

She hugged Amber hard as soon as she saw her.

"I am sorry … I went without informing"...

Zia took her book out and wrote...

"Where did you go?"...

"Ah ... I ... I went for a walk and Met an annoying person"

Next chapter