
Chapter 2: Part 6

The hollow was dry, so I put out the fire and waited for the stones to cool down before taking them out. Then I poured a bit of water around the outside of the tree with [Spring Water].

I was starting to stink, so I washed myself off so monsters wouldn't sniff me out. I finished off by "closing" the entrance of the hollow with [Plant Magic]. I say "closing" because I really just covered it up with many layers of common reed plant. This would allow me to block line of sight from the outside while still being able to breathe.

"Suddenly I feel so tired… have I depleted my magic or something?"

I was hit with a kind of fatigue that I'd never experienced from just using [Ignition] and [Spring Water].


I could hear birds chirping. It's already morning, huh…

Apparently I fell asleep. I must have slept through the night because there was no way the sun would rise in the evening. It had to be morning.

"I know I was tired, but I really slept a lot, huh?"

I think closing up the hole with a plant fence was the right decision. Still inside the hole, I took out the monkey meat from [Material Storage] and baked it with [Cooking]. It wasn't great, but it was still much better than nothing.

You have learned the [Throwing] skill.


That message appeared immediately after I quickly swallowed the slice of meat to avoid the taste. I checked the grilled meat still in my hand with [Detailed Appraisal].

Grilled shoulder meat of forest monkey ⇒ Do you want to learn [Throwing] skill?

Hold up… does this mean the effect of the monster meat is different depending on what part of the body it came from?

I knew that I was somehow getting the skills that the monsters had, just from my prior experiences, but I thought I could only learn one kind of skill per monster. This new revelation meant it was possible to learn different skills for each body part and from each individual, didn't it?

If so… I could get the [Silent Flight] from the dark bat meat, right? I'd have been happy with just [Flight], but [Silent Flight] sounded even cooler.

I thought things over. Power was needed to get through this Great Borf Forest to the land where humans lived. Power means levels and skills. I could gain skills by [Cooking] monster meat. In other words, there was no reason not to do this, because it meant I could level up and gain more skills.

So, what skills do I need to hunt for now? I primarily want skills that improve my ability to survive. I don't know if they exist, but I want to get some kind of sensing skill. Until then, I can't only make use of my ears and eyes, but all six senses in order to survive!

My next step was clear. I took a chunk of that cat monster's meat out of [Material Storage]. There were four pieces, none of them cooked yet. Let's use [Cooking] on the first one.

Grilled shoulder meat of large civet cat ⇒ Do you want to learn [Shadow Sewing] skill?

It turns out that even from a single individual, I can learn different skills depending on which body part the meat came from! I was overjoyed to realize this. I tried [Cooking] the rest of the meat.

Grilled inside round* of large civet cat ⇒ Do you want to learn the [Acceleration] skill?

Grilled rump of large civet cat ⇒ Do you want to learn [Presence Detection] skill?

Grilled marbled thigh** of large civet cat ⇒ Do you want to raise [AGI] a little?

Hmm? Marbled thigh meat can raise my [AGI]? I never thought I'd be able to increase my stats. My dreams are expanding with this! Moreover, there was the sensing skill I wanted, [Presence Detection]!

Let's eat all the meat.

You have learned the [Shadow Sewing] skill.

You have learned the [Acceleration] skill.

You have learned the [Presence Detection] skill.

The rank of attribute [AGI] has increased.

The rank of attribute [AGI] has increased.

Hmm? Did I just get two increases in [AGI]? What? No way…

Name : Tsukuru Sumeragi

Job : Chef, Level 141

Skills I :  [Cooking] [Ignition]  [Dismantling] [Detailed Appraisal]  [Material Storage] [Spring Water] [Recovery Meal]  [Tool Maintenance] [Ingredient Detection]

Skills II :  [Night Vision]  [Throwing] [Acceleration]  [Presence Detection]

Skills III :  [Plant Magic] [Wind Magic]  [Shadow Sewing] 

Attributes : HP [D] | MP [D] | STR [D] | INT [B] | AGI [B] | DEX [EX] | LUK [EX]

Night Vision ⇒ You can see well even in the dark, but peeking is not good ♡

Acceleration ⇒ You can temporarily raise the rank of [AGI] ♡

Throwing ⇒ You can throw anything that can be thrown. Throwing kisses is also OK!

Presence Detection ⇒ You can feel the sense of the surroundings ♡

Plant Magic ⇒ You can use magic to manipulate plants. ♪ The perfect hobby for a 30 year old virgin ♪

Wind Magic ⇒ You can use magic to manipulate wind. It's bad to use it for lifting women's skirts, though ♪

Shadow Sewing ⇒ ♪ Tie it up with the shadows ♪

Just ignore the explanation, ignore it! Seriously, [AGI] went up twice. What's this supposed to mean? The explanation says it's just a little, right? I'm happy with this miscalculation, but isn't it more like to be no more than halfhearted explanation?

Nevertheless, what's with the teasing tone of these explanations? I feel like the [Shadow Sewing] explanation is something completely different. No, I know it's technically correct, but… Really, if I had another status plate in my hand, I'd throw it again, and again.

I can kind of understand the explanation for now, so it doesn't seem like something to worry about. But why is there yet another skill slot in my status?

What I can guess is that [Skill I] is for skills derived from my job, [Skill II] is for skills I've acquired that don't consume [MP], and [Skill III] is for skills that consume [MP].

I was using [Night Vision] almost all night at the patience contest with the Hyena Wolves back then, but I never got fatigued from it, so that's why I assumed [Skill II] is for skills that don't consume [MP].

However, when I used [Plant Magic] from the [Skill III] section to cover up this hole with common reed plants, I practically shut down, so I'm guessing that was [MP] depletion. At the moment, this is only my best guess, but I get the feeling it's close to the truth.

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