
Calistoga (2/2)

After the man left with a broad smile, pulling the animals along, Rafael stood in the middle of the street, staring at the walls that protected Frederic's domain. He began to walk toward the guards stationed at the wooden gate, a distance of about 50 meters.

Approaching the guards, Rafael spoke calmly, as if accustomed to such situations, "Good evening. I have important business with Baron Frederic. Please inform him."

One of the guards stepped forward, eyeing Rafael with disdain. "What? Hahahaha! Get the fuck out of here, you peasant," he sneered.

Rafael remained unfazed. "I discovered the process to make paper. If you don't know what paper is, then go find someone who actually understands how important it is."

The guards were irritated by the way this supposed peasant spoke to them, and one of them was just about to teach Rafael a lesson when a soldier, better equipped and with a yellow cloth around his arm, emerged from the wooden door. "Wait, did I hear you right? You said something about paper?" the soldier inquired.

"Yes, I know how to make paper, and I need to speak with Baron Frederic," Rafael replied firmly.

"What is your name?"

"Robert," he answered.

The soldier nodded and retreated inside the walls, knowing that paper was something expensive and highly sought after. Rafael stood waiting, his mind racing. Come on, it's paper. You won't deny this chance to make rivers of money, will you?

After nearly ten minutes, the soldier returned and told Rafael to come inside. The walls surrounded a small community: houses for the servants, a small church, a stable, an armory near a barrack, and other small buildings. In the center stood a wide stone house, large as a mansion but with only one floor.

The soldier, after hearing what Rafael had claimed, made his way to the large house in the middle of the area. Two soldiers stood at the entrance, and one of them questioned the need for his presence.

"There's a man at the gate who wants to speak with Baron Frederic," the soldier explained.

"What? You know peasants don't get permission for that. Send him away."

"Wait, this guy is different. He knows something that will greatly benefit the Baron." At that moment, a cleric emerged from behind the door.

"What did you say? What is his name?" The cleric stepped out, closing the door behind him.

"He told me his name was Robert and mentioned that he discovered a way to make paper. He believes Baron Frederic would be interested," the soldier explained calmly, not expecting much until he noticed the cleric's eyes widen in shock.

The cleric whispered something unintelligible.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," the soldier said.

"Get him inside and take him to the church!" the cleric ordered abruptly before hurrying off to the church. The three soldiers exchanged bewildered looks. What's happening? they wondered.

Rafael was granted passage inside. As he walked through the gate, he observed the area protected by the stone walls. Only the powerful are protected. The common people remain at the mercy of the enemy if they attack. Maybe when I introduce concrete, this will change.

Instead of heading directly to the wide mansion, he was led toward the church nearby, causing him to flinch. No, no, wait! Why the church? He stopped in his tracks, prompting the guard beside him to do the same.

"Sir? Please, keep following me," the guard urged.

"Wait, I said I wanted to speak with Frederic. Not them," Rafael insisted, pointing at the church and glancing around, wary of hidden soldiers who might ambush him.

Before the situation could escalate and Rafael decided to flee, the cleric appeared from the church. "Good evening, sir! May God bless you on this wonderful evening." The cleric walked toward them with open arms, his tone almost reverent. Did our Lord and Savior send us his blessings? the cleric mused. Receiving no response from Rafael, he continued.

"May I know your name, sir?"

"...Robert," Rafael replied cautiously, his mind racing, trying to assess the safety of the situation and whether it was a trap.

"Mr. Robert, please follow me inside. The high priest is waiting and has already been informed of your visit."

"High priest? I thought I would speak with Baron Frederic first," Rafael questioned.

"Oh, unfortunately, the Baron is busy right now and can't be disturbed. Don't worry; we'll inform you when he's available." It was well known among the clerics, priests, and servants who worked at the mansion that Frederic would be occupied with certain "pleasures" at this time of day, just before retiring for the night. The sun had already set, and the last rays of daylight were fading from the horizon.

Rafael hesitated but ultimately decided to follow the cleric toward the church. The building was modest, constructed of stone, measuring about 3x3 meters, with some benches, a small altar, and a metallic cross with golden details fixed to the wall opposite the entrance. The guard returned to his post at the gate.

Rafael was led through a small wooden door on the left side of the wall into another room. This room was sparsely furnished, containing two small beds in a corner, a wide table with some chairs, a bookshelf filled with books, a chest nearby, and a wardrobe. The room had only one window and was about 3x3 meters wide.

"Excuse me, high priest, this is Mr. Robert," the cleric announced. Rafael saw an old man sitting at the table, an open book before him with a candle burning nearby. The priest stood up and walked toward them, stopping in front of Rafael.

"How are you, good man?" the old man asked after studying Rafael closely.

"Wh... I'm... I'm feeling well. Thank you for asking." The door behind Rafael was closed by the cleric, who then stood beside the priest. The old man had long white hair and a beard. He wore a brown robe with a yellow strap that passed from his left shoulder to his right side and around his back, distinguishing him from the other cleric.

"Please, sit. Let's not remain standing; my back isn't what it used to be." The priest gestured to a chair. "Now, Mr. Robert, I've been informed of something quite interesting, but first, let's get to know each other. I am Julius Hera, high priest of Calistoga." Despite his wrinkled face, bent back, and white hair, his eyes were sharp and serene.



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