

When I settle into my patrol car the next morning, I decide that nothing can touch my good mood. Nope. Nothing, because tonight Officer Kelly has a date with the sexy librarian. And if I thought those leggings would give me carpal tunnel from all the stroking off they inspired, then I’m going to have something much worse than carpal tunnel after seeing her in that pencil skirt and tight no-nonsense bun yesterday. How do teenage boys even handle her being their librarian? I’d be terrified to shine a black light in the men’s restroom at the Corinth Branch.

Note to self, see if Livia is willing to play Sexy Librarian after we play Find the Nightstick.

So the normal rounds of criminals, liars, and people who yell at me for giving them tickets don’t bring me down.

The dirt bag who tries to lie about slashing his ex-girlfriend’s tires the night before doesn’t bring me down.

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