
Invading Kiss

Kate did not want to talk to Nick. She did not answer his calls on her name even though she clearly heard them. Not only did she not want to say anything, but she was also so hurt that she felt a huge lump was in her throat. Swallowing her own spit was even difficult. Kate's tears came out of control. She tried to hide the sounds, so she buried her face on her pillow as soon as she got inside her room. She was in so much haste she did not get to lock her door. But she could admit, locking the door did not come into her mind. But when Nick came in and walked closer to her on the bed, Kate felt her heartache intensify. His soft and sounding concerned voice pained her more. She could not help sobbing.

Nick panicked and did not hesitate to hold Kate by her arms to turn her over so he could see her face.

"Kate?!" Nick called her name again countless times already. But this time, agony filled his voice.

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