

Todoroki sighed letting his face go pale again before watching bakugou

He continued with the song. It sounded different since it wasn't a real drum set. He sighed and handed it back

Todoroki listened to the song till he handed it back

"Thanks" he said

todoroki put the ipad down "i found out that izuku is dating eijirou and uruaka is engaged to Iida"todoroki said laying back on the bed"...wow this is not comfortable at all" he muttered

"Wow that's good for them" he said. He looked over at him and smiled leaning back with him. "Imagine sleeping on it for years" he said

"Yeah though not something I expected from them"todoroki said "it's almost as bad as the dorm beds"

"No the dorm beds were better" he said

"Yeah but they weren't the best either"

"No, they weren't" he chuckled

Todoroki chuckled and looked at him

He looked back and had a small smile

Todoroki smiled it's been a while but he enjoyed his presence

"What about everyone else?" He asked

"Denki is with shinsou mina I think is with sero it weird they are on and off really" todoroki said

"Hm well at least they get to experience it" he said with a sigh

"Yeah I guess...."todoroki said granted he was pretty sure he was the only one that still hasn't dated anyone or is with anyone

"What about you?" Katsuki asked looking at the other

Todoroki looked at him "oh um...yeah no I still have no one " he said rubbing the back of his neck

"Well clearly neither do i" he said with a laugh.

Todoroki chuckled slightly "doesnt help I left the class though" he said looking at the ceiling

"Left the class?" He asked

"Yeah second year I didnt want to be a hero with all the pressure and stress and....well yeah that my father had me go through I didn't want to be a hero so I left and just went to a regular high school and wow it was different" todoroki said

"You should have finished even if you weren't going to be a hero. They have other courses. Bit UA looks really good on applications" he said and hesitantly reached his hand over to touch his hair.

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