

Katsuki had more energy today than he had before. Simply because he was excited to see Shoto again.

Todoroki cleaned up around his house once he finished eating and looked at the time

He participated in the activities he was told to do instead of moping in the corner which shocked some of the employees

Todoroki figured he'd go back at 12 to give himself time to actually wake up and clean up the mess of his house

Katsuki kept his eyes on the clock and ate his breakfast quickly

Todoroki cleaned up till it was 11:30 which then he left and drove over to the asylum

Todoroki got there and checked in before being led through the white hall ways

He was on his room reading a book waiting for him

Todoroki walked into his room and looked at him "what book Is that"

When he heard his voice the blonde was visibly excited "oh uh Percy Jackson" he said

Todoroki went over looking at the cover "oh I heard that was a good book "he said granted his taste in books movies and show is drama and romance but he doesnt tell people that. Just sometimes he likes to sit on his couch with a weighted blanket and eat ice cream while watching them

He sets the book down and moves to the edge of his bed looking up at Shoto with a smile on his face "Yeah but thats Not important"

"You seemed happy when I came in"he said sitting next to him so bakugou wasnt looking up

"I am" he said his head lowering as his gaze followed him

"Well if I'm being honest I cant find a way to help you since you havent been unstable pretty calm actually broken maybe but that's probably cause of this place it's like a jail"shoto said

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