


I suddenly jolt awake and take in my surroundings, remembering I’m in Vera’s little house.

‘Nina?’ Alec says, stepping out from the shadowy corner. ‘Are you all right?’ he asks, sitting on the bed and placing his hands on my shoulders.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and slow my breathing. My eyes meet Alec’s serious look, ‘We have to go to Oak paw mountain. There is an item there I need to collect. It will make me strong enough to protect everyone else from being killed by Thypon and his monsters,’ I tell him.

‘How do you know this? Why did you jolt awake like that? Did you have a bad dream?’

‘I met our deities, even yours, Valkrim,’ I say, kneeling with my hands against his chest.

Alec tilts his head and narrows his eyes, ‘Whatever do you mean, Nina?’

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