
Into the ashen building


Meghan was absolutely disgusted by what lay before her. Even though she had seen several malformed and horribly mutilated bodies since the outbreak, none of it prepared her for what she was seeing today. The scene in front of her was the aftermath of a massacre. A brutal, one-sided massacre. Whoever or whatever had done this had not the slightest iota of mercy in their entire being.

Meghan buried her face in her hands, refusing to allow her eyes to witness such brutality any longer. She had already started feeling squeamish from all the blood and guts she saw spilled on the ground. She didn't need any more visual aid to cause her to throw up.

"What… happened?" came Ravi's voice from the backseat. He sounded completely devastated. Meghan knew what the man was going through. This job had been his pride and accomplishment for almost his entire life. To see his former colleagues murdered in such a barbaric fashion must have been nothing short of torture for him.

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