
Rose Of Death III

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Chapter 118: Rose Of Death III


Ian convinced himself of his own delusions before finally paying attention to what he actually came here for.

The moment he arrived here, he had already started spreading his Death force all around, making it function as a sensor of sorts. The force went on to explore the depths of the castle while he satisfied his curiosity.

His death force enveloped the target. He was still at the gates while his target was far away, in the depths of the castle, yet his goal found itself in his hand.

It was a simple switch from its original place to his dimension then to his hand.

Ian eyed the item closely, seeming to be a book, locked with hellish chains. It had a sense of age, seeming to have existed since the beginning of earth.

The slowly recovering Blaze lifted her face, her expression speaking of fear but also desire. She seemed to have learned her lesson though and didn't act.

She was confused though because she searched the castle thoroughly for anything of value, but didn't find much.

"It's not the real thing," Ian however had a very different reaction. His death force thoroughly explored the thing, and he even used The Rose of Magic, sensing the mystic force within it.

"It should be just a copy done without much effort, but it's enough. Its magical abilities are of no use to me, knowledge on the other hand..."

He smiled brightly, seeming in a very good mood as his wings flapped on their own.

What he holds in his hand was a copy of one of the most magical and valuable books to ever be written, created by Belial himself.

It's said to not only hold the history of the universe but also a variety of magical spells, some invaluable.

Ian sent to his dimension before finally paying attention to the nervous Blaze, "You really have no idea why I came here. The other reason I mean, but I suddenly changed my mind."

His one foot touched the ground, his wings still keeping him balanced as he crouched to her level, "No need to be nervous. I don't bite."

'Like I would believe you!!!' Blaze so wanted to snarl at him but she could only watch in nervousness as he pinched her chin, making that odd feeling return.

Her breathing became heavy very quickly and her desire seemed to ignite. She felt a fire burning within the succubus in her, a blaze of desire to jump at him like he's the most delicious thing ever.

Ian on the other hand stared at her with the eyes of a scientist, ones of interest, wanting to see how his Death force would affect demons, especially ones as special as her.

He knows that it strengthens Ivy, but it doesn't seem to have a valuable effect on normal humans except for increasing their life span significantly.

That however seemed to change for Selina once she gained her Cat-like abilities, so he was curious how it would affect her.

'She seemed easily affected when she kissed me which isn't odd by itself if not for how easily she fell. However, touching her with my hand and transferring my life force to her doesn't seem to have as much of an effect.'

Ian didn't hesitate at all in approaching her further and sealing her enticing dark red lips unleashing a wild beast.

It was like Blaze was given permission to let her desires go ablaze as she wrapped her arms around his neck, diving into him and exploring the depths of his mouth just as he explored hers.

It was like the slutiest kiss Ian have ever experienced because she seemed like a natural or just experienced, and her desires for him also seemed abnormal.

'Hmm? Is that? She's a succubus. That explains a lot.' Ian certainly didn't lose himself in pleasure but was carefully observing how his Death force affected though he was a bit tempted.

He noticed bits and pieces of odd energy surrounding them as well as a sweet aroma, evidently produced by her by instinct.

Alas, the Succubus wasn't able to bear his uncapped life force as she again felt weakness throughout her entire body, unable to continue the kiss anymore, so Ian had to hold her by her waist, keeping her against him.

She was however still trying as if she couldn't get enough of him, so Ian had to pat her head as he cut off his death force release, "Well done, I assume even Ivy would fall long before you if I don't hold back, so relax and listen."

Ian didn't wait for her to regain her breath but instantly started whispering something in her ear as his staff shone with brilliant blue light, surrounding them in a barrier.

"I'm looking forward to what you can do with this information, so do not disappoint."

He then vanished, not giving her the chance to respond. Not that she could because she remained there frozen for quite a while, understanding the severity of the information, but also its potential.

Ian didn't come here just to get the book of eternity but also to get some training while regenerating his limbs because even holy energy was taking a while to heal him completely.

Due to that, he set off to another city, the closest he could find. This time, he was much more swift as he directly landed at its center, noting it to be quite chaotic.

The city had no order as demonic blood could be seen everywhere, such as the chaotic nature of hell without a ruler, and now Etrigan's domain has lost its prince.

"Well, this makes things easier." Ian took a deeper breath, closing his eyes for a second only to open them again, an orange flash passing in their light before becoming blurry again.

He squeezed the staff in his hand and vanished, moving at such a speed that no demon could perceive him.

His Death force flowed into the Rose of Speed Force at such an intense rate his entire person became blurry, seemingly switching between reality and illusion.

What was he doing while moving at such speed? He was simply trying to get used to his new evolution, experimenting with the demons as dummy targets.

His quick reaction time and immense processing power in the speed mode certainly helped him in stabilizing his condition as his spear-like staff pierced through every demon in the city without exception.

In fact, the speed at which he pierced them created sound and shock bombs every time without fail.

They, however, happened way after he left the area due to his speed, he was after all so much faster than sound, so he got to watch fireworks at work when he left the city only to look back at it crumbling with constant explosions.

And so a city has fallen in a matter of minutes. He also looked a bit different because he didn't look so blurry anymore. His power seemed to be stabilizing.

"Did I do bad?" Ian started to doubt his decision, "Should I make it worse? Can it get any worse?" He was thinking about an entirely different situation.

The only thing in his mind was the words he whispered to Blaze. It was honestly exhilarating to Ian as he licked his lips in anticipation, "Nergal and many high demons are dead, all due to I and Constantine's immaculate teamwork.

I caused a war without trying, so now that I'm trying, what'll be the result? Oh god, please do not disappoint me, Blaze. You're someone who'll never miss an opportunity, you'll job right at it, so do so..."

Indeed, demons despite being cowardly, were quite talkative, so they gladly told him everything that happened in the past months, things of importance at least.

And he wasn't surprised to find out that Constantine had sold his information to every demon he made a deal with. Most importantly, he made a deal with Etrigan, Nergal's life for Ian's.

Etrigan though wanted to take Ian's life by himself which was convenient for Constantine because he suddenly didn't have to do much.

There were however some complications along the way as Constantine 'accidentally' slipped, and let out some valuable information about Ian to some other demons.

That for some reason started a war with the demons that made a deal with Ian and the ones that didn't as the formers dearly wanted to exterminate them.

Unsurprisingly, it was a one-sided battle because Ian likes to make charity with deals with very good demons, the saintests of them all.

Of course, most of this is a result of Ian's quick deduction because the low demons only knew some general information about what happened, but knowing Constantine, he was sure his guess is correct.

He couldn't wait for the day he comes back to see a much different scenery of hell. Perhaps a more exquisite style, one of pure destruction.

Ian still didn't leave, but remained in desolation, putting the entirety of his focus on healing himself.

He certainly didn't want to go back in such a sorry state. He can only imagine what the girls would do if see him like this. He was sure at least it would be worse than if he just vanished.

In fact, he was very much looking to what they were up to since his disappearance. What kind of scenery will he be faced with on earth?


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2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!

1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!

I don't think it's possible but here it is...


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