
Her Wings? Your Wings? No, My Wings! VI

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Chapter 95: Her Wings? Your Wings? No, My Wings! VI


"What?" Much to the man's shock, Ian was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't inside, nor were the cuffs and the metallic rope. Everything seemed to have vanished, ceased to exist... Just what the fuck is happening?

Things that made no sense were nowhere near their end as an instant change happened again as if he had entered a trap. Within the field of fire was a large vacant area on which he stood. The fire around him was spreading but at an extremely slow rate, in his eyes at least.

However, that changed because in an instant, the area was vacant no more, a sea of fire shrouded him in a moment.

His senses alerted him to the danger all around him, but especially behind him. Something or someone appeared behind him, and he could feel something stabbing him instantly.

His speed didn't seem to matter as he felt himself burning, his skin scorching hot, and something akin to a spear stabbing him in the back.

From it, he felt a suction of not only his life force but also the speed force. He was being devoured alive... Unfortunately for Ian, a speedster as experienced as him isn't so easy to catch.

The Reverse-Flash reacted quickly and basically fell into the floor, ignoring the solid ground and falling into the lower floor. Neither the fire nor the staff was able to affect him anymore, but Ian also acted quickly... He vanished with the staff.

All that was left was raging flames, swimming about in hunger and devouring all that they can reach. Nothing was beyond Trigon's flames as even the metal structures of the small house were evaporated into nothingness.

Nothing was left... Nothing except five rings, lying on the ground, looking barely affected by the destructive flames. Within those Rings resides an odd dimension, and within that dimension floated a person, aimlessly moving about with a staff in his hand.

In an Oxygen deprived space such as this, he was using a portable oxygen tank to keep himself going while observing his staff, uncaring about all of the injuries all over his body.

His injuries were... Serious, to say the least. Most of his skin was burned, in fact, large parts of his flesh were missing, devoured by the flames he released by his own hands.

Yet he seemed calm. Ian was used to pain, accidents where his legs or arms end up broken weren't uncommon for him, but nothing even came this close.

He knows he should feel pain, and even scream at such a torturous experience, but he felt nothing. All he did was transfer his life force into his staff to heal himself, seemingly obsessed, his brain ignoring all the pain signals sent by his entire body.

He remained calm, undisturbed by all that's happened, or perhaps he just refused to think about anything at the moment.

He already realized the weakness of his powers... He can easily be sealed, or thrown to some closed dimension, and there is nothing he can do to get out of it.

It was a weakness he was working on eliminating, and even his current methods aren't guaranteed because if Reverse-Flash didn't make the mistake of leaving his rings close by, he wouldn't have been to do much.

Indeed, the key to all of Ian's odd moves before were his rings. If Ian can send anything enveloped in his life force into the Black Rose dimension, then why can't he send himself in there?

If he can send himself into his dimension, then of course he can send himself out to a specific location where his life force resides.

He can of course release his life force outside of his rings to choose a place to teleport to. To a certain extent, Ian created a way to teleport without intending to, hell, even the demons that helped him create the rings didn't see such a possibility.

However, something still bugged Ian's mind... He wasn't able to teleport Reverse-Flash inside. His thought process was simple, just send the enemy within the sea of Trigon's fire, and he shall perish in seconds.

Even if some speedsters can run through space and time, he still shouldn't be to run out of there or not pass out and even die in an instant in there.

'I was able to transfer an angel inside, but not a speedster? Is it because the latter's powers have something to do with space and time? Or did the speed force itself forbid that?'

Ian retracted all of the other rings from the outside world, leaving only one out there. He then started releasing some of Trigon's fire outside, creating a sort of barrier around lest Reverse-Flash comes back.

The ring may get damaged even more as a result, but that was a sacrifice Ian was willing to make. He still kept his life force wandering around the ring just in case.

He remained there for quite a while, sensing no one coming close to the area, specifically the Flash who should've responded to an emergency such as burning flames devouring a house.

That led him to believe that he was in an isolated area, either in an abandoned place or somewhere far from the city.

All alone, floating in the darkness of space, no air within, quite cold but the pressure wasn't low, not like normal empty space else he would've been dead by now.

His only solace was constantly pumping life force into his staff, slowly healing his wound while waiting and waiting. He couldn't risk going out, not with the potential danger of Reverse-Flash... Unless.

A hazy purple figure appeared within the sea of fire, unconcerned about the flames that sought to devour her. A massive purple barrier was protecting her as she released a wave of purple magic around, quickly finding her target, Ian's ring.

Ian only stopped releasing the flames once he saw who it was, but he still didn't go out. Instead, he looked through the things he threw in the dimension, quickly finding a piece of paper and a pen.

He wrote something on it before sending it out to Raven's hand as quickly as he could. The first thing written on the paper was 'Don't touch the ring with your bare skin.' The ring can after all suck one's life force at an alarming rate.

The second was simpler 'Take the ring back home and be careful. Don't cancel the barrier but enforce it if possible.'

Raven saw the severity of the situation and acted quickly. She didn't go to the closest city which is Central city but in accordance with his instructions, she made her way home.

Ian disappearing amidst his practice was certainly strange, and not seeing a shadow of him even after hours was alarming, so Selina instantly informed everyone on the team.

Raven naturally arrived first with all of her magical nonsense and instantly sensed the sea of flames. It's after all Trigon's flames, and he is her father, so her connection allowed her to easily reach the flame zone.

Raven didn't let her worry get to her, instead, she informed the team before focusing on flying back as fast as possible.

Thankfully, Ian had plenty of oxygen tanks in the dimension, that and plenty of other useless stuff which can prove to be useful in certain circumstances.

Raven received yet another piece of paper when they arrived, instructing her to head to the basement door and keep her barrier on.

Then he appeared before her, stark naked. She would've been dying in embarrassment if she didn't see all the scars and burns on his body.

She almost teared up as she stuttered her words, "H.. wh... Are you ok... What should I do?" She was confused, trying to approach him but afraid of hurting him.

Just that much was frightening to her, one can only imagine how she would've felt if she saw him right after the incident. Most of the burns were healed by now, yet he still looks... Dreadful.

"I'll be inside. Also, call Victor here... Nevermind, just tell the team that I am fine, I'll be out in a while." He was unusually calm, making Raven scared and unsure of what to do.

She just watched as Ian put in the codes and entered the basement closing the door behind him. Her mouth was opening and closing in confusion, so she decided to tell Selina, and she'll know what to do.

"I wasn't planning on paying attention to you so soon, but you forced my hands... I usually think a lot, but I need to think more, much more about how I can make you lose your mind in despair."

He let out a long breath, not seeming angry, but his words sure insinuate wrath, "I have to make myself happy to calm down... Meeting Lucifer will do."


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2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!

1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!

I don't think it's possible but here it is...


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