
Chapter 030 : Polyphemus.

Standing out to the shores on a island surrounded by a vast ocean of water. A massive green forest stretching so far that no one could see where it end. Riley and Ryan had arrived to the small island called, Polyphemus. 

Looking up perplexity at the bright blue sky and massive scenery Riley looked down and up walking through the boat to the sand of the island. Her foot flustered when touching the sand; This was her first time experiencing sand, the sand warmth feeling through her foot felt nice. 

With a annoyed look Ryan snorted walking pass her pushing her aside. He jumped through the air landing both feet on the sand. Riley pout her face looking hard at Ryan arrogance. She also landed both her feet on the sand. 

"Are we going to wait her and enjoy the view, or go find some cyclopes?" Ryan stated with a arrogant tone. He simply turned his back walking straight to the forest. Riley slightly pocked her tongue out at his back. 

The two walked through the vast forest, the trees inside the forest were much taller than any trees they have ever encounter. Riley remarked that the landscape and pressure through the forest reminded her of a place called, Tartarus back in the demon realm : Tartarus was a inferno reign that was covered with lava and magna following through it. The place was where the Seven-fallen Kings lived and stayed. 

"Do not touch anything here." Ryan firmly looked towards Riley side. Riley occultly stopped her hand from touching a beautiful, blue flower that bloom across a tree. 

"Why shouldn't I touch anything?" asked Riley. 

"If you want to be poised you can touch if you want, don't come crying to me if you get poised by it," Ryan firmly explained to Riley that many of the plants inside the forest were poisonous, and also were cures for poisons.

For many generations the herbs and plants of the forest were used to cure many diseases throughout the world, as many nations and cities found the small island resources of medicine. The island of Polyphemus was know to have vast herbs that can cure any disease in the world. The soils of the island had the means to flourish herbs of medicine. 

Riley with a interested face snort at the thought. She did not know that the mortal realm had so many things unexplained in the demon realm. Due to the demons having strong bodies they did not know any sickness or diseases. Poison and cures were only know through information learn from their school. She listened close to every words Ryan was cultivating through her. 

Sounds of voices and instruments could be heard through the forest. Riley lifted up her face looking through the bright light up at front of them. Getting outside the forest the two looked through a vast field of rice, and small wooden houses where on top of a hill from the fields. Many people were planting inside the fields and children played through the roads. 

Walking through the road side Riley was astonished by the living of the people. Arriving at top of the hill to the village. Riley and Riley sort out a the chief of the village. 

Standing in front of the village chief, Riley and Ryan looked up firm at the chief. The chief faintly smiled greeting Ryan back at his village. Towards his side Riley looked with confusion at the two handshaking each other hands. Ryan gently nodded his head at his comeback to the village. 

"Its been long since we last saw you here, sir! My people have been awaiting your next arrival back the the village," The village chief stated with a delighted expression. He slightly turned his face and approached Riley side, he pulled up his hand towards her front. 

Riley was still confused by the scenery between the two as she hesitated to pull up her hand at him. The chief occultly laughed saying, "Sorry madam, I spoke to you with insightful. Let get to know each other before we exchange handshakes, all right then."

Ryan blankly glance towards Riley. Riley slightly nodded her head agreeing to the chief. The introduced himself to her as Lennox Walton, he was the chief of Thoosa village. He was the firth son of the former chief Maxwell Walton, all his brothers dead one by one from different events, some were killed by monsters inside the forest and others from attacks in to the village. 

With a sadden expression looking down Lennox grabbed on to the chair. Riley tried to walked towards him but she was stopped firm voice from Ryan. Lennox thanked her kindness but stated to be fine. 

"My last brother was killed by the cyclopes that attacked the village last time. Those monsters split his body sharing among themselves. I..I was weak to protect him, it was my fault he dead," Lennox stated with a grieving voice. He wiped tears that were falling from both his eyes. He then turned his back facing both Ryan and Riley. 

"We're for your lost sir, we will find those monsters and make sure there pay for their sins." Riley stated with a serous expression reassuring him the end of the cyclopes. Lennox nodded his head holding her hand showing gratitude to her words. 

He weirdly rubbed her hand living Riley to pull back the hand. Riley walked back to stand beside Ryan. Ryan blinked his eyes turning towards the door while reassuring Lennox. Both him and Riley walked out the room. Lennox weirdly laughed after the two have left the room. 

"Such a beautiful woman. I have to have her for myself now. Happy hunts guys," Lennox grinned looking out towards the window, he simply glared t both Ryan and Riley through the window. Suddenly, Ryan looked back at him staring up at Lennox through the window. Lennox gritted his teeth with irritation, but still smile to hide his irritation. 

Walking outside the street through the village Riley was looking through the marketing area, shopping for food to prepare for her and Ryan. Ryan had his gaze on the villager that were moving pass him with large wooden boxes. With a keen a expression he disappeared through the place, looking back at him Riley was surprised to see him gone from sight. She annoyedly continued to shop for produces until her bag were full. 

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