
Chapter 13: Stage 3: Preliminaries Part 2


Now the next round will be, which made Minato, Kushina was expecting that the next match will be...

["Naruto Cormac Vs. Misumi Tsurugi"]

"Hmph, guess I'm up!" Naruto said, as he make a crouching spin stance, as she him with a gust of wind engulfs him, which made Minato, Kushina, senseis, the rookies (minus Sakura, Satsuki and Hiruzen) that he somehow turned into a spiritual eagle and flies in the arena.

"What just happen to Nii-san?" Naruko wondered, before her brother turned into a eagle. "Where did he turned into a eagle?"

As the spiritual eagle circling the arena and lands on the floor and another gust of wind, which Naruto revert his true form.

'What was that jutsu? Some kind of henge or genjutsu?' Minato wondered. 'I better need some answers from Naruto.'

With Naruto standing the arena floor with his arms crossed. As Misumi jump down in the railing, now he was facing Naruto.

"You are going to pay for what that bitch killed Yoroi!" Misumi furious.

Naruto scoffed obvious. "I don't care, since I knew you work for a certain snake!"

Which made Misumi flinch for Naruto had made suspicious about their mission.

"So tell me...did you fear death?"

(Story Starts)

Now with the match is about to start. Which made Misumi nervous about Naruto's eyes? Facing the Dark Templar was a bad idea if he will killed by Naruto. Minato and Kushina were concerned about Naruto? They did not know about his skills due they're informed by Naruko.

'Shit, this brat knows! But how?' Misumi thought gritted his teeth. "I will not fear death!"

Naruto remain calm for his respond, then he shrugged. "If you say so."

With Genma gazed at Naruto and Misumi to begun to start the match and declared. "Alright, the match between Naruto Altair Cormac and Misumi Tsrugi, begin!"

"I have the feeling that Naruto his hiding something." Minato said with serious tone. Kushina and Kakashi nodded at agreement.

Now Mesumi charged first towards Naruto with his hands in his pockets. With he throw a punch on the face, which he misses, the blond assassin avoid with side, then Mesubi keep attacking. As he toss a kunai with a explosive tag,

Which made Naruto's eye's glint, until...


The explosion happened a huge smoke happened. Naruko and rest of her family were worried while Sakura and Satsuki just sitting on the rail with a bored look on their face.

Misumi couldn't help but smirk when he was the attack was successful but when the smoke was clear his eyes widen in shock along with everyone else in what they saw.

Naruto was standing on the same spot still holding his pockets.


As Naruto raised his index finger and said. "You have 1 strike that I will personally end you...so you better try again."

Misumi tsked, annoyance for seeing Naruto mocked him and creating several hand seals. (AN: Thank the anime that Misumi has water affinity.)

"Suiton: Teppōdama! (Water Release: Gunshot)"

He fires a large ball of water at Naruto, which he took out a small storage scroll and unseal a katana, which made Kushina, Naruko and TenTen seeing that katana; the hilt and sheathed his made of wood with bronze dragon claw and partially cord wrapped wood handle and the teuba is Metal dragon claw.

As Naruto place his hand on the handle until the cannonball of water hits Naruto, until...


That shocks everyone include Chojurou and Ao awed along with the Kumo team seeing he cut the jutsu in half, which made Misumi disbelief, which the two halves of water drop on the floor. Naruto somehow had drawn his sword in the first time in this battle, he had his sword straight back.

The Blade's katana is smooth and strong with a suguha hamon, it was a unique sword that ever build.

==At the Observation Platform==

"I don't remember when I had that sword before?" Kushina wondered, she didn't know about that as well. While Sakura and Satsuki were admitted about Naruto's skills, until Ino came in for she want to watch Naruto's fight, so she told the medics for she want to fight the fight and want to know more.

Which Asuma glad seeing his student is look okay, she got a slight concussion from the impact of Sakura's punch.

"Me neither, kaa-san. You didn't gave gave one before me." Naruko said to her mother, that made her flinch for she had forgotten as well.

"That was beautiful!" TenTen with eyes on her eyes in a fangirl mode.

"Whoa, that was fine sword." Karui comment.

"Yeah..." Omoi agreed seeing the sword.

"Me too..." Yugito added.

"Yo! That was a heck a sword, bakayaro konoyaro!" Bee exclaimed.

"Wow..." Chojurou awed.

"Unbelievable." Ao comment.

"It was Naruto-kun's work." Sakura answered, getting everyone to looked at her. "Naruto-kun was learned to forge a weapon."

"He can make weapons!?" TenTen exclaimed. "So that means he learned to forged!?"

Sakura nod, as Satsuki step in to join the conversation.

"Naruto-nii did forge his own sword due when the Sword and Dagger of Altair maybe a greatest weapon. So he named the sword; Tengu no Tsurugi. The sword can cut anything." The young Uchiha explained about Naruto's new development. "Considered it that he will test out his new sword."

"Niisan will test his new weapon?!" Naruko exclaimed.

"You could say that again." Satsuki with a smirk.

With Kumo, Ao and Chojurou was amazed and disbelief of how Naruto can make weapons along with pistols. Then Iwa was amazed about their friend Naruto was a part-time blacksmith. Also Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Gai and Kushina did not knowing Naruto's manufacturing new arsenals. Hiruzen was proud about Naruto's new hobby.

Then Suna was terrified if Naruto will make weapons, it will be a problem for the invasion until then. Now Gaara was smiled seeing he will kill Naruto soon after this exams.

Lastly is Minato; he never knew his 'estrange' son did manufactured more arsenals in the past. Now Naruto had started to build a organization or a new clan for his own ways. Now turns out, his population is starting to fade when Naruto was around, along with Kushina and his daughter, Naruko.

He tried to getting Naruto's attention, and also gave him a emotionless look. He doesn't seen him as a father, anymore, and includes Kushina as a mother. Since Naruto's skills that he can surpasses himself, Kushina, and his daughter, and anyone else.

==Back at the Arena==

Which Naruto turn and went to the same spot again. As Misumi was furious of how he keeps avoiding. Now he tossing volleys of shurikens, until Naruto's eyes rolled behind, then...


Naruto slashes at the shurikens, which made the onlookers and Misumi was shocked in surprised, minus Sakura and Satsuki with a smirked on their faces. Naruto did able to deflect the volley of shurikens with a single swing. As Naruto sheathed his sword, then place his sheathed sword resting in his shoulders.

"Strike 2...try again." Naruto said to Misumi with a bore look, that made hims growl of how he can do. As he charged at Naruto and draw two kunais in his hands. Naruto quickly reacted fast and did a back flip to distance himself from Misumi, but the 'konoha-nin' charges again at Naruto and the blond dodges again from the attack.

=At the Observation Platform==

Everyone in the platform was shock on how Naruto effortlessly deflect the attack. With Sakura and Satsuki knew he used Haki that increases the cutting power and force.

"No way...Nii-kun was amazing. His kenjutsu is unreal." Naruko disbelief. "And even he avoiding gracefully."

"You're right, Naruko and looks like that Naruto was just toying with him." Kurenai said. She was the sensei of team 8. Hinata, being the last member of the team looks at her with a confuse look on her face.

"What do mean sensei?" Hinata asked.

"Look at Naruto carefully." Kakashi stated as he cuts in the conversation. Hinata and 7 (minus Sakura and Satsuki) looks at Naruto, and saw that Naruto had bored look on his face which made them look at him with shock.

"You're right he is just playing with him!" Naruko said and Kakashi nodded at her.

"Now, I remember it where I'd seen his face."

The remains of Rookie 10 (minus Sakura and Satsuki) as well as their senseis turned to the blonde Suna kunoichi who had spoken it. Which made Minato flinch in shocked for Temari had read the bingo book.

"Where, Temari?" Baki asked his student, as he wanted to know more about the blond boy.

"In the Bingo Book." Temari answered.

"What?!" Naruko shouted.

Temari looked at red haired jonin, surprised. "Don't you know your brother is in the Bingo Book." She produced a book from the pouch and threw it toward her. "Read entry number 165."

Naruko hurriedly picked up the book. She opened the entry number 165 and started read while both Ino and Hinata looked over her shoulders to read it. When they finished, their eyes widened along with Naruko.

"What's in it, Ino?" Choji asked, seeing the expression of the face.

"I can't believe it!" Ino said. "Naruto is in the Bingo Book."

"What?" Kushina exclaimed, as she turn to her husband, nervously, ever since Minato had remain silent about Naruto's being listed in the bingo. She went over to her daughter, before Kakashi or Minato want to stop her for attempt to see the bingo book and snatched the book from her hand and began to read loudly for others who were also wanted to know about it.

Bingo Book Entry # 165

Name: Naruto Altair Cormac (Uzumaki-Namikaze)

Known Alias: Konoha no Maboroshi Ookami (Konoha's Phantom Wolf) and the Dākutenpura (Dark Templar)

Gender: Male

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde

Age: Around 13 years old.

Ninja Rank: Genin

Origin: Konohagakure,

Threat Level: B-Rank

Warnings: Engage with Caution

Known Elemental Affinities: Unknown

Weapons: Matching Sword and Dagger with a eagles hilt, kunais and shurikens, unknown arsenals on his hip and back.

Special Abilities: Known to have Chakra sensor like abilities. Despite age he has Kage Level Chakra reserves

Known Family: Minato Namikaze (Yondaime Hokage, Kiiroi Senkou), Kushina Uzumaki (Akashi)

Special Abilities: High Chakra Capacity, skilled in kenjutsu with sword and dagger. The rest of the ninjutsu is unknown.

Physical Description: Golden blonde hair and blue eyes with a scar on his right eye; tanned skin and is known to wear black and red attire with a hood that allows to conceal his hair and a white sash with a cross on his waist.

Other Information:

He killed Gato, without getting a scratch on himself. Killing 50 bandits with his teammate and also an unknown ship that came out nowhere. Rumor has it, a lone survivor of the massacre earned the moniker as the Maboroshi Ookami (Konoha's Phantom Wolf), due his ship's bow was wolf. His skills that overwhelmed Momochi Zabuza, the Demon of the Hidden Mist.

Bounty: 10,000,000 ryo

Most of Genins eyes popped out from their socket. They didn't know what to say on this, even Kurenai was speechless who hadn't known anything about it. Asuma's cigarette fell in his mouth, Gai's eyes widen like a dinner plate and jaws slacked along with Lee. TenTen was stunned about her friend's reputation and Neji was smiling about Naruto had entered the world of the 'true' shinobi.

"Naruto-san is in bingo book?" Hinata was still stunned at what she had read. Which Sakura and Satsuki closed their eyes admitted about Naruto being list being a Bingo book.

"The Dark Templar and the Phantom Wolf is a cool name." Choji said. He had gotten over from the shock.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival!" Gai said in his usual cheerful voice, as he came there with his youthful students. He and his team hadn't far away from the Rookie 10 remains when Naruko (before she took the book from her mother) had been reading the Bingo Books information on Kakashi's blonde haired student.

'Oh, shit!' Kakashi cursed inside his mind, but didn't change his expression from outside.

Gai continued, "I heard about Naruto-kun. I've come in here to congratulate you. He's a youthful student!" He yelled the last sentence as fire roared in his eyes. He turned to his favorite pupil. "Lee!"

"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Rock Lee said in the same tone as his sensei.

Gai pointed at Naruto. "The youthful Naruto-kun is for now your eternal rival."

"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Lee said with the same fire as well as determination in his eyes. "I promise you. Gai-sensei, I will get myself in the Bingo Book like my new rival, and even my beautiful Sakura-san. If I can't do it then I'll run 100 laps around the Leaf on my hands!"

Gai had emotional tears in his eyes when he heard that. "Such youthful determination, Lee! I proud of you!"

"Gai-sense!" Lee said, tears of happiness flowing from his eyes.



'Oh no!' All three Jounins (minus Kiri, Kumo and Suna did not know about their reputation) and four Genins, plus Minato and Hiruzen who had seen this before thought (when Naruto had informed them about the horrible 'genjutsu'). Both Sakura and Satsuki closed their eyes to avoid this horror scene, but the rest of the Genins weren't so lucky. They watched the scene in horror.





"Will you two shut up?!" Tenten shouted at the top of her lungs, as she smashed both her fist into the heads of the both bowl headed teacher-student duo, leading to them crashing to the ground and effectively snapping them shut.

Everyone sighed in relief at the welcomed silence that ensued after Tenten silenced both Gai and Lee.

==At the arena==

Misumi brought his kunai in a downward slash and Naruto side step to avoid his attack. As Naruto sealed his Tengu no Tsurugi.

"Why don't just give up it's obvious that you can't win against me." Naruto stated and Misumi just glares at him.

"I won't lose a brat like you!" Misumi asked coldly and charges at Naruto again. Naruto let out sigh, then a blur, which made everyone on the platform shocked for seeing Naruto just disappeared, but until they saw Naruto below him that they saw Naruto had his sword and dagger had drawn.

'Such pure speed...' Everyone thought. With Gaara eyes widen shaken about Naruto's skills.

Now Naruto slash his sword and dagger on the stance. "Kōchihito Totsugeki! (Highlander Assault)" (AN: Sieghart; Prime Knight's Highlander )

He swings with Sword and dagger before fishing with a sweep from dagger. With Naruto lift his head to Misumi, then drags his sword across the ground to generate a small flame wave forward, that hits him and lift in the air.

As he sheathed his weapons, then which the blond suddenly vanished and appeared behind the still airborne Misumi whose eyes widen as Naruto interlocked his arms around him.

==At the Observation Platform==

Gai and Lee had recognized the lotus, but he holding his opponent rather then uses bandages. As the jonin taijutsu expert turned to Kakashi.

"KAKASHI! DID YOU TAUGHT YOUR STUDENT THE LOTUS!" Gai yelled angry at Kakashi about the kin-taijutsu.

"No, I don't. This is the second time when he use the Izuna Drop." Kakashi replied, which made Gai flinch to calm his temper. Along with Lee that he heard that move.

"Izuna...drop?" Lee said, which Sakura spoke to explained the explanation.

"Izuna Drop is Naruto-kun's own taijutsu ultimate attack of the eagle stance or the Īguru kenpō (Eagle Martial Arts)" The pink-haired explained. (AN: Since 'Washi' maybe a correct translate for Eagle, so i use the One Piece reference.)

Sakura continued, "Since Iguru Kenpo is a speed taijutsu is more or less equal then Goken. Naruto-kun did combine both tai and kenjutsu along with Rokushiki. It will considered the most destructive taijutsu that he had learned, so Izuna Drop is the super powerful move, and kills a foe with a high-speed piledriver with one execution. And also it didn't acquired to use the 8-gates."

Satsuki made a cue and finished. "As for he didn't formed a stance...he was bored for if he wants some serious, I mean REALLY serious match he was facing."

With Sakura and Satsuki finished the explanation, that only made the jonins and genins was shocked with awed and disbelief, minus Team 7 for they knew Naruto's taijutsu capabilities. With Lee was disbelief of how that taijutsu is similar then Goken.

Neji admitted about his friend's skills, since he owned him for save his cousin during the last incident. TenTen did also admitted as well, he was not like Lee does.

With Kumo had not thought of that about the combination of ken and taijutsu when Naruto did put out a good use. Iwa was stunned for Naruto uses a killing combo of tai and kenjutsu.

With Temari was nervous if she will up against a B-rank shinobi, so it will be a problem for sure. Gaara on the other hand if he will prepared for anything.

==At the Arena==

He shifted their form in midair to where they would descend head first towards the concrete ground. Naruto spun around with his opponent, performing the Izuna drop, resulting in his enemy crashing headfirst into the ground, causing it to crack while Naruto flipped off him before impact.

Knowing that his foe was dead from the technique, until the 'corpse' splashed that was a...

'Mizu bunshin...pathetic.' Naruto bored, until puddle that the blond cut Misumi's attack rose up, reveal to be Misumi.

"You think you can kill me with that, do you." Misumi said with a mocking tone. Now seeing unsealed Tengu no Tsurugi. As he saw Naruto to prepared to attack, then he creating several hand seals, until...

With a gust of wind, which made everyone eyes widen for expecting...

Naruto wasn't in the arena...

==At the Observation Platform==

"What that...where's nii-san?" Naruko wondered, which made the jonin sensei thought that same thing, Ao activated his Byakugan that since he earned that dojutsu like Kakashi when he got the Hyuga's bloodline. With Bee looked around to where did Naruto went along with his team.

'Bee. This boy's chakra I've felt wasn't a kyubi.' A certain ox with eight tails said to his jinchuuriki.

'What make sure of that~ eight-o~?' Bee asked.

'Before we arrived to watch you team, one of them when I heard that the soul and chakra of the kyubi is on two of the children of the Hokage. But the red hair girl that I've sense is she got the whole, while the blond kid called 'Dark Templar' has a different chakra.' The Hachibi, Gyuki explained.

'Yes, I want to see to see if-'

As Bee continue to make the conversation, when suddenly a humming tune reached their ears and a voice started to sing.

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

Every was looking around trying to identify the singer. (AN: It will be Brook like when he save Robin and Franky from the Giant Spider.)

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

"Why Naruto would be singing at a time like this?" Ino asked as a shocked look came over her face.

With Sakura and Satsuki smirked for Naruto had using one of his most deadly attack.

"It seems Naruto preform strike three." Sakura declared.

"What did you mean, strike 3, forehead?" Ino asked.

"You'll see." Sakure replied.

==At the arena==

As the sing continues...

Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo

Umikaze kimakase namimakase

Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu

Sora nya wa wo kaku, tori no uta

"Show yourself!" Misumi roared obviously angry.

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

Yohohoho~, Yohohoho~

The voice became silent and familiar voice called in. "This is strike 3 for you to the end."

Everyone spun around to see a familiar head of blonde hair appeared behind Misumi, with his sword had drawn resting over his shoulder with his sheathed on his left hand lower. Naruto was standing on ten feet on Misumi.

"How did he...its fast...I didn't see Naruto drawn his sword before unsealed his sword before that." Minato disbelief, seeing Naruto an do. With Kushina and Naruko thought the same about of how fast Naruto is.

Then, to the shock of everyone, the blond assassin turned around and put his back to Misumi. Which Genma wondered why Naruto had turn his back on his opponent.

At the balcony; Temari was amusing seeing Naruto turn his back on his opponent like a coward. The Kumo and Iwa team were wondered about why is Naruto turning his back; is he forfeit or quitting? They can't tell for sure.

Ao was kinda wondered why Naruto just turn his back on him. The Konoha Jonins and Genins were on the same and/or different boat about why Naruto just turn his back. Naruko on the other hand of why is her brother turning back to others. which before they turn to the girls that Naruto trained them with a smile on their faces, so why they're smiling.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Misumi mocked, "If it is I certainly find it funny!"

Naruto sighed with a bore look. He held his sword sheath in front of him as placed the tip of the sword in it and sheathed a third of the blade.

"Hanauta Sancho... (Three-Verse Humming...)" Naruto said softly with his eyes closed.

Naruto slowly sheathed the next third of his blade in.

"Yahazu Giri! (Arrow Notch Strike)" Naruto sheathed the rest of his blade. A huge sword slash appeared on the ground and wall. Misumi froze when a huge jet of blood sprayed out of a huge slash wound on his body. The attack was like a giant katana had been swung. (AN: Inspired some ideas from few of the bashing stories. And also instead Ittoryu or Santoryu, he will learn Brook's swordsmanship skills.)

The attack nearly sliced Misumi's body in half. It cut through his lungs, heart, stomach, and ribs. Needless to say, Misumi died. Naruto glared at the corpse and walked to the balcony. Nearly everyone looked at him in awe.

==At the Observation Platform, with rookie 10==

'What is he?' Many of the jounins thought. Kushina was terrifying for now Naruto did kill anyone, since Naruto doesn't need to be comfort about he killed anyone for in the ninja world.

'Note to self. Never piss him off.' Many of the genins thought. Which Kushina was terrifying about her estrange son's killing act.

'What the hell happened?' Anko thought.

'I wonder if Naruto can teach me that move.' The Kumo team thought the same thing, with Bee was awed about that skills.

'Such devastating kenjutsu.' Hiruzen and Minato thought. With Naruko was shocked about Naruto's high-speed kenjutsu.

'I must have his blood!' Gaara thought.

"The winner by death, Naruto Cormac."

The remaining females of Team 7 (minus Sakura and Satsuki) were deep in thought.

'W-What if that happens to me? I-I don't want to fight Nii-san, like Satsuki kill that man! What'll happen if one of us has to fight each other?' Naruko thought. 'I don't want to fight anyone...especially Nii-san...I can't have him hate me...I love him...'

As Naruko turn to Naruto with head that took direction at Sakura with a smile, which made her mad and jealousy.

'Why is she getting in my way! After the match with Ino-chan and she kissed him!' She thought, but before her eyes widen she had forgot something. 'Wait a minute!? What if I lose control...that means if I will kill or hurt Sakura, now Nii-san will hate me if I don't want to put her in the hospital! I don't want him to hate me anymore than he already does.'

Kushina eyed her daughter and carefully her reaction. She guessed during the Nami no Kuni mission, Naruto did killed so many mercenaries that Gato hired, along with Sakura. Since her daughter had a problem her fears about killing anyone. Since when her 'estrange' son got a ship, the Morrigan. Also her goddaughter Satsuki had joined Naruto's organization, since her son was now became an Assassin.

So if Kushina had a thought about worried about fighting Naruto against her daughter.

'As I thought. Naruko look really concerned that she'll have to fight Naruto-kun...I can't believe why Minato-kun never told me about he was listed in the Bingo Book.' The redhead thought worriedly.

All of the genin and jonin-senseis looked up at the screen in anticipation as it started sorting through names once more.

Now Naruto arrived his team, with he lowered his hood, and glomped by Sakura with a bone crushing bear hug turning Naruto's face as Shay amusing in Naruto's mind felt pity about his son almost being hugged by Sakura.

"Sakura-chan, I-I can't breathe, need air!" He wheezed causing Sakura to blush and let go of him.

As Kurotsuchi and Yugito approaches Naruto and his team.

"That was impress for toying your opponent." Yugito comment.

"Thanks, Yugito-san." Naruto replied.

"It was about time you finished that fight, tree-hugger." Kurotsuchi said.

"Hey, Kurotsuchi-san, look." Bakutsuchi said as he pointed towards the score-board and her eyes followed his fingers to see that the next two combatants were…

["Kurotsuchi Vs. Tenten Higurashi"]

"Alright, I'm next." Kurotsuchi exclaimed, as she jump down in the railing, with TenTen followed.

==Kutosuchi Vs. TenTen Higurashi==

Soon Kurotsuchi and Tenten were standing in front of each other in the middle of the arena room.

"The next match of the preliminaries…Kurotsuchi against Tenten. Please step forward." Genma said.

"Hey, look…a candidate from Iwa, this should be fun." Neji said.

"Yeah, go Tenten! GO!" Lee yelled.

"Begin!" Genma said.

Jumping back, Tenten grabbed a kunai from her pouch and threw them at Kurotsuchi, but the Iwa-nin dodged the sharp projectile before weaving several hand signs.

"Katon: Ryuka no jutsu!" The head of a dragon made of fire came out of Kurotsuchi's mouth as it shot towards Tenten, but the weapon mistress managed to dodge it.

"Tenten, use the power of your youth!" Lee yelled.

"That's the spirit! Keep cheering her on!" Guy said.

"Come on, Kurotsuchi-san, show her what you're made of!" Bakutsuchi yelled.

Tenten then pulled out two scrolls from her pockets before putting them down on the floor and weaving a hand sign.

"Soshoryu!" She called out and in a puff of smoke, two smoke dragons shot skyward while spiraling around each other before the smoke dispersed to reveal that the "dragons" were actually the scrolls.

Tenten then jumped up into the air before hitting the seals on the scrolls to summon weapons and she threw said weapons down towards Kurotsuchi before more weapons appeared as she touched the seals again.

"Doton: Chikyū Dōmu!" Kurotsuchi called out as she was done with the hand sign sequence and she slammed her arms down on the floor before half a dome appeared over her and blocked all of the weapons. After the barrage was over, she quickly weaved a series of hand signs before jumping out of her hiding place.

"Yoton: Sekkaigyo no Jutsu!" She called out the name of her favorite technique before spitting a bullet of quicklime at Tenten's feet, sticking her to the ground.

"Suiton: Mizurappa!" Kurotsuchi then spat a large volume of water at the quicklime, causing it to harden.

"I'm not done yet! Not as long as I can still move my arms!" Tenten said as she pulled out several kunai and shuriken and threw them at the Iwa-nin.

However, Kurotsuchi dodged the weapons before doing another Sekkaigyo followed by Mizurappa to make sure that Tenten wouldn't be able to use her arms.

"Since Tenten isn't able to fight back, the winner is Kurotsuchi!" Genma announced.

==At the Observation Platform==

"Impossible!" Lee said.

"I am most impressive, Kurotsuchi." Naruto admitted.

"Yeah, Way to go, Kurotsuchi-san!" Bakutsuchi yelled.

'I'm surprised. Normally, Kurotsuchi would have finished off her opponent, especially since it was a Konoha tree-hugger. Strange.' Kitsuchi thought.

"Yosh! Who's next? I have a feeling it's me!" Lee yelled.

"No! Are you guys stupid or something? I'm the one who's gonna be next!" Bakutsuchi yelled.

["Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze Vs. Hinata Hyuga"]

You've gotta be kidding me!" Bakutsuchi said.

"Aw, man!" Lee said.

"Will Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze and Hyuga Hinata please make your way down to the arena." Genma announced as everyone re-entered the tower floor.

Naruko and Hinata only looked at each other for a moment before nodding continuing to the arena. These two were best friends and had really hoped that they wouldn't have to fight each other, but it seemed that fate had other plans. Neither of them would hold back.

==Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze Vs. Hinata Hyuga==

Both of the girls stood at the center of the arena floor waiting for the proctor to give the command to begin. Hinata seemed hesitant to take a stance at first, but eventually did so after Naruko refused to start until she did so. It was quite obvious to everyone that Hinata was still the shy little girl that she was back in the academy. Most of the jonin wondered what Kurenai could possibly be thinking by letting her partake in the chunin exams with such little self-confidence.

Naruko pulled her Katana from her back as Hinata took the basic Juken stance. Naruko's caught the attention of many as it was a chakra-conducting regular sized katana with a pure white blade, the guard was a regular rectangular guard and its handle was black and orange. It seemed that all of the Uzumaki-Namikaze children favored orange, even Naruto as black and red.

"You may begin!" Genma shouted as he jumped back.

Hinata activated her byakugan as Naruko charged at her. Naruko started off the match with a downward slice, but Hinata quickly jumped back to avoid being cut in half. Naruko wasn't finished just yet. She rushed at Hinata with a barrage of slashes and stabs. Hinata narrowly dodged everyone, but lost quite a few strands of hair in the process, telling her that she barely escaped with her life.

Naruko saw that she wasn't making much progress with Kenjutsu and opted to switch to Taijutsu instead. The redhead sent a horizontal slash at Hinata which she avoided, swinging her sword to the right and quickly re-sheathed it before she kicked Hinata square in the gut sending her back a dozen feet.

The Hyuga heiress coughed a bit before getting back on her feet. This time it was her who charged Natsuki. They entered a fierce duel of taijutsu as neither one of them were willing to back down. This went on for a few minutes before it looked as if they were both tiring sent a kick towards Hinata's left side, aiming to force some distance between them but Hinata wasn't giving up just yet. The pale eyed girl caught the kick with her hand and struck it with a Juken strike with the other, forcing a few of her tenketsu closed.

Hinata's onslaught didn't stop there. She threw away Natsuki's foot and started striking tenketsu all over her body.

"Hakke Sanjun Sho! (Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms)"

"Two palms, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms!"

Hinata quickly struck Naruko thirty two different timed with her index and middle fingers, closing off thirty two of the Uzumaki-Namikaze's tenketsu. The technique closed the points on her chakra pathway preventing her from using chakra for a while and making it much harder to move.

Naruko jumped back before she could deliver a finishing blow. It was quite obvious that she had underestimated Hinata, she wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

"You've gotten a lot better Hinata-chan. That technique is quite something...it would turn the match in your favor against almost anyone...except for people like me." Naruko said as oppressive red chakra became visible all around her, forcing her tenketsu open again.

Natsuki couldn't keep using the Kyuubi's chakra for small things like this. Every time she used the chakra the closer the Kyuubi came to overwhelming her will and taking over her body. She might not be able to force her tenketsu open next time. Natsuki knew that she needed to keep her distance.

The redhead jumped back as the Hyuga began to charge and went through a few hand seals.

"Suiton: Mizuame Nabara! (Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field)" Naruko spit out a stream of sticky liquid that quickly spread across the arena floor, and catching Hinata in it mid-charge. The Hyuga girl tried to escape from the thick, sticky water but it was useless as the liquid began flowing up her legs until it trapped her completely from knees below.

Struggle as she might the Hyuga heiress was unable to move and inch from where she was standing. Had she been more motivated in her training, she could have escaped with a jutsu like Hakkesho Kaiten (Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation) or Jukenpo Ichigekishin (Gentle Fist Art: Body Blow). However, she knew neither of those more advanced techniques. She only knew the most basic forms of the Juken. There was no means of escape for her.

Naruko saw that she really had no way out and began walking on the syrup-like water by channeling chakra below her feet. She stopped only a few feet away from Hinata and looked her in the eyes.

"Hinata-chan...it's over please forfeit the match." Naruko asked, not wanting to have to deliver a finishing blow.

Hinata grit her teeth, knowing she really had no other option but she wouldn't do it.

"I'm sorry Naruko-chan...but I won't give up. All my life I was seen as a failure because I was weak and lacked self-confidence. I won't let people look at me like that anymore! Even if I can't win right here, I will not forfeit. So finish me off thats the only way you'll win!"

Her sudden attitude change surprised a lot of people watching the match, she was always Hinata the shy, weak, little girl who would never standup for herself or speak out against anyone.

Natsuki closed her eyes and sighed. She formed a few hand seals and stuck one of her arms out. "Suiro no Jutsu. (Water Prison Jutsu)"

The water surrounding Hinata quickly formed into an inescapable sphere of dense water, trapping her completely. Hinata slowly began to struggle to breathe for a few moments before she lost consciousness.

Genma stepped forward once again seeing as how the match just ended and washed away the leftover syrup with a small Suiton jutsu. 'He' admired the girl's determination and would gave her what she wanted by not calling the match early. However, they were just words. If she had done the same thing in a real combat situation she would certainly be dead. It seemed that she wasn't ready to be a chunin just yet. Her jonin-sensei should have know that.

"Winner, Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze!" He announced.

Naruko stared on as the medical team brought yet another Konoha genin to the infirmary. She didn't quite understand why Hinata didn't just give up. Perhaps she would understand that sometimes a person's ideals are more important than their life.

"I'm so proud of you, Naruko-chan." Kushina said to her daughter. As the redhead turn to Naruto, Sakura and Satsuki with their eyes remain calm. 'Naruto-kun didn't say a thing to her...'

'This year's rookies seem to be showing some promise, but…' Neji thought.

'That girl is good with kenjutsu and use 'that' chakra like Fu-san. Not many people could come up with a strategy like that so quickly.' Takimaru thought before looking towards the score-board. 'Now, who's next?'

["Shibuki Vs. Bakutsuchi"]

"Ha! Finally, it's my turn" Bakutsuchi yelled before running down.

"Good luck, Shibuki-kun. Show that Iwa-nin what you're made of." Fu said as Shibuki started walking down.

"Don't worry, Fu-san. I'm intending to." Shibuki said and shortly after were the two Genin facing each other in the middle of the room.

"This'll be easy. You don't stand a chance against me." Bakutsuchi said.

"That overconfidence of yours will be your downfall." Shibuki said.

"Begin battle." Genma said and Bakutsuchi instantly pulled out a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it, and he threw it at Shibuki.

"Mizu no Tatsumaki! (Water Tornado)" Shibuki called out as he had quickly weaved through the hand signs, and a vortex of water formed around him, protecting him from the kunai and the explosive tag which blew up as soon as it hit the water.

"Takigakure-Ryu: Mizukiri no Yaiba! (Hidden in a Waterfall Style: Watercutting Sword)" As the vortex of water collapsed down on the floor, Shibuki came forth with a sword of water in his hand, and quickly managed to cut down Bakutsuchi. (AN: I had a problem about knowing the translate from the jutsu.)

"The winner is Shibuki!" Hayate announced.

"Heh, I can't say I'm surprised. That guy was obviously the weakest of the Iwa-nins." Fu said.

"Ah! Bakutsuchi-san!" Akatsuchi yelled.

'That fool. He's always so overconfident.' Kurotsuchi thought.

Naruto learned several things from this match. the last contestants will be Gaara, Chouji and Lee.

Naruto would like to see how their abilities would react to each other's, but he would save that bit of curiosity until the final rounds.

"Alright, since Chouji, Gaara and Rock Lee remain in the contestants, considered with be way match." Genma declared. "So you three better get to the arena."

"Um...protor-san, can I forfeit? My friend Kiba told us to not to fight him for some reasons, I don't want to end up like Naruto does. Is it okay if I can stay to watch?" Which made Kurenai and Asuma sighed relief if they don't want to have one of the genins killed.

Genma nod for understand. "Very well, you're remain stay."

Which made Chouji glad if he doeen't want to get killed by Gaara.

==Rock Lee vs. Sabaku no Gaara==

This was one of the most intense fights that Naruto had seen in a long time. When the fight began it seems as if Lee wouldn't stand a chance, Gaara's control over sand was that overwhelming. Lee almost died several times before he got the okay from Maito Gai to remove his weights. Now normally weights wouldn't make much of a difference in a match like this, however the amount Lee was wearing wasn't normal by any means.

The fight was fast paced and both contestants were highly skilled. However, Gaara eventually won after he crushed Lee's arm and leg with a Sabaku Kyu (Sand Binding Coffin) effectively ending the match.

"With the final match over this marks the end of the preliminary rounds. All of those who have one their matches, please make your way down to the arena to decide the matches for the final rounds!"

As Genma made his announcement to the chunin hopefuls, they slowly began to make their way down the stairs until they were standing beside Naruto in a single line: himself, Sakura, Satsuki, Naruko, Shikamaru, Kurotsuchi, Chojurou, Yugito, Fu, Shibuki, Omoi, Gaara, Temari, and Neji.

Minato, Hiruzen and Anko had made their way down to the arena floor as well. The Yondaime Hokage stepped forward to start his speech to congratulate everyone. "Congratulations to all of you for winning your matches and making it to the third and final stage of the exam. I am proud of all of the Konoha genin that have made it thus far and I'm sure the Kage of your respective villages feel the same way."

Minato let a moment of silence pass before he continued.

"However, the final stage of the chunin exams will not be happening now. Many important people such as the Kage of your villages, Daimyos, and many potential clients will be attending the final tournament. Therefore you have exactly one month to prepare for your matches. Time will allow you to study your opponent's abilities in order to form a strategy to deal with them and it will also give you a chance to improve your own skills." Minato said.

"For now we will decide what the match-ups will be for the tournament. Please take a piece of paper from the box that Anko-san is currently holding. These pieces of paper will determine who you will fight in the first round, so I hope you are all confident in your good luck."

One by one each of the genin walked up to the box and pulled out a small piece of paper with a number on it. They presented their numbers to Ibiki and were drawn onto the tournament grid where there number was.

Match 1: Satsuki Uchiha vs. Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze

Match 2: Sakura Haruno vs. Shibuki

Match 3: Kurotsuchi Vs. Fu

Match 4: Naruto Altair Cormac vs. Neji Hyuga

Match 5: Omoi Vs. Sabaku no Gaara

Match 6: Shikamaru Vs. Temari

Match 7: Chojurou Vs. Yugito Nii

Naruto grinned about his match will be his friend, as he looked at Neji with determent about its been a while when he and Neji were taking a spar. Naruko will fight against her friend and/or rival about being a sister to Naruto. Sakura with a nod for prepared for anything.

'What? The finals are a simple tournament…?' Temari thought.

'Dammit! I was hoping to fight either Sasuke or Naruto-kun. But instead I'm up against a Jinchuriki.' Kurotsuchi thought.

'I'm gonna have to fight a girl…? *Sighed* troublesome.' Shikamaru thought.

'Looks like my second match will be against Naruto.' Fu thought, completely confident that Naruto will win his battle.

'My second match is against either the the Uchiha or the Hokage's daughter.' Shibuki thought, not believing that Sakura will be much of a challenge. 'Since this girl will be like the legendary Tsunade Senju.'

"Are there any questions dealing with the rules of the final tournament?" Minato asked after everyone had seen who they would be fighting.

Shikamaru raised his hand, "Will there only be one person who becomes chunin since this is a tournament?"

"No, there are several different judges for the tournament, Kage included, if someone is determined to have the skill and mindset of a chunin then they will be promoted. However, fighting more matches in the tournament will give you more opportunities to show the judges that you are fit to be a chunin. There is also a chance that none of you will be promoted to chunin, but from what I have seen that scenario is highly unlikely. Are there any more questions?"

None of the genin before him raised their hands or looked uneasy.

"Very well then you are all dismissed. Oh Naruto! Please meet me at the Hokage Tower as soon as you have spoken with your teammates." Naruto had expected this after showing a bit of what he could do in his match, so he didn't voice his opinion.

Slowly all of the genin left the tower until only Team 7 remained. With Naruto turned to speak to his apprentices, they needed to deal with the time they had during the period before the third exam.

"All of you think about what you plan to do with your thirty day time period overnight okay. Meet me at the usual training ground tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM." He said as he disappeared from sight a moment after seeing them all nod their heads.

Naruto thought a bit about what he needed to work on before making the journey to the Hokage Tower via the Morrigan with his girlfriend, and the co, he would take the long way around so he could prepare himself for his eventual meeting with the Hokage, and most likely the rest of his family.

==Chapter Ended==

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