
Chapter 2 Getting My Bearings

After being born I decided to cry because I didn't want to get slapped or be seen as weird like so many other isekai protagonists.

I'm wrapped in some sort of cloth looking up at a wooden ceiling, I might be in some sort of cottage.

I look at my mother's face as she holds me and I can see that she's clearly Asian but I'm not able to tell which nationality exactly.

"What a beautiful boy, my little Yang" she said in perfect English, somewhat confusing me.

Maybe we are Asian Americans but then I'm not gonna lie this house is pretty shit, I hope I don't have to live a poor life that would suck.

The hustle of being born distracted me for a time but I finally decided to try out my gamer system.

I think status and luckily it seemed to work.

Chen Yang

Age 0 Lvl 0 Exp 0%





INT 12

WIS 14



Stat Points 0

Skills - - - Perks - - - Inventory

Pretty nice having stats at 1 seems to be the normal starting point but having high INT and WIS is cool, though I can't help but notice that there is no HP or MP, also no luck.

No luck is fine, but how will I know if I'm close to death with no hit points that's like gamer 101. Also, there's no definitive number for Exp just a percentage.

I wonder what the averages are for the stats.

" 10 is average for adult humans, 15 is athlete level, 20 is peak human in terms of your earth, for example, world weight lift champion has 20 STR and 25 in any stat is peak human potential and is the limit anyone can get without some type of external enhancement, every gain of 5 stats is considered a large jump" A robotic voice sounds out in my head.

Huh, who said that some kind of AI?

Hello, anyone there?

Ok, I decided to try the other options.

I think skills and then 2 skills appeared before me: Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Voice.

I'm puzzled about the lack of Gamers Body maybe that's why I don't have HP.

Gamers Mind LVL MAX

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through

Allows the user immunity to mind control

Note user can still be affected by illusions

Gamers Voice LVL MAX

Allows the user to understand and speak all verbal languages

Note this does not affect reading and writing

Wait, if I don't have a gamer's body then I don't have the ability to sleep off all my injuries which is another worrying detail about my system.

Maybe it only answers questions, how much Exp do I need to level up?

Are there any other features than the ones on the status page? Why do you only answer some questions?

"The AI system is only designed to answer certain designated questions" it stated

Guess that answers that

What is the max level a skill can reach?

"Skills are rated from 1-100, they can be subcategorized further by Beginner 1-10, Intermediate 11-20, Advanced 21-30, Expert 31-40 and peak human by your past world's standards at level 50 anything past that can be considered superhuman"

I try thinking about Perks and I'm brought to an empty page with nothing on it.

What are perks?

"Perks are special abilities that cannot be leveled up or gained through normal circumstances an example is Spider Man's perks are Wall Crawling and Danger Sense"

Next is inventory. When I opened it I saw a picture of a baby who I assume is me as well as slots with simple images of a helmet, chest plate, pants, and boots as well as 2 slots with swords on either side.

The rest of the screen is taken up by clear slots that I think are just regular inventory.

Is there a space limit for the inventory? No response must not be one of the predisposed questions.

I'll have to figure it out later. I wonder if there are limits for storage?

"The user can place anything nonliving in the inventory space with the exception of corpses of intelligent sentient beings."

Well, that doesn't sound too bad, while I was reacting to the system I didn't notice that a man who I assume is my father and a child that maybe my brother came into the room to stare at me.

"Come meet your little brother Yin" said the man I assume to be my father.

I'm starting to think I'm in China because these names don't sound very Japanese but instead sound like a wuxia novel, not to mention that my father's clothes are grey robes that also look distinctly Chinese.

Our parents named me and my brother Yin and Yang very original, they practically guaranteed that one of us will be evil.

I got distracted again because dad started carrying me with a smile on his face.

He's taking me over to the window and outside I see more people in plain wuxia robes, some are carrying baskets or pots.

I also see horses and donkeys pulling wooden carts of wheat or sacks of rice on dirt roads.

Shit, what year is it?


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