
Lilly Rose [I]

Lilly Rose arrived home quarter to twelve in a taxi. Something that she did for the first time. 

When Pete called at around nine-thirty, she told him that she had something that had to be finished and would just call if she was ready to be picked up. 

She didn't call, thus, Pete called again at quarter to eleven. She told him that she was far from finished with her task. And not to call her because she did not want any disturbance. 

However, when she was done with her work, she did not call Pete and asked the guard of the building to call her a taxi instead. 

She was anxious the whole way home, thinking of all the worst possible scenarios that did not materialize. She got home safely and quietly if only the maid did not make a huge fuss when she knocked at the door. 

The maid made a big deal of her coming home in a taxi as if something had happened that was worth a thorough investigation. 

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