
Chapter 84

The Sorcerer King was waiting to duel with leaders of the alliance but they were not ready yet. They still needed to prepare for this duel that Ainz Ooal Gown proposed. They all came to an agreement that this duel was the best solution even when it was the Sorcerer King that proposed it.

As a being that to this day knows no equal he thought that he was confident that victory will definitely be his. It was like a tradition for creatures like the Sorcerer King to have such arrogant confidence.

Ajax looked at the skeleton that was standing with arms crossed waiting for the duel. Everyone was ready to fight but Ajax did not see the halfling queen as someone that will pose a threat to that monster.

"Queen Isaris."

"Hmm, what… what is it?" her body jumped when she heard her name.

Ajax could understand from her eyes that she had anxiety and had trouble holding her weapon.

"I recommend that you return to your army?"

"Eh, why?"

"I have great respect for you, your strength, and your kingdom but… do you really want to fight against that thing?"

Queen Isaris peeked a bit at the Sorcerer King and she had to accept that she was not the right person to fight in this duel.

"I understand what you want to say Ajax but would that be respectable right in the face of the halfling army? Even the Ainz Ooal Gown might find this disrespectful."

"Isaris if things go bad, the army will be headless without us so that's why it needs an important figure to lead them as for the undead, he won't even remember our names so please... return."

The queen couldn't tell if the holy emperor was overestimating or underrating the Sorcerer King but she hoped for something divine to happen and end this war in the favor of the Holy Alliance.

"Haah~ Fine, I'm going."

"Thank you."

The halfling queen turned and went back to the ranks of the army where many were confused seeing her return but they hoped for this to be some kind of hidden strategy. Even if they were six million strong, they just can't feel at peace with that huge dark army that was standing on the other hill.

After convincing the halfling queen to return, Ajax turned his eyes to the holy maiden. He didn't know how she felt when she saw the undead monster but he was sure to be a negative one because a holy woman like her would definitely hate this monster of darkness and death.


She still had her eyes looking at the Sorcerer King. "What do you want?" she asked without looking at his face.

"Will you fight alongside us?"

Jeanne looked him in the eyes. "I told you that I will not fight, didn't I?"

"Come on Jeanne, this is not the time for the old grudges. This will be the crucial moment of our time."

"Are you afraid of standing in front of the Sorcerer King, now? Did his presence put down your confidence?"

"Of course not, my confidence is as bold as that of a lion. But having you fight that monster would give us more chances to end him."

"You are not a kid Ajax and I'm not your nanny anymore, you are the one that wanted this so deal with it yourself. The only people that I am concerned about are the ones that you dragged here towards their death."

This was such a letdown for Ajax and the coalition because the holy maiden was the strongest here yet she refused because of the one that leads this alliance.

"I…" he sighed in disappointment. "You are right Jeanne, I apologize for starting all this hassle and opening your old wounds because I took actions rashly. At least, protect my army so they can return home if this duel goes in the wrong way."

Ajax left the one that has protected him since the time he was a child. This feeling was a bad one when he continued staring at the monster. Those empty eyes looked like he knew the problem with the holy maiden. Again his eyes went to Alea and her form filled his soul with confidence. For him, Alea was like the candle at the end of a dark tunnel, after he saw her for the first time, he simply was dead serious in love with her more than ever.

He reached the group and saw that all of them were ready to fight. The one who was a standout was the noble from the west Azuth Aindra. His blood-red armor was three meters tall with large metallic shoulder wings and also he held a weird type of weapon that he had never seen before. He had heard about this weapon from Azuth that he had killed adult dragons in his adventures. He hoped that such a weapon would harm the Sorcerer King as much as possible.

"So Jeanne won't fight?" asked the Blood Queen.

"Unfortunately, not."

"But why?"

"Short story, she is sworn enemy of the Platinum Dragon Lord, and since he is the leader of this alliance she won't take part in this duel but she will protect our army."

Ajax did not want to go any further in her past because he will have to mention the Greed Kings which have left scars to the other nations.

"Fuck, why does the situation keep getting worse and worse?! It's like we are stuck in a spider's webs."

The others understood her concern about this situation. Everyone was focused but there was no morale to boost their spirit. It was a weird situation that felt like they were accepting an unknown fate that was not a good one.

"Oi, where did his armor go?"

Everyone followed Izmir who was observing the Sorcerer King. The undead before wore a dark armor but it has disappeared and now the undead only had pants and boots. The other part of the body was completely exposed and the weapons were his cruel-looking sword and a shield. But why did the armor disappear in thin air? What did he have in his mind?

The Sorcerer King started to walk towards them and this alerted all of them. Everyone had their weapon ready to attack.

"So, I believe you are all ready, hm?"

"I want to ask something." spoke Ajax.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Your armor, why did you remove it?"

"Well, not that I have a correct answer but I feel more flexible without my armor."

"Are you playing with us?!" Ajax got frustrated when he heard that.

Armor was the most important thing to protect the warrior from any harm and this monster gave such a stupid answer that it didn't sound believable at all.

"I am not playing, young emperor. Come on, is my body that ugly? You know Alea has been touching it every night."

"You damn bastard!"

This was the trigger that set the Holy Emperor in terrible rage. He had no more respect for this duel and jumped to the fight. The soldiers that were the spectators at this moment didn't see when their emperor went on full speed.

But the sword clash told everyone his location. The Sorcerer King had easily blocked his attack. The only person that has beaten him many times was Jenne and even today he still has no chance against her. But now this monster was different, he did not even flinch from the impact.

"Hit a nerve, didn't I?"

The face of the man was full of anger and struggle to cut down the Sorcerer King.


The young emperor jumped and in his place showed up Emperor Izmir. The enormous body of the draph shadowed the indeed as his thick sword was about to crush the skull.

[ Martial Art - Heavy Dragon Blast ] !

This martial art was one of his favorites and the emperor had won many fights in one single blow while using this martial art. The undead was engulfed in terrible flames and the ground around burned.

Izmir had learned that fire was the enemy of these monsters. By putting him under heavy fire right at the beginning of the battle might give the others better chances to cut him down.

Still, the thick sword of the emperor was still being blocked. Izmir hoped to see some cracked bones when the fire disappeared but there was no damage on his body. Those bones were still cristal white as they were before the battle.

"A very great attack with a good plan. That heavy fire almost killed me but my body is just superior."

"My flames will send you to hell, monster!"

Ainz was aware of how stupid these people can become so he decided to play the arrogant undead monster with a superiority complex that tries to flex his power.

The Sorcerer King sensed the danger and lowered his body and Ajax missed to cut him in half. Suddenly Izmir felt like he was about to throw up and the reason for that was a kick from the Sorcerer King on the stomach and was pushed away.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, I won't be using any magic in this fight, only pure skills."

They hoped for him to stay true to his words. This thing is a magic caster and yet it can fight like he had trained all his life as a warrior. His moves and reflexes were perfect, let alone his brutal strength to kick a giant warrior like Emperor Izmir.

"I mean, it's better to see your enemy die by the sword right in front of you, rather than killing him meters away, don't you think? Well, it also depends if the enemy is a worthy warrior."

"Do you think we are not worthy?!"

Ainz grabbed an icy blade that was about to penetrate his eye socket and the owner of that blade was Emperor Vorrdar.

"Only time will tell that emperor of the northern empire."

The blade started to freeze the Ainz's hand and the effect was spread wide on the ground disabling the Sorcerer King from moving. Vorrdar wanted to give the others an opening to the undead.

[ Martial Art - Wind Blade Slash ] !

The zelf King Malkor unleashed hundreds of white slashes upon the Sorcerer King and his attack caused explosions to keep damaging the enemy. Luckily, Vorrdar escaped from the target and witnessed the explosions.

[ Chain Dragon Lightning ] !

The dragon in the lightning form was unleashed from the armored noble and it caused a devastating explosion in this area. All of them were surprised by the sudden attack that came from Azuth. It was a very powerful spell and they hope for that spell to cause damage to that monster.

The blood queen Alyndra was shocked by this sudden power. This is the man that she hated for being so arrogant to others. A power like this will surely give the people a feeling of treating others like clowns.

"Not bad…"

They heard the voice of the monsters again as the smoke caused by the attack faded away. There were no scratches or broken bones on his body that will give the alliance hope.

"Not bad at all, sir Azuth, you almost killed there."

"Hah, do you think I would fall for such bullshit, you bone man? You aren't even trying to act as you were hurt, also how did you get my name?"

"Oh, but who wouldn't know the great name of the great adventurer of the famous Red Drop, hahaha."

"So my name has knocked at the ear of the Sorcerer King too, huh?"

"Indeed, I went into some adventures with your niece…"


The man broke his character when he heard the last word. What did he mean that he went on adventures with his niece? What kind of "adventures"? He knows that his niece is in Slane Theocracy and is protecting it but all this time that he spent in this continent does that mean that the Slane Theocracy has fallen and his niece…

Azuth was angry at the creature and started to have the same feelings as the rulers around him. He pointed his heavy machine gun at the monster and pulled the trigger. The weapon made a very loud sound when it blasted a rain of bullets over the body of the Sorcerer King.

It was very weird hearing such a heavy loud sound that made the female rulers cover and protect their ears.

"Die you motherfucker, DIE! AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" he shouted his lungs out while firing his machine gun.

Thousands of bullets hit the Sorcerer King but they were not having any effect as they just bounced when they clashed with the skeletal body.

"Hit him with whatever you have, NOW!"

The rulers and the whole army were surprised by this weapon of destruction but they returned to their senses and started to activate their special attacks.

[ Martial Arts - Blood Javelins ] !

[ Martial Arts - Sacred Slash ] !

[ Martial Arts - Lunar Fall ] !

[ Martial Arts - Heavy Blazing ] !

[ Martial Arts - Grand Tornado ] !

[ Martial Arts - Six Fatal Slashing ] !

[ Martial Arts - Ice Pillars ] !

[ Martial Arts - Void Strike ] !

All these attacks and many others clashed heavily against the body of the Sorcerer King. The attack was so brutal that it caused the destruction of the area turning the land into a crater.

"We hit him good, now I believe he will think twice before acting mighty again. Also Azuth… where in the world did you get that thing?"

Ajax saw the strange weapon that was still shooting thousands of projectiles per second. It truly was an amazing weapon to eliminate multiple enemies at once, it will make the owner of this weapon a one-man army.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy? As soon as the Sorcerer King mentioned his niece, he went crazy!" said the blood queen.

"I don't think it matters, for now, we need his craziness to destroy the undead!"

"But I can't see him with all this smoke from those explosions. We need to stop for a moment, I don't think that weapon can go forever."

What Alyndra said was true, a perfect weapon like that might have a cooldown but Azuth kept shooting like a crazy man. The other rulers attacked the position of the Sorcerer King continuously to cause damage.

A smirk appeared on Ajax's face while seeing the bombardment of the Sorcerer King. He saw that Alea was looking worried but was she worried about him or the undead?

"Hmm, it seems like the mind control magic is getting weaker with the Sorcerer King. What do you think about this, Jeanne…"

The young emperor turned to see the holy maiden. He wanted to tell her how they can destroy a monster without her help or the dragon lords. But the strange thing was that she was not shocked or amazed at all and was looking at the battlefield with an unimpressed face. This made Ajax even more eager to see the results of this massive attack.

Azuth stopped shooting after such a long attack. After shooting the Sorcerer King at the beginning, his body was not visible on this smoke that smelled terribly. The smell stuck inside the nose and it was very annoying for the rulers.

But that did not matter because now they wanted to see the result of this attack. They had worked hard together and believed the Sorcerer King to be in a bad condition so they could smash him even more, not letting him recover.

"Hey dude, are you still alive… or just dead standing, whatever."

Suddenly all the smoke disappeared when the Sorcerer King simply waved his arm. But that move made a strong wind that smashed the bodies of the rulers, the females even backed off a bit.

After all those attacks, still, his body was in perfect condition. Nothing was broken, even his pants did not have any holes. His clean white skeletal body was standing unharmed in the middle of a wide dark crater.

"Woah, what a mess that was. You guys should be careful with those explosions." he was acting sarcastically just to mess with them and see those shocked faces.

"What the hell is this?! We have been blasting you for several minutes, how can you still stand?!"

Warrior King Malkor could not believe that such attacks were useless to weaken him.

The minotaur King Grakus was behind Ainz. He had gone there using [Invisibility] and tried to crush the skull of the Sorcerer King with his ax.


His weapon was blocked and the Sorcerer King wasn't even looking at him. It was like he knew he was there from the beginning.

"That's not a very kingly attack, master Grakus."

"That-that does not matter when we are fighting against something like you."

"Is that so…"

The Sorcerer King turned behind quickly pushing the ax and removing the "danger".

"Grakus get away!" shouted Vorrdar.

The minotaur stepped back as soon as he heard the snow elf but he left behind something. It was his right horn, that was the reason why his head feeling a bit less heavy. Losing a horn that can be healed was an easy thing but it was frightening the fact that he and the others were able to see how dangerous this guy was.

"Well, I believe you know well what comes next, furry king."

"It is my head, right?"

The undead started to walk slowly toward the minotaur. It was a big mistake to have his hostile attention but for his luck, the Sorcerer King encountered Esma. She had a double edge sword and she throw it as a spinner at the undead. The weapon was very fast and it can kill hundreds of soldiers and return back to its owner.

But the Sorcerer King deflected it with his sword like a pebble and the weapon returned back to Esma. "Does this thing have any weakness and why are these fools doing nothing?! I just save the life of this ball of hair idiot!"

The others were in defense position and also Esma had to do her best to make her Empress proud. If she fails, she hoped to get killed in battle rather than returning to her empress because who knows what horrible punishment awaits her at the imperial palace.


Esma advanced and tried to strike the undead at the belly to break his backbone so the body would fall into two parts. That was an easy word to say but the Sorcerer King was well prepared to defend his body by this attack.

The Sorcerer King held his sword low vertically and the left blade was blocked so Esma tried with the right blade to crush his skull but even that attack was blocked by the shield. The next strike came from below and the undead held both of his weapons in "X" shape to block it again.

"HAAAAAH! [ Martial Art - Gale Acceleration - Full Throttle ] ! "It must work this time!"

Esma used the other blade and it was stronger than the first one. The martial art effect gave this strike an immense speed. The undead did not block this attack but instead, he evade it by stepping back.

The dark elf was too angered that none of her attacks gave good results. With these amazing combos, she has slain hundreds and thousands of enemies that even the warrior bunnies weren't able to survive against her alone.

"Damn you, bastard…"

Esma paused because the undead attacked her. The dark elf was caught in surprise and tried to protect herself with the sword but the black sword cut the double edge sword into two parts and from the shock Esma fell on her back screaming.

After getting ahold of herself, Esma saw the undead that was about to finish her and covered herself with her arms of the sudden fear of death but this time she was saved by Grakus that attacked the undead like a battery ram.

The Sorcerer King was being pushed back by the brute force of the minotaur king that was trying to crush his chest and it was time to end him. Ainz grabbed him by the neck and he stops Grakus in place.

"Attacking me like a real bull, huh? A very smart attack, you knew that skeletons are weak against such brutal force but unfortunately for you, I'm not one of those!"

Ainz thrust his sword in the belly of the minotaur and unnaturally raised the whole body of the minotaur king, high for everyone to see.

"And the first blood of this battle is here!"

"Grakus, noooo!"

The zelf king ran to attack the killer of the minotaur king but his vision blackened because the Sorcerer King had thrown the dead body of Grakus at King Malkor. He was unconscious for a bit and his body felt very heavy. He opened his eyes and saw that Grakus was upon him.

"You wanted him, right? There you have it. You know, I wanted to know more about the zelves from you but I'll ask your people instead."

Malkor tried to remove the dead body to free himself but the cold blade penetrated again the body of Grakus and in the end, it pierced Malkor's heart killing him in a second.

"Now both of you look lovely as corpses."

Ainz pulled out his sword and turned at the other opponents that were shocked by the death of two kings. Many of their soldiers were shedding tears of sadness because they will never see their great rulers again.

"Death is but another journey but today that journey sure won't be a pleasant one, not at all…"

Those words sent shivers to the remaining rulers. He was terrifying, brutal, and showed no mercy. He was an absolute killing machine that even Jeanne was shivering uncontrollably from his boundless hatred. The priestess Astrida was grabbing Jenanne's hand tight, she knew well that weak people like the priestess would get horrified by such inhumanity.

"We won't allow you!"

Vorrdar did a slash with his sword and a storm of snow brutally hit the body of the undead but he did not move from his position.

"Hmm, what a foolish attack. Had you learned one or two things about the undead, you wouldn't have attacked me with that. Cold? Snow? Do you really think this cold body would be affected?"

"Tch~ Then how about this?!"

Azuth flies a few meters above the ground to cast a spell.

[ Fire Storm ]

The image of a cold winter disappeared just to be replaced with a burning land with the Sorcerer King in the middle of the area. But even this time, he wasn't hurt at all, the fire was not burning his body or even the pants.

"What's that supposed to be, sir Azuth?"

"Ugh, you fucking assahole, I can't believe that I have to deal with something like you. If I knew about your power I wouldn't have been standing here with these bunch of idiots."

The man was starting to lose his cool and the others did not accept that vulgar language that he was using especially when he called the rulers "idiots".

"You are such a douchebag, you know that?"

"Shut the hell up!"

Azuth pointed his weapon at Ainz and pulled the trigger. Now he knows that his bullets won't cause any damage to his body but this is all his hatred. He was unleashing his full hatred at the Sorcerer King, he was also thinking to find a way to escape this place that has become like a nightmare for him and hide somewhere in the forest.

The bullets ricocheted all over the place, many of the undead armies were hit by those things but there was no harm at all but one of the bullets finds its way and hit someone.


The Sorcerer King and the other quickly turn behind to see who got hurt. For the first time in this battle, Ainz felt uneasy and the why was... Alea.

Ainz disappeared from his position and showed up in front of Alea that was covering her face. The other servants were trying to hold her so they can where the wound was but backed off when their master arrived.

"Alea where does it hurt? Let me see your face!"

Alea heard a very worried voice that belonged to her husband. He arrived instantly to protect his precious wife. Alea lowered down her hands slowly revealing that the bullet had kissed her right cheek and blood had started to leak out. Ainz was relieved because it was not a serious wound.

"Does it hurt?" Ainz asked her with a soft tone.

"Yes, and it's burning me!"

Ainz touched her cheek and the wound was healed under his hand. The pain was gone and Alea felt normal again. The only thing she felt was the touch of her husband that made her feel much better.

Ajax was also going crazy when he saw that it was Alea who got shot.

"Azuth you psychopath, how can you do this to queen Alea?!" yelled Ajax with anger.

"Shut up you brat, I'm trying to survive here…"

Azuth noticed the eyes of the Sorcerer King staring daggers at him. This was definitely bad news for the noble. The undead disappeared from the high elf queen and a shadow covered Azuth.

The Sorcerer King has appeared right in front of him floating. Azuth was sweating before his presence but he thought fast and raised his gun to shoot him. But that was not fast enough to stop an advancing punch that shattered his armor like window glass.


The adventurer noble was shocked that his armor, the only thing that has protected him and his team from adventuring got obliterated into nothingness. Without his precious armor, he can't fly and fell on the ground, breaking two of his fingers.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, fuck… why?!"

"You broke the rules."

"And you broke my armor, you son of the bitch." he yelled.

"You run that mouth too much, it's annoying."



The undead stepped upon Azush's leg and broke it. Ainz pushed down his foot to make it more painful.

"The pain you caused to my wife, I'm returning it to you."


Azuth has never been in a situation like this in his life. The monster was so crazy that he loved to inflict terrible pain on his victim. He never thought that he would end up like this, crying and screaming like a banshee.


"Man you are so annoying..."

Ainz grabbed the machine gun and blasted Azuth's head from his shoulders. "Very nice." Ainz looked up the weapon and it was in very good condition. The truth is that he did not want to destroy that armor but his hatred went out of control for a moment but there is nothing to worry about because there are body armor like that inside the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Suddenly, Ainz heard fast steps cooking closer and they sounded very heavy so he knew who the next fool is. Izmir wanted to crush that skull white the Sorcerer King was still looking at his new weapon but this will be the last mistake.


Izmir felt like something pierced both of his shoulders. It was too fast that he did not feel it at the beginning but it slowed his second after second. The Sorcerer King had used again his new weapon which made him far more dangerous.

The pain hit the draph emperor really hard, and he was even shot again on both of his thighs.

"Emperor Izmir, I believe that I have made a mistake here and I feel sad about it. Stoping that flawless charge with such a simple weapon is a great disrespect towards a hard warrior like you."

"Ye-Yeah, bringing a weapon like that in a swordfight is kinda unfair."

"Indeed Emperor, indeed."

"Alright, I'll end this painlessly for you."

The machine gun disappeared from Ainz's hand and now has the sword. Izmir accepted his fate and closed his eyes. The Sorcerer King was right about ending his life without any pain because Izmir's last moment was like a dream, a dream where he will never wake up.

Again a snake attack arrived and this time it was Vorrdar again. His sword was heading for his red sphere. It's very funny to Ainz that many of his enemies think that his red sphere is his life source.

Ainz grabbed the sword with his hand and stoped Vorrdar from taking any action. There was something weird that Ainz was not understanding here.

"Why aren't you attacking me at the same? You are letting your friends die just by this mistake."

With a slash and Ainz chopped his arm with his sword. Vorrdar tried to hold his screams and used his skill to freeze his arm so won't lose blood.

"You see the fact that any action you take has fatal consequences."

Vorrdar did not have his arm and also his weapon so he was pretty useless on this battlefield. With his left hand, he took out a scroll witch was a way out ticket from this hellhole.

"Oh no, no, you are not escaping anywhere, snow emperor.

Ainz wanted to kill him right now but someone jumped on. Liluth grabbed Ainz by the neck with her thigh and hit his skull.

"I wouldn't mind getting suffocated to death by thighs, that's like every man's dream but I am undead."

"Vorrdar escape now!"

The snow elf did not expect the moon queen to make this sacrifice for him. He thought that the others would just call him a coward or a traitor but this was surprising. Vorrdar tried to open his scroll but saw the next shocking scene.

The Sorcerer King grabbed Liluth by her hair and smashed her to the ground. He lifted her body still holding it by the hair and the moon queen was in pain.

"Stop it Ainz Ooal Gown, I swear I will inform all the nations of the world about your monstrous kingdom and your ambitions!"

"Believe me, Emperor Vorrdar, just like your alliance failed, they will fail too. All will bow before Nazarick!"

Ainz stabbed Liluth on the right side of her neck and proceed to cut her upper esophagus sphincter and throat. The blood just run down like a river, her head had very little connection with the rest of her body. Ainz released her and she dropped dead upon her own blood.

It was a horrible end for such a lovely queen that wanted peace in this realm but nobody can tell what fate would one person have, It can be a good one or a fatal one like the case of Liluth Faekian.

Vorrdar was so shocked that had forgotten to use his scroll. He opened it with his mouth and it started to take effect.


The emperor saw his sword that was stuck in his chest… There was even his lost arm still holding it.

"Hah, she sacrificed herself for nothing, hahahaha!"

At that moment Vorrdar disappeared from this continent and the magic scroll teleported him to the Valerian Kingdom. But he won't tell anyone about the danger that was coming because he did not have time left.

Before him has appeared the snow lands of the Valerian Kingdom that has become a second home for the snow elves since the day they discover it. The snow belove his feet was mixed with his own blood.

Vorrdar was not strong enough to stand anymore and fell upon the snow. His vision was turning blurry second after second and started to see shadows coming closer. The snow elves were coming to save him but It was too late now. Vorrdar already closed his eyes and accepted death.

After witnessing how Liluth and Vorrdar ended up, Alyndra and Esma had no idea what to throw against the Sorcerer King. Anyone who tries to attack back will have a horrible death.

Liluth was a great friend of Alyndra and her heart was torn apart when she saw her die. As a blood elf, traditionally the desire for revenge was large but here the danger was like a mountain against a pebble. She hated it but she had no choice so she threw her weapon away and fell on her knees.

The same inside fighting was happening with Esma. While she would prefer death before surrender but what the Sorcerer King said that death was another journey, had an impact on her. That journey won't be a good one meaning that in the afterlife she will suffer for eternity.

So Esma followed the blood queen and fell on her knees. The Sorcerer King was walking towards them and both of them closed their eyes from the fear this undead might kill them even after surrendering.

"A wise decision…"

The Sorcerer King passed through and now he was facing the last one. Ajax was lost and never imagine that thing will go in a such terrible direction. Two were surrounded and the rest was wiped out. Now he was on his own to fight the great Sorcerer King of the Nazarick Kingdom.

"So you acted like a hero of justice before the duel but you watched like a cuck all your allies getting slaughtered like sheep and you did nothing… What will you do now Holy Emperor?"

Ajax raised his weapon and pointed it at Ainz. "I will never surrender, Sorcerer King."

"So after all this, you are still the same kid."

[ Martial Art - Focus Battle Aura ] !

Ajax's sword started to glow as was getting ready to attack. [ Martial Art - Ability Boost - Greater Ability Boost ] !

With a mighty speed, Ajax went straight for the undead and tried to strike his neck but the Sorcerer King raised his weapon to block the coming attack.

[ Martial Art - Brief Seal - Grand Power Strike ] !

When both the weapon clashed against each other is cause a huge blast with a heavy noise but still, It was reviled that Ajax had failed to break the Sorcerer King's defense.

"Damn it, even with this combination, I was not able to hurt you!"

[ Martial Art - Flow Acceleration ] !

In fear of a sudden Ajax used that martial art to jump behind the undead and tried again to attack him with another martial art.

[ Martial Art - Holy Blow ] !

But his attack was not fast enough to catch the undead in surprise instead it was him who was surprised when Ainz quickly turned and he knee kicked him and it destroyed Ajax's breastplate.

Ajax was shocked at how his armor was falling from his body just by that attack. Maybe if he was hit directly in the chest then his situation might have gotten worse.

"You better surrender now and let me give you a painless death. Do not try to make things worse, it won't end well for you, believe me, Ajax."

"Nonsense! I the Holy Emperor of the Holy Celestial Empire bowing before a filthy undead like you will never happen!"

"Ah, now you turned into a patriot."

The Holy Maiden was waiting to see the fall of an emperor and the last bloodline of King Byzant. While the war was the perfect way for an Emperor to die but Ajax was far from being or acting as a great emperor.

Contrariwise, from the beginning, it was Ainz Ooal Gown the great one here. The alliance was the aggressor that has come to "liberate" the land.

"Look at yourself, without your armor, you look like a wet chicken."


Both the swords clashed and the two rulers were staring at each other's eyes. Ajax was simply desperate for love and the only one who can save him was Alea, the high elf queen was in his heart so deeply. Ainz was very surprised at how far such stupidity can go and he thought that it was a smart move to not involve the armies.

"You want her, don't you?" said Ainz with a pitying voice.

"Of course I want her, my destiny is to be with her." Ajax knew well who the person is he talking about

"Oh my, we got a fella in love here, were you actually planning to ask the hand of a 600 year old woman?"

"Age does not matter!"

"Oh, but it really does matter, because all human-elf couples have a sad ending. A hundred years for an elf is nothing, but for a human is like an eternity. Are you understanding Ajax? That affection you have for Alea has become a disease and you wanted to ruin others' lives to have her for yourself.

"Lies, you don't understand that my love for her is pure!"

Trying to reason with this boy is like talking to a wall. It was the same medieval fantasy fairy tale bullshit where white knights and brave warriors take the princess and live a happy life. This fool was not aware of what might happen where he stick his nose where it doesn't belong.

"Seriously I have never seen such an ignorant person in my life."

Ainz punched Ajax not waiting for him to throw another stupid speech about his love for Alea. That punch was heavy causing Ajax to feel dizzy and the blood started to come out of his nose.

But the young emperor did not back down and returned by swing his sword towards Ainz. Yet, it was not enough because in the eyes of the Sorcerer King his movements were very slow, and grabbed his arm.


Ainz knee kicked the emperor in the stomach without releasing his arm. Ajax was having serious trouble with this pain but he still insisted and with all his strength that was left, he continued to push his arm.

The army of the alliance was at the peak of shocks after witnessing such horrible massacre and torture that their rulers had to get in their place. Many were asking questions like…

"What is going to happen to us?"

"Should we intervene and save our holy emperor?"

"This is too hard to watch!"

"He is fighting for us!"

This dire situation was everywhere especially in the army of the Holy Empire because their ruler was at the end of the rope. The priestess Astrida was praying and even Zooey, were praying for a miracle to save the young emperor but it was not.

Isaris hated to think about the fact that she was lucky to listen to Ajax and not participate in this duel. Who knows what would have happened, maybe she might have been the first kill for being a small prey for the undead.

The situation got even worse when he got kicked again and it spilled blood out of his mouth. Ajax was too weak now to even hold his weapon and when the undead let go of his hand, Ajax's body fell to the ground harshly.

"Well, I think it's enough torture for today so let's end this, Ajax."

Ainz raised his sword to end the life of the Holy Emperor. Ajax realized that he was about to die and an inside fear captured him at the last moment. He used his last strength to crawl like a lizard to avoid his death.

"What the hell? Where do you think you're going? Come back here, you coward!"

Yet, Ajax did not want to go back to his executor so he continued to crawl back to the woman that has protected him since he was a kid. He reached Jeanne and embraced her legs. On the other hand, the Holy Maiden felt very sick and humiliated by such a manner.

From the beginning of all this madness, she had tried to convince him to stay away from the war plans of the Platinum Dragon Lord and he did not listen to her but worse, he offended her and the creators.

"So this is the brave Holy Emperor, huh? All that heroic speech at the beginning and now running for his life. Where is your pride, Ajax?!"

The word of the Sorcerer King scared him to the bone and did not let go the legs of the Holy Maiden.

"Get up, Ajax…"

"N-No, help me."

"Let go of my legs and help yourself. You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me."

"I'm sorry… I'm really sorry!"

"I do not want to hear your forgiveness. As I said before, you are not a kid anymore so get back and die like a man."

"Now that is based, miss. So the only one with a brain in this field was this woman. Seems like there was an infight between you two. Was it something to do with your nature, hmm?"

Jeanne knew what he was talking about. It was about her being an NPC and the Sorcerer King was trying to understand her situation and the coldness that she showed to the emperor.

"Sorcerer King, I've wanted to discuss with you about…"

Suddenly the undead grabbed Ajax by his leg and dragged him. "Yes, we can but I have to take away your adopted kid."

"He is not mine, he is just… a failure."

"By the name of Nazarick, Ajax you must have hurt the heart of this lady a lot. The love for someone's else wife has destroyed your reputation, I guess.

"Jeanne… you sold me out?!"

Ajax was panicked as he can see that no one around him dared to save him and the Holy Maiden has completely forgotten about his existence and her attention was only on the Sorcerer King.

This was absolute treason of the highest order. He could see that his knights were desperate to save him and so Ajax used this last chance.

"Knights of the Holy Alliance, we have been betrayed by this woman!"


Ajax pointed his finger at the Holy Maiden and all the eyes were on her. Jeanne did not like this sudden change and she knew Ajax was doing this to save his skin or as a last curse so she would be hated forever on this side of the world.

"The agreement has been broken, attack now the forces of evil! Kill everyone!"

The man was no more the hero of the story but he has become the villain. There were heard war cries inside the ranks of humans and they were ready to attack. The same was happening in the ranks of the minotaurs but the others were waiting to see what will happen.

"Save the Emperor!"

"Kill the undead!"

"Death to the traitors!"

"Kill them all!"

The knights of the Holy Celestial Empire and the warriors of the Minotaur Kingdom were launched toward the one they call enemy. But still, the other armies managed to stay cool with this situation.

The whole human and minotaur armies were screaming and shouting "death to the enemy, save the king and emperor". Jeanne was the one that wanted to protect these people but now just like Ajax, they were against her.

Ainz punched Ajax and fell unconscious. His body was taken by Shalltear and the army was not orderer to counter-attack. The Sorcerer King stepped forward to face this army.

Jeanne was concerned about the tragedy that was about to unfold upon the two armies. But even the Holy Maiden did not keep her word and decided to stay out and let the Sorcerer King do what he wants.

"They broke the rules, so I have to punish them."

The Sorcerer King stood undaunted in front of a sea of armies. This scene reminded him of the war for the Roble Holy Kingdom when he defeated the octaman army.

Zooey drew her sword to join but Jeanne put her hand upon the shoulder stoping the knight from making the worst mistake of her life.

"Your holiness, they are our soldiers!"

"Yes, but you and all of them can't stop him now. This is the result of our incompetent emperor. All those souls will be on his shoulders… The alliance has lost."

The Sorcerer King pointed his arm at the enemy and activated a terrible spell…

[ The Hymn of Death ] !

The spell started from under the feet of the undead and it spread at absolute speed towards the enemy. Suddenly the whole army stopped advancing, and it felt like time had stopped. But they were wrong… They were not able to run anymore and the reason lies in the strange thing that was under their feet.

"What the hell is this?!"

Shouted one of the human soldiers as he tried to move his legs and panic. The black sea under their feet had enveloped the green fields and captured all the human and minotaur soldiers. To the soldiers, it looked like some dark mud but it was more like glue witch was worse.

"Just like trapped rats."

The soldiers used all their strength to get the hell off that thing but it was impossible. If they fell on their back, they won't be able to rise again or even if they touch it with their hands.

"I can't move!"

"God help us!"

The situation was jumping from worse to worse as the panic enter at everyone's marrow.

"Worry not gentlemen… soon it will be over for all of you."

At every corner of this dark field started to rise sharp dark pillars surrounding the whole army like a fence. Everyone was scared of all this nightmare to the point they repent to attack the undead. They all brought this to themselves.

Now the dark field started to float and reached ten meters high. Those pillars were not a fence but teeth and the dark thing was a field but it had the image of a carnivorous plant. With all those people trapped there, it began to close its mouth.



"I surrender!"

It was too late to repent as the light of the sun disappeared forever. The whole sinister thing took the form of a black sphere that stood floating in the air and continued like that for fifteen seconds until it blasted outside a sea of blood.

The other armies wanted to run as soon as possible but their commanders tried their best to keep them on formation. Isaris was holding her mouth with her hand because it felt like she was about to vomit the last food that she had eaten.

There were broken bones, blood, and crooked armors all over the place. All the blood the soldiers had painted the fields with red. The terrifying being that has caused such a massacre stood there proudly witnessing his wonderful work.

He cared about them at the beginning but they refused his mercy so this is the outcome of fighting against the Sorcerer King. This was a message for the rest of the nations that had taken part in this alliance that whoever dares to rise against Nazarick will parish.

Ainz wanted to return to Jeanne but when he turned around he saw Alyndra and Esma bowing deeply with their foreheads touching the grass..

"Oh, it's you two."

"So-Sorcerer King, I-I felt that all this was a mistake from the beginning and I was dragged here. If refused to join, they might have put sanctions upon my kingdom or even declare war later. I just did this for my people and Alea because Ajax lied about her being brainwashed by your majesty!

The blood queen continued on and on to explain herself so the undead would forgive her.


Alyndra shut her mouth immediately and she thought that she was annoying him. This might be her end…

"I can picture the whole situation. You people were simply foot soldiers and sacrifices for the dragon lords, that's why they made up all this hassle. So I forgive you, Esma, and Isaris but you will hand over the crown."

"Yes, anything you desire, your majesty."

"Very good, I'm glad that everything is over here, but you miss… You wanted to discuss something with me."

Jeanne approached Ainz very close near his face and that made Albedo and Shalltear very upset that such a person that was on the side of the enemy a moment ago to go near their beloved husband as she was a friend of him.


"You know what I am, do you?"

"What's your name?"

"Jeanne d'Arc."

"Oh my, now I am one hundred percent sure that you are from YGGDRASIL, A NPC right?"

"Yes, but how can you tell that I am an NPC?"

"Well, that name of yours is a generic one among players and NPC's. Even your face and armor, I have seen it before."

Ainz remembered the Fate Grand Order character that he curiously searched on the internet when his friend gave him Artoria.

"I understand, even I started to believe that you were a player and tried to stop Ajax. I have been taking care of my creator's bloodline for five hundred years but the last one…"

"Yeah I get it but now that you have no master or an heir to continue the bloodline, what do you plan to do?"

"That's why I did not take any action in this war. I wanted your help take down the Platinum Dragon Lord and liberate my homeland."

"By homeland, you mean the flying castle Eryuentiu?"

"That's right, I haven't seen my home for hundreds of years and nobody wanted to help me, even Ajax that makes him the rightful owner of the castle did not care."

"Do you want to become a queen or something? What do I get from all this? I can simply ignore you right now and take the castle for myself"

"No, no, you can have of its riches and walls. I simply want revenge. I don't want to see the murderer of my creators on the throne that does not belong to him."

"Hm, that's not a bad deal I guess but I know NPC's very good… Are you really fine to give this castle to me? The other NPC's would put your head on a spear if they heard that."

"I believe it's better to be in your hands than that filthy lizard."

"I mean, I don't mind but I have yet to fully believe you. This will be proven when you fight by our side. But for now, join our ranks.

Ainz reached his hand and both of them shake hands on the agreement. The foot soldiers of the holy alliance were destroyed and some others didn't want to fight anymore after witnessing the horrors.

Now after looking from a moment at Esma, Ainz wanted to meet with the Dark Empress...

Next chapter