
Chapter 78

Inside the war room, all the high members of the Slane Theocracy had gathered, the scriptures and other special forces were standing on their knees facing the six cardinals and the Pontifex Maximus.

Many of them were ordered to come here without giving them any information about the situation. After a moment, the knights opened the door and some man in armor entered the war room.

Lakyus was standing at the edge of the left side and saw those soldiers that looked very frightened like they had seen a ghost or something else in the darkness.

"What just happened?"

She was not the only one that had this question in the mind but soon they are about to understand it. The soldiers fell on their knees and waited for the cardinals.

"What's your name soldier?" asked Pontifex Maximus.

"Ivar Algana, your Holiness."

"Tell us what happened to Vittoria Fortress, Ivar."

"It's the Sorcerer Kingdom, your Holiness…"

The entire war room was quiet for a moment until Dominic broke it in his usual way.

"What did you say?!" he yelled.

"Th-The Sorcerer Kingdom is attacking us, your Holiness."

"But… But this is impossible! How were they able to reach this far without being noticed by us?!"

That was the real question here. The capital of the Slane Theocracy was almost at the center of the nation and far away from any border. A large army of Nazarick that invaded the Vittoria Fortress so fast would have been noticed marching here so deep in their territories.

"I don't understand it either, your Holiness. Before we even noticed the situation, the enemy was already inside the fortress killing our soldiers. But by then it was too late to use a counter-attack, everything was set on fire and the soldiers got slaughtered to the last one of them. Me and these men had to escape from the back gate or else we would have been caught in the fire too.

It looked in their eyes that these men had seen some horrors committed by the Nazarick forces. It was an obvious reaction, they had to see their comrades getting slaughtered like lambs and they could do nothing about it.

"You should have fought harder!"


Pontifex Maximus hit the table with his fist and stared at him.

"Sit down Dmininc and hold your anger. I have to remind you that we are not that invincible power like we were years ago. Ivar and his men did a good thing that escaped that hell just to tell us about the invasion. Before things get worse, we need to call for aid from our allies. Oriela, use the magic scroll to connect us with the Platinum Dragon Lord."

"Yes, your Holiness!"

Oriela was the same female in a schoolgirl uniform that got killed by the skeleton monster years ago. She was brought back to her country by the other scriptures and was brought back to life again. She was a bit more mature now but still, the uniform suited her great.

Oriela took out the magic scroll from her bag, she then activated it. The magic scroll magically burned in the air and Oriela waited for a response from the Platinum Dragon Lord.


The girl fell on her knees shocking everyone. Lkauys rushed to help her comrade and the others followed.

"Child what happened?!" Berenice left the table and went to her.

Oriela had covered her forehead with the hand because something felt like it pierced her head or damaged her brain.

"S… Someone bl-blocked argh!" It was still burning her head inside.

What was more concerning is that blood was seen dripping upon the floor. The cardinals have seen a scene similar to this.


Berenice touched her ear and there she saw blood. Immediately she lifted her head just to see the face of Oriela in a miserable state. Blood was coming out from every hole like eyes, mouth, ears, nose.


The "Divine Chant" Rovena shouted in despair from seeing her friend like that.

[HEAL] !

No change was showing up.

[HEAL] !

Again nothing happened.

"But what the hell is this?! Why isn't she healing?"

"Rovena, I don't think this is a wound that can be healed so easily."

"Then what is it, Lakuys?!"

"Someone must have countered her magic and ended up damaging her brain. That's the only possible way to describe it."


It was horrible, Roven couldn't believe that she had to see her friend like this again. Oriela's life faded slowly and then died in the arms of Berenice.

"Oriela come back!"

"That can't happen, years ago when we sent you on that mission, a similar death like this happened to the Miko Princess. There was nothing we could do about it... now I can't believe that the same thing happened to this child too."

With tears in her eyes, Berenice hugged the dead body of Oriela like a mother that had lost her child… for the second time. Rovena too and the females that were present in the war room dropped some tears because a woman's soul was more soft compared to that of men.

"What a tragedy… It seems Nazarick has been preparing to launch an invasion on us. Who knows of how many cities and towns have fallen and we know nothing about it."

"They have cut us off from our allies, now we are alone like a boat in the middle of the ocean. God help us."

"Just what kind of magic can kill someone from such a long distance?!"

"That damnable monster!

The old cardinals continued to ask themselves, blame others, and curse the Sorcerer King.

"What should we do, your Holiness?"

"We will defend our land, Captain. The undead will not show any mercy so we must fight! I order to arm every man in this city that can hold a sword. Collect any supplies that will give us the strength to fight this war."

"Yes, your Holiness!"

"And make sure to protect the walls! We are facing the sworn enemy of not just humanity but all living beings! If we fall, then everything is over. May the Six bless you all!"

The scriptures rushed outside the war room to prepare for the worst. Lakyus left the Roven's shoulder and went outside with the others. A young female just died right in front of everyone, she couldn't get it out of her head.

It was not fair to die like that without warning, preparation, or anything. Lakyus hit the wall out of anger and breathed furiously.


A hand landed upon her shoulder, she turned and saw the paladin female of the forgotten Holy Kingdom.

"I know how you feel, Lakyus, but you should look forward."

"No, no, no Remedios, I should not act like this. You lost everything that you loved and you still are a strong woman fighting for what is right. It's just… this happened so fast. I felt like I was ready at any moment and yet…"

"I understand your concern Lakyus. I'm also filled with sadness and sorrow but that is nothing compared to the hatred I have against the one who is trying to destroy the realm of humanity. That monster is a liar and only wants to see us under his foot. I won't buy that Lakyus, I don't want the world ruled by that horrible creature."

"Thank you… my beliefs are not strong as yours Remedios, but I won't give up."

"I know."

The two female warriors walked side by side to prepare for the war. When they met together for the first time, they became close to each other. It was mostly Remedios that went after her all the time.

Lakyus has heard her story when the Holy Kingdom got invaded by the sea monsters and next by the undead monsters. And the most painful moment was when her queen that was also a best friend abandoned her.

Her little sister Kelart was fixated with the religion of the Sorcerer Kingdom and converted immediately to stay side by side with the angels and learn the depth of magic. Remedios was left alone until she met two agents from the Slane Theocracy and started taking a lot of nationalists under her wing.

Passing the border was easy for the humans and she later joined with the Scriptures. Remedios is a powerful woman, easily surpassing Lakyus and many members of the Black Scriptures. The only lack that Lakyus saw at Remedios is that she was not good at normal conversation and was a very hardhead, that's why sometimes Lakyus avoided her.

"Do you believe that you might see known faces on the enemy side, Lakyus?"

"I don't know… but I hope not."

Now that Remedios brought this up, her heart started to pump faster. What if she sees her old friends of the adventure days fighting for the enemy? That would be a very difficult situation especially if she encountered Gagaran.

With Gagaran, she had a very close and strong relationship to the point that they would trust each other unconditionally. It was a very difficult decision for Lakyus to leave them because of her beliefs.

"Ah, Sorcerer King… you destroyed our friendship and separated us. Cursing your existence is not enough you damn bastard…"

It was all his fault for all the changes that happened to this world. It was like waking up in a land of nightmares where memories of the past show up everywhere she went. Lakyus was a strong woman but she cries a lot at night remembering and thinking. These new comrades from the scriptures were not able to help her as her friends did.

Lakyus turned her eyes at Remedios and she had a determined look on her face. She needs that too so she can push her fears away. The armies of the Nazarick Kingdom have reached the heart of the Slane Theocracy and the battle for the capital will become very brutal.

Nazarick - Lorestir border…

Upon the hills covered with forests were lying several bodies of blood elves, moon elves, draphs, and snow elves. They were all knights sent by the holy alliance to give troubles to the undead forces.

But their assault did not go very far and got crushed by a surprise attack inside this forest. Those who had caused this were of course the undead forces that were ordered to guard this area.

A moon elf female knight opened her eyes after a long time of unconsciousness. The last time she was awake, she remembers arrows and fireballs coming toward her squads until she was hit by the shockwave of the blast and everything went blur.

After her vision was cleared, she saw all her comrades lying dead on the ground. Many of them were very beautiful and talented knights, and that made it shocking to see them in this situation.

"Collect all their weapons!" someone gave orders.

The moon elf female did not wait to watch them so she lay her whole body on the ground and started to move like that. The girl was heading toward the bushes so she could lose them and hide.

"Just a little…"

But all that attempt to escape was halted by a foot that stepped upon her back. At that moment her entire body froze. Then, a cold sword's blade covered with blood touches the right side of her neck.

"Did you really think that escape was possible, huh?"

The moon elf had no choice but to surrender to the enemy. Her biggest fear now was if she will be slain right now or later, or ending as a prisoner. She was grabbed by the hair, and the enemy lay her body near a tree.

She saw around a lot of undead monsters in armor pulling the corpses of her comrades. That will be the last time she sees their forms. The enemy that captured her was not a skeletal monster but rather, this person was a young male with short pure white hair wearing black leather armor.

The scary thing was his right eye. While his left eye was a normal blue eye, the right one was absurdly unnatural. The color of his sclera was pitch black and the iris was blood red. That one eye simply looked like it was made to strike fear on the enemies.

"Please don't kill me!" she pleaded, uniting her hand in a gesture of prayer

"Huh, why not?" asked the confused ghoul.

"I don't want to die… I have a little sister at home waiting for me." tears started to fall from her blue eyes.

"So? I didn't force you or your friends to come here. You came to this land to kill me, and I bet you wouldn't show mercy at all if I was in the same position as you, right?"

He was right about that. All the knights were ordered to kill any undead being they encounter on their path. It was obvious that the enemy will show the knights the same treatment.

"But the orders…"

"And I have orders to protect this land and slay the invaders. Sorry young knight lady but you have nothing to change my mind. We already know that you're foolish leaders have formed an alliance against the Supreme one. For such stupidity, I have to end your life right now."

"No, I beg you! I don't want to end like this!"

"What's happening here?"

Behind the ghoul arrived a tall beautiful armored female with long blonde hair and crimson eyes. She was holding a long black spear in her right hand. There were also three other beauties with her, Arche, Kuuderika, and Ureirika.

"Why is this one still alive?"

"I was about to kill her, Lady Leinas, but she just keeps begging to spare her life."

"Please beautiful knight lady of the mighty Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick, spare this one's life! This foolish one has a little sister back home that she loves! I don't want to abandon her! Please forgive me, please don't kill me!"

The moon elf kneeled and hit the ground with her forehead and continued to beg for her life.

Arche on the other hand turned her eyes at her twin sisters and remembered her days of struggles trying to do something to save her sisters. But this one was in a very different position right now compared to herself years ago. At that time, she was in front of the great master but this moon elf was in front of servants that have no mercy for some lowly enemies.

"Shut that mouth and die already!"

Leinas was ready to thrust her spear to penetrate her body but Arche put her hand upon Leinas shoulder.

The Blood Empress turned at Arche. "What the hell now Arche? We have to finish here quickly and teleport back to Slane Theocracy."

"I know that but I kinda feel bad for this girl. She reminds me of the days when I tried to save my sisters."

"Are you saying to let her go?!"

"Not at all, just turn her into your slave. That way she will stay loyal to us and later she can return back to her sister."

"What about the others? Didn't they have families too?"

"Well it's too late for them now and this one is still alive so her memories will stay with her."

Leinas continued looking at Arche thinking about what decision to take. She stepped closer to her and pointed the finger at Arche's face.

"Listen, kid... if something comes up about this case, you will answer. Are we clear?"

"Sure Leinas, leave it to me." said Arche.

Leinas turned and walked towards the moon elf female. She grabbed her by the armor and lay her on the ground.

"Please, don't kill me!" the girl's face was covered with tears. This told how desperate she was to survive.

"Shut up, elf!"

Leinas pulled out a knife and slit her wrist and immediately the blood started to pour out of there.

"Open your mouth."

"Please don't kill me."

"Open the damn mouth."

Leinas grasped her jaw and opened her mouth forcibly. The blood dripped into her mouth and the moon elf tasted blood for the first time.

As soon as the blood went down her throat, her body started to feel strange for a moment and her heart was piping too fast.


She screamed like she was about to throw out her lungs because her chest felt like it was exploding.


This was her last cry as a mortal being. Her body stopped fighting and lay on the ground like a corpse. Suddenly the blue color of her eyes disappeared and it was replaced with a blood-red color. The moon elf raised on her feet slowly then she observed her hand. She was surprised and confused while looking at her sharp nails and cold skin.

She pierced a bit the tip of her finger, a drop of blood was ready to fall but it returned again under her skin and regenerate.

"So how do you feel?"

"What did you do to me?"

"I gave you the gift of absolute immortality, in other words, I turned you into a vampire."

"Vampire..." the only time she had heard the name of this undead species was when she was learning about the monsters that serve the Sorcerer King. She never even imagined becoming one of them…

"What's your name and what type of elf are you?"

"My-my name is Arwen Vasha... mistress. I- I am a moon elf from the Lorestir Kingdom."

Arwen felt something weird when Leinas asked. She was calmer and gave an answer to the Blood Empress immediately. She should have been too nervous right now but her mind and body refused to give her those feelings.

"Good, you still have the memory, we are done here Arche, let's leave."

"Mhm okay."

"Wait, mistress what will happen with me?"

She just got turned into another being and still was confused. The one who turned her like that is leaving as nothing happened.

You'll work with him for now and when the alliance get's destroyed, you are free to go home to your sister." Leinas and the three sisters disappeared from the Elvenor.

"... Right…"

She left… she killed her comrades, turned her into a monster, and left like it was just a tuesday for her… What's the point?

"You are still confused huh?" spoke the white-haired boy.

"Of- Of course, I am."

"Here, quench your thirst."

The boy took a bottle from his backpack and threw it to Arwen. She really was thirsty and didn't see, smell, or taste the bottle carefully so she drank it immediately.

Her eyes went wide from confusion because this didn't felt like water at all but still she continued to drink it. She wanted to stop but she was not able to control her thirst for this fluid.

"Alright, chill, that's enough."

He took it from her because she was not willing to give his bottle back. Arwen still confused put the finger inside her mouth and pull it out again. Her finger was covered with red fluid…

"Is… Is this blood?"

"Yeah." he answered.

"But-But why did it taste so good? What is happening to me?"

"That's because you're a vampire, idiot. No more mortal food, no more sleep, no more tiring. The only food that you will taste as a vampire is blood, you like that?"

"I-I don't know."

"Of course you don't know, these are just your first minutes as a creature of the night but you will get used to it with the time. Anyway, my name Ken, nice to meet you."

"Arwen, nice to meet you too, lord Ken."

"Lord? I ain't a lord, I'm just a soldier of the Supreme One. Just call me, Ken."


What's this? Everything just turned weird… or somehow normal. She was about to die by this monster know as Ken but now he is just a comrade of her.

"I just switch teams, didn't I?"

That's right, she was not anymore a knight of the Lorestir Kingdom and the Holy Alliance. She now serves the nation that was told to her to fight against it. Her life or unlife turned crazy so fast.

"We are done here, Ken." spoke Death Warrior.

"Mhm, tell everyone to move then. Follow me Arwen."

"Where are we going, Ken?"

"Uhh, to kill more of your old comrades, I guess."


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