
Chapter 73

Ainz was very curious about this audience that came out of nowhere, and Nualia said that it was very important. Now the relationship between the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick and the Et'hem Republic was pretty much neutral.

At first, when the undead warriors returned the citizens of the Republic, they had some meetings at the border especially with the kitsunes because the area near Elvenor is mostly populated by the fox people.

But after some months everything was quiet. The warriors of the Republic never came out of the forest so things just stood neutral for the time being.

There actually is a community of wolfmen and kitsunes that live in the Nazarick Kingdom but these did not have any connection or relation with those from Et'hem because those who live in the Nazarick Kingdom had their roots from the large southern forest of the east like the wild elves and the amazons.

"Well, let's see for what reason they are here."

Ainz sat on his golden throne and held his gold staff with him. Albedo, Artoria, Esdeath, Zesshi, Shalltear, Keno stood by his right side while Demiurge, Cocytus, Mare, Aura, Thanatos on his left side.

The overlord was ready for anyone and anything that enters this room. In the past, Ainz had those inside fears that he might do or say something wrong in front of a representative but now his mind was clear.

The gates of the throne room suddenly got opened by two Death Cavaliers and the first to enter was Nualia. After her, followed a group of wolfmen and kitsunes that were holding seven wolfmen like prisoners with their hands tied.

Ainz simply stared at them as the warriors lay the prisoners on their knees and after them the warriors themselves. But not two beings stepped forward, one was a wolfman with short black hair and golden eyes.


Ainz was amazed by the fox beauty that stood in front of him. She was for sure a World-Class Beauty like the girls of his harem. As she slowly prostrated herself, Ainz was worried about her huge boobs that might get exposed but fortunately, it didn't happen.

"Oh brother, it feels like those melons are ignoring gravity."

Now Ainz threw those thoughts away. After spending so much time with his harem he has realized that he has become a big pervert. A skeleton pervert would sound very bizarre and ridiculous for these people but eh, anything can happen in a fantasy world.

"You two may rise." he gave the order and the two of them obeyed.

Fira Kasumi was surprised by the black void that was called "Gate", amazed by the halls of this mighty castle and now she was overwhelmed by a strange feeling when she saw the Sorcerer King laying on his throne and the vassals around him.

All the instincts were going crazy and warned her to not anger this death god that can erase her little country from existence with just the flick of his finger. Ultimate danger lurked inside this room.

"Welcome to the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick representatives of the Et'hem Republic."

"Thank you very much for accepting our request, your Majesty! I am Kasumi, the leader of Kagusa, a clan of kitsunes that resides in the northwest of the Et'hem Republic."

That mature voice pleased Ainz. "Come to think of it, don't they seem to look very… Japanese?

Their clothes looked literally similar to those of the feudal Japanese era and also they held katana swords. But some of the warriors had western facial features like Aragi and some others like Kasumi had Asian facial features.

If a player has brought Japanese culture to these people Ainz wouldn't be surprised at all because he knows now that other players like him have come mysteriously to this world ages ago. And have left their legacy behind after their death.

"Umu, so I see that you have brought some prisoners, miss Kasumi. May I know the problem? Nualia reported to me that this was very important."

"I-Indeed, your Majesty it is. These seven fools were clan leaders like me not very long ago. They have been working secretly for a reason and that is to turn the Republic into an absolute monarchy. They wanted to raise this wolfman Akira the alpha of Uta Clan into a King of all Et'hem."


The Sorcerer King turned his face at the devil gentleman wearing a red suit and then at the winged demon goddess.

"Miss Kasumi… I don't get it. What you are telling me is a political conflict within your country. What does this have to do with the Nazarick Kingdom?"

"The problem is that a coalition of nations has been formed, your Majesty. They have made an oath to destroy the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick… and slay you."


Suddenly, Kasumi's feet got very cold, and her entire body had started to shiver. She saw some of the girls that looked concerned and others very angry. Her eyes noticed the High Queen immediately, she did not look like some black magic was controlling her mind so why was Ajax so determined that this was the work of black magic?

If she comes out of this alive, she wanted to talk with her to make sure Alea was normal. The aura that was coming from the Sorcerer King and his subordinates was like a cold wind.

"By the ancestors… is he is angry?"

"So you're telling me that the low life form over there wanted to fight me?"

"Yes-yes, your Majesty! By fighting in this war and earning a victory, he thought that he could turn himself into a king."

Retards only gonna do retards stuff. If this was a joke, it wasn't funny at all. But this is real, these people have been beaten by their own people for the foolishness they have started.

"Preposterous!" the demon goddess with long black hair shouted with anger. "Those sniveling rats are going to pay…"

The enraged female shut her mouth when she saw the overlord raising his arm and the noise of a snapping finger was heard. Two Death Cavaliers showed up to grab Akira. As ordered, they brought the grey wolfman at the feet of the Sorcerer King.

Akira kept his head low looking at the floor, he was afraid to lay his eyes at the Sorcerer King. He hasn't even seen his face yet because of fear. Suddenly, Akira felt that his right ear was grabbed and pulled up.

That was the moment when he saw the face of the terrifying being known as Ainz Ooal Gown. He was beyond scared from those hellish crimson points that were staring straight at his soul. He is not the devil, he is someone that even the devil is afraid of.

"Tell me "King Akira" what did I do to your Majesty? Hmm?"

The former alpha was trying his best not to look at the skull face but his ear hurt so much and the Sorcerer King was squeezing it tighter and small squeals were coming out of him.

"Demiurge, I think "his majesty" isn't feeling well. Can you help, his excellency?"

The devil used his passive skill [Command Mantra] to control the wolfman.

[Answer the question of the Supreme One]

"You rescued the enemy, my little brother Aragi!"

"Oh, I think I remember his face back at that orc city and also he was pretty skinny. I get it now, you wanted your brother dead so you wouldn't have enemies. While he was very weak, you worked fast to join this alliance. Tell me, was it worth doing all this just to become a king?

[Answer his question]


"What a mediocre. Get him off my sight!"

The Death Cavaliers pulled Akira back to the place he was a moment ago and the Sorcerer King rose from his golden throne.

"Miss Kasumi, please follow me."


Ainz walked side by side with Kasumi and his females didn't expect this so they hurried up after him. They have acknowledged her beauty so that meant she was dangerous.

All of them reached another grand room. In the middle was a giant round table and on it were painted the two continents. Kasumi and Aragi were amazed by it and also by the enormousness of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. This was the first time seeing a map so detailed as this one.

"Miss Kasumi can tell me who is the mastermind of this alliance?"

"It's the Platinum Dragon Lord. One year ago two messengers from the Argland Council State appeared in the Et'hem Republic and asked the alphas to join the alliance against Nazarick.

"What nation has joined this alliance?"

"The Holy Celestial Empire, the Lorestir Kingdom, the Egrond Kingdom, the Underdark Empire, the Beastman Kingdom the Mythen Iska Empire, the Helorin Kingdom, the Drogthoran Empire, the X'eryus Kingdom, and the Slane Theocracy. The Et'hem Republic would be there too if we wouldn't have taken action against Akira."

"So the Slane Theocracy has joined the alliance too, huh? Well, they were to be expected to take this chance. The great human supremacists dealing with the dragon lords and also with the other races… ironic. Do you know any of their plans?"

"Yes, the plans to enter the realm of the high elves from the dark forest and take control of a tunnel near the O'valian Village." explained Kasumi.

"How many troops do they have?" asked Ainz.

"Around 6 million."

"Don't they fear any attack coming from the armies I have in Elvenor? What gives these guys so much confidence?"

This invasion plan sounded very ridiculous like it was made by children.

"The Platinum Dragon Lord promised to send one thousand dragons to aid the armies of the east. And about your armies in Elvenor, they are going to be distracted by the paramilitary allies."

Do they even know what they were dealing with? Ainz thought that these people must have been gathering information since the rise of the Nazarick Kingdom or its appearance in Elvenor but It looks like they didn't get to know his army's details.

"But even the 6 million armies and the Slane Theocracy will be a distraction, your Majesty. The Platinum Dragon Lord plans to attack the capital of the Sorcerer Kingdom with two thousand dragons while you have the attention on the east front."

If Ainz would have been alone in this room, he could have had the hardest facepalm in his life. But it is what it is so he went with it.

"So it will be like this, huh?"

Ainz took a stick and pushed some small figures of knights that symbolized the armies of the east at the O'valian Village and some skeleton knights all over the border.

"Thanatos I want you and Arche to replace the Death Knights and the Death Warriors that patrol the border with Old Guarders, Elder Guarders, Vampires, and Ghoul Warriors."

"It will be done, my lord!"

"And just for safety keep squads of Death Warriors scouting in the forest, do not worry if the foe is stronger, we will just send stronger warriors like waves, go now. Shalltear, follow Thanatos and help him to transport the troops to the border by using [Gate]."

"Yes, my Lord Ainz!"

The true vampire and the grim reaper bowed and went out to fulfill the orders of the Supreme Being.

There might have been questions about why replacing stronger ones with the weak ones but his subordinates were starting to understand the idea of playing weak at the beginning.

"Now, I haven't made any contacts with the nations of the east before and I don't know what these people are thinking. The rulers of these nations might have been deceived by the Dragon Lords to rise and fight me, we won't exclude those thoughts. So I will let the fate of these nations pending for now."

Kasumi on the other hand was simply astonished hearing the Sorcerer King at making plans and giving orders. He was able to see through anything which was very terrifying. He was not afraid at all from all these nations gathered to fight him. Nope, It was them that we're afraid of him, that's why an alliance was formed. She followed the Sorcerer King at everything he said.

The Sorcerer King pushed with the stick knights all over the borders of the Slane Theocracy but most of them were positioned at the capital Kami Miyako.

"As I said a moment ago, the fate of the nations of the east is pending but… for the Slane Theocracy and the Argland Council State, these two nations are the cancer of this world so they need to go."

"The Nazar Army will take over the Slane Theocracy!"

There was some rage on that declaration… "Zesshi, you know them better than I do. I don't wanna see a single building that stands still."

Zesshi's lips curved into a smile. "It will be the greatest joy to raze the nation that used me as nothing but a weapon. Thank you, my love."

Now, this is going to be funny and interesting for the half-elf. She can't wait to see some old faces of the past that were still alive. The Sorcerer King called the attack on the Slane Theocracy "the Operation Carthage". She doesn't know where this word comes from but her husband said that it means absolute destruction… That's all that she has to know.

The end was coming and Ainz created with magic a dragon figure as big as his hand and place it upon the capital of the Argland Council State.

"What is that my Lord?" asked Demiurge with wonder.


Kasumi noticed the subordinates having a different reaction than before. This is serious, something bad is about to be unleashed.

"My lord, should I go and wake him up?" asked Albedo.

"No dare Albedo, It is me who is going to wake him up. Kasumi I need you to stay here for the time being."

"Ye-Yes, as you wish, your Majesty!"

Ainz ordered Demiurge and Esdeath to come with him to the Great Tomb of Nazarick's 4th Floor.

Back in the game, the 4th Floor was an underground lake but the members of Ainz Ooal Gown worked on it expanding this floor making it the largest floor in Nazarick. The fake sky here was grey totally different from the blue sky of the 6th floor.

Also, there was a very wide ruined city on this floor. This was the domain of Zenith, upon this city ley the ultra colossal monster sleeping. But Zenith felt something… or someone. Two of them are known to but the other one it's not.

Zenith opened his eyes and upon a tower, he saw the great overlord and Demiurge. The monster started to rise making the entire city tramble and many buildings crumbled. His attention was at the female with long blue hair. Who was this person? How did she get in here or when? But still, she was standing behind the Great one, something is not right.

"Have you been sleeping well, Zenith?"

"Yes Supreme Overlord and thank you for visiting this food but who is that female?! Is it an enemy?!"

"She is my wife, Esdeath."

"Forgive me Supreme One for calling your wife an enemy." This monster bowing his head was absolutely bizarre. "May I ask what you need, my Lord?"

"Zenith, I have a duty for you and that is to destroy an enemy nation."

The monster showed his teeth that were as big as mountains. He was pleased to hear about this. This monster was created by the game only to destroy just like his father.

"I will destroy all the enemies of the Supreme One!"

The child of the Great Devourer of the Nine Worlds is about to show his might to this New World for the first time.

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