
Chapter 32

The undead forces had spread everywhere in the city of Re Estize to put all of it under absolute control. As they advanced like roots, the first arrests started to happen. The patrol officers were accused of working with the Eight Fingers, so they were the first fish to be captured.

Many nobles had arrived in the city before the invasion, thinking they will be safe here and let the peasant they ruled at the mercy of the invader. But this was their last day as members of high society.

With the help of the common people, the Nazarick forces were able to find the location of their residences.

First the nobles acted furious when they saw soldiers coming into their houses, but they were immediately arrested without question. Each of the family members were sent in different directions. The nobles could scream for help outside, but the Death Warriors hit them on their heads, so they fell unconscious.

But whatever brutally the undead forces used on the nobles, the common people did not care what happened to them. They sometimes shot the nobles with moldy bread or objects. Nobody had a bit of mercy for them, but only hatred.

The sick citizens that lived in them slums, were taken to the angels to be healed, and given food for the families. The common people were surprised from the carriages pulled by Soul Eaters with tons of food. The vampires gave them as much as they wanted and the citizens with a cheerful smile, praised Ainz Ooal Gown for his benevolence.

The angels had attracted everyone's attention. Their beauty was out of this world, and the pure aura that surrounded them was divine. All the people that were healed by them, felt like they were just born. The angels demanded nothing, they healed the citizens for free and this was not good news for the priests of the Four Gods.

A priest approached near an angel. She had short blue hair, blue eyes and six wings on her back. She wore a white priest's robe with blue stripes.

"Greetings your Holiness."

The priest bowed his head and the angel turned her eyes at him.


Greeted back the angel with a smile.

"Your Holiness, may I know what kind of angel are you?" asked the priest.

"I am a Seraph, an angel of the first sphere in the celestial hierarchy." answered the angel.

This celestial hierarchy was unknown for the priest. He thought it must be something holy.

Lakyus was always staying near the holy angels to observe what they do and how they act. She was really interested to know about them, so she heard the conversation between the mortal and the angel.

"I see… Your Holiness, why are you with the undead?"

The angel turned cold now. Lakyus could see the angel change her smile into a serious face.

"What do you mean?"

Even her voice changed.

"Why do you and the other angels serve the undead king?"

The man wants to die. Lakyus wanted to intervene to stop this fool for asking these questions. She could see the angel clenching her fists.

"Because he is God."

The priest narrowed his eyebrows and shouted like he was talking with a mortal.

"A skeleton cannot be a god! That is a blasphemy of the highest-

Now he has done it. A white aura exploded from the angel and spread on the area around. Lakyus felt like she had been hit by a cold storm. The priest had fallen on his butt by the sudden aura that was released from the Seraph.

"You... a mere mortal dares to call me, an angel of the highest order a blasphemer?! On top of that, you dare to call the ruler of the High Heavens and the all father of the angels… a skeleton?! You piece of filth!"

The rage of the angel made some vampires and Death Warriors to show up and see what is the problem. The vampires stopped a few meters away from her because the holy aura did not do them good. Lakyus had fallen in her knees by the white storm.

It was terrifying. The angel calmed and the vampires captures the priest and checked him. The Death Warrior discover something that the priest had on his robe. They observe it for a moment and…

"This crest belong to the Slane Theocracy?"

They turned their heads at the priest.

"A spy!"

"No-No, I-"

The priest understood that he had doomed himself.

"Get him!" shouted the Death Warrior.

Like a sack, the undead warriors took the priest to interrogate him. The other priests that had nothing to do with this, feared because they may be arrested as well for cooperation with the enemies of Nazarick Kingdom.

The angel turned and went to do her job at healing the citizens. Lakyus just stood where and she was amazed by the power of the holy beings. But she still did not accept the undead God. She had not seen a miracle from him. He had massacre an entire army. How can someone call him, a creature that hate the living being, a God?

Little by little the citizens were changing to trust their new King and this was the first day. Who knows how fast his influence will spread across the continent. Nazarick Kingdom might turn into a nation with strong religion like the Slane Theocracy and war might break out.

Slane Theocracy is like a last fortress of humanity. If they go against this Kingdom that has monsters and angels of unimaginable power, it will be really, really, really bad.

Twenty undead warriors lead by a Death Cavalier were patrolling a wide area that was near the walls of the city. There were six vampires wearing leather armor, two Undead Berserkers that wore a black full body armor and were equipped with a double bladed battle axes and 12 Death Warriors.

They were on a mission to find if there were any nobles hiding, but most of them had been arrested now.

A young vampire boy with white hair walked forth, and the others were alarmed. Then he stopped and touched the ground.

"What is it, young Teodor?"

The one who spoke was the Death Cavalier. Teodor had put his ear close to the ground.

"Sir, I'm hearing something beneath us."

"Like what?" asked the Death Cavalier.

"A lot of... steps."

That means that below them, was an underground tunnel that leads somewhere.

"Should I blow a hole, Sir!"

The Undead Berserker spoke and he took his battle axe from his back. As a level 60 undead warrior, he could make a huge crater in this area.

"No, we need to find the entrance. Little Kloi!"

A Wraith appeared in front of the Death Cavalier. It appearance was like a black ghost.

"Little Kloi, get inside there, and inform us where the entrance is located."

Kloi moved straight through the ground. Wraiths have astral bodies, so they can easily move through such as walls and other objects.

They waited for a few minutes and Kloi discovered the entrance.

"He says, the tunnel is connected with a mansion in the east not far from us."

A vampire girl with blonde hair that had a bow on her back, jumped upon the roof of a house and observed around.

"I see it, Sir. It's the only mansion in that area that has decorated trees around the yard." informed the vampire girl.

"Very good, Miss Junida. Everyone let's move!"

"Aye Sir!"

The immortal squad, ran fast to discover the strange tunnel. They passed many streets and blocks to reach the destination. The area they arrived, did not have any houses around.

The walls of the mansion were huge, but that was not a problem for the undead group. They jumped high on the other side. The Death Cavalier gave signs to move slowly till they reached the door of the mansion.

The door was open and the group got inside to control the house. Suddenly a maid appeared before them and saw them with widened eyes. Sure seeing undead unexpected will scare anyone.

"Wh-Who are you?! What are you doing here?!"

The maid shouted like they had entered inside her own house.

"Stay out of this Miss." said the lieder of the group.

"This is the house of Marquise Iblue! You can't just enter like-

"Begone woman or I will beat the living soul out of you!" shouted the Undead Berserker.

The maid turned pale, like her life was flying away from her body. She understood they did not care about her or who the master of the house was. Her mission was to stop anyone from coming here, so she can buy time for her master to escape, but it was impossible to stop these monsters.

She saw them going down inside the basement where the entrance to the tunnel was. How they find out about the tunnel? The maid did not know that.

The squad entered inside the tunnel where the Wraith was waiting for them.

"Splendid job Little Kloi. Thank you!"

Kloi rolled joyfully in the air from the praise of the Death Cavalier and followed behind the leader.

Five Death Warriors stood on the surface to control the huge mansion and the others were running through the underground passage. The tunnel was in complete darkness but that was not a problem for the undead because they had dark vision and it was like daylight for them.

They had been running for a long time and maybe they could be outside the city and now all of them stopped because something had blocked their path and it was a thick iron gate.

The Undead Berserker grabbed the gate's handle and opened it like it was nothing. Such gate would be impossible to be opened like that. It can even resist the Fireball spells, and this undead cracked it like a stick.

What appeared before them was…

"A river?"

They heard something unstoppable moving behind the iron gate but nobody thought that it was a wide underground river.

Below them was a sidewalk and they did not know where to move, left or right. Teodor jumped first on the sidewalk. The others stayed calm and let the boy to find the right direction.

"Sir, i'm hearing many voices on the left side."

It was exactly in the direction where the river was running. All of them jumped on the sidewalk and followed the Teodor. They could hear the voices more clearly as they approached without making any noise.

At first, they saw some wooden boxes that had blocked the path. The group came closer and hid behind these boxes. They raise their heads and the first thing they saw was a guard but he was not looking were the undead group was.

Where the guard was looking, was a giant boat and on the wide sidewalk were at last 60 humans carrying different objects and loading them in the large boat. Two men with luxurious robes were standing there and ordering the workers around.

Nobody had their eyes at the guard near the boxes, so the vampires grabbed him, covered his mouth not to scream and cut his throat with the blade ending his life.

"Quickly people, time is gold. We have to escape from this Kingdom as soon as possible." said Marquis Iblue.

The workers were moving faster and put the golden items on the boat.

This underground river was very old. The sidewalk was built 200 years ago and was used by the humans to hide themselves from the rampage of the Demon Gods. Decades later, this underground river was forgotten, but not by all.

The Eight Fingers build a lot of tunnels to connect with this underground river, so they could do their business without problems, and many nobles that worked with the criminals came here so they could have some fun with female slaves.

But today, was the best time to use this tunnel. The river leads to the ocean and Marquis Iblue wanted to escape from the Nazarick forces. He and his son had ordered the guards to get all the gold and valuable items in this place.

"My lord, we finished it. We can leave at any time now." said one of the guards.

"Very good, let's leave this nation."

As all of them were ready to get on the board, suddenly, 15 figures appeared behind them. The guards turned around to see who was, but what they saw shocked them.

The soldiers of Nazarick Kingdom had discovered them, but they were not many in numbers and the men of the noble were numbered 60.

"I-Impossible! How did they discovered this place?!" shouted the young noble.

A black-armored knight stepped forth.

"You make a lot of noise, that's how we found you."

The humans did not move but had their hands upon the swords on their belt

"I'm gonna give you only one chance. Surrender peacefully."

"Fuck you monster! Men, kill them!"

The noble shouted. All of them drew their swords and went to attack the small group. Sure, they were 15 vs 60, but there was a huge distance here...

The Undead Berserker went first to attack them. He swung his battle axe down and cut a human by two halves, then he grabbed another human in the head and squashed it on the wall. His head was crushed like watermelon.

It made all of them to stop their advance because of the brutality they were seeing. Their two comrades now were nothing but destroyed pieces of meat that were spreading blood on the ground.


It was too late now. The second Undead Berserker released a terrifying battle cry and rushed at the humans. As they raised their swords to block him, the bulky armored undead flexed his battle axe and slayed six humans at the same time. The parts of their bodies flight around and fall on the river.

The vampires enter in the action. Teodor thrust his bastard sword at the human piercing his heart. Jonida was and the other archers were shooting them one by one.

The 7 Death Warriors started to massacre them like they had done with the soldiers in Katze Plains. As soon as they turned their backs, the head was not connected with the body anymore, but was flying in the air.

C-Cut the rope! Cut the rope!

Marquis Iblue with his fat son were on the boat and ordered his guard to cut the rope to move away from here. This was a horrifying scene for him and even had trouble to scram because of pure fear.

The man was about to cut the rope with his sword, but Junida shoot two arrows from her bow and pierced both of his eyes. The man died instantly and fell on the river like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

The noble took the sword and cut the rope himself. He thought the boat will move, but it was not. What was holding it?

His eyes shocked when he saw the Death Cavalier near him. It was who was not letting the boat to navigate. He raised the boat on the air and dropped it on the ground. As a level 85 undead, this was nothing for him.

The two nobles fell harshly and bounced on the ground. The Death Warriors had finished the massacre and captured them quickly. The fat noble was crying because his arm was broken.


Marquis Iblue shouted and cursed like a crazy man, but they were cut because Teodor punched him in the face, leaving him unconscious.

"Good job young Teodor. I was about to punch him myself."

"Thank you Sir."

"All right squad, let's return to surface. Little Kloi, go first and inform the others for this place. They must check if there are more tunnels that connect different locations and for these two, we will send them to Lord Ainz."

"Aye Sir."

Next chapter