
Chapter 19: Guardians of the Sky

Beastman Kingdom

In the northeast of the realm of the beastman lies a great mountain called Mount Korab. No demihuman dared to approach this place because this mount was the home of the Volcanic Dragon Lord, Mordo Flakë Zell, and his great family of the fire dragons. This family now might be considered as a giant tribe because the number of the fire dragons in this mountain was 5000, but the Volcanic Dragon Lord still called this a great family.

Five hundred years ago, Mordo didn't want to fight against the Eight Greed Kings, and because of that, the Dragon Emperor banished him from the Draconic Empire and called all his kin low dragons. To be called a low dragon was like to be called a wyvern. The dragons never had respect for the wyverns because they were considered a disgusting breed.

Mordo didn't care what the other Dragon Lords said about him. He took all his family and traveled mountain to mountain until he reached Mount Korab. There he began to raise the number of his kin, reaching a tremendous number that no one would believe. Many of his children were at an age that might become Dragon Lords and Mordo was proud of what he has achieved.

He didn't stop his children to leave the mount. The doors were always open, but the children loved their father and stayed to protect the family from any possible threat. Sometimes they fight with the tribe of the thunder dragons because of the food, but it never ends with death because the adult dragons intervene and stop the fight.

Four young fire dragons were guarding the entrance inside the mountain. The color of their scales was reddish dark and had golden eyes. Three of them were 100 years old and the other was 180 years old. There should always be an older dragon with the young dragons but still 180 years old was too young for a dragon.

"Oii Tiro, can I go now. I need to sleep, HAAAAA." spoke the young dragon.

"Just wait a little more, stupid little brother."

"But we have been guarding this place for a long time."

"You fool! Dangerous monsters might attack us if we don't guard here."

"Dangerous monsters like what?"

"Like the Eight Greed Kings."

Two of the young dragons shocked when they heard what he said and they turned their head to Tiro. The Eight Greed Kings were known by young dragons, because of the tales that are told by their parents. They feared the greed kings because they almost killed all the dragons in the past. Even the Dragon Lords that were known as the strongest beings in the world weren't a match for those powerful monsters.

"Ah, again with those eight fools! Greed kings here, greed kings there, greed kings did this, greed kings did that, shut the hell up with this bullshit! It's getting old."

"Brother, you should not say that. Many brave dragons died at the hands of those monsters."

"That's right! They died fighting and our father ran away like a coward-

At the moment he said the last word, Tiro hits him with his tail in the head and caused him to fall on the ground.

"If it wasn't for our father, we wouldn't be here right now. Don't you ever talk about our father with that language! Do you understand?"

"I-I'm sorry, I went too far."

The young dragon lowered his head from the scolding. If he keeps acting like this, one day he will leave his family.


"Do you want to leave us? Do it! We won't stop you."


I-I just…


"What?!" shouted Tiro.

"Who is that? What is that?!"

Tiro and the other two dragons turned their heads in the direction where the young dragon was looking. Their eyes went wide and the reason was that a dark creature was flying towards them. As it approached, the young fire dragons understood that the creature was a dragon.

They wanted to run inside the mountain but the dragon landed in front of them and they couldn't move their legs because they were afraid. The dragon was very large like their father but this dark dragon was way too terrifying. Only his eyes were gold, everything else about his form was dark.

"Greetings little ones. I am Deep Darkness Dragon Lord."

The legendary Dragon Lord was in front of them. It looked exactly as they have heard in the stories. They couldn't believe that such a mighty Dragon Lord would appear here in Korab Mountain, but still, he didn't look like he was here for a massacre. Tiro, slowly made a step forward and spoke…

"We-Welcome mighty Dragon Lord. My-My name is Tiro, one of the sons of Volcanic Dragon Lord."

"Oh splendid, I have come to visit Mordo. Is he here?"

"Ye-Yes, father is home. P-Please, follow me."

The young dragons open the path and they went inside the mountain. They passed through many tunnels until they reached the grand cave. There were many fire dragons inside. When the adult dragons saw the dark dragon, they immediately rose on their feet to be ready to attack the intruder and help their little brother, but…

"Hoo, look who has woken up from his slumber."

A giant dragon with crimson scales spoke while rising on his feet.

"It's been a long time Mordo."

"Indeed, it's been a long time, hahaha, come old friend."

Zigur went were Mordo was and sit near him. There was a lot of food near him but this was nothing compared to the food he is eating in the Sorcerer Kingdom and the soft place he is sleeping.

"Oh, you have mountain goats here. My favorite food."

"Hahaha, I know it you would say that. Eat as much as you want my friend."

Zigur and Mordo started to eat and laugh with each other. The adults were near them eating, and the young dragons observed and learned how the adults speak with each other. They were looking at wonder how their father was so happy.

"How have you been Mordo?"

"Fine Zigur, just staying here with my children."

Zigur looked at the adult dragons. Some of them might be 500 years old, but he was surprised that no one of them has left him but they all lived here as a big family.

"There are a lot of young dragons here. Do you really like children or is something else?"

"Well uuuuhh…"

Mordo looked at his wives that were behind him, and they quickly turned their heads around like they weren't hearing the conversation between the two Dragon Lords.

"Uhh, something like that."

"...I see. Have you encountered any danger these years?"

"500 years ago, I ran away. I just didn't want to fight against those kings. But 200 years ago, a monster appeared out of nowhere that looked like a disgusting insect and it killed five young dragons."

Zigur saw that Mordo lowered his head.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't…

"Ahaha, don't worry Zigur. I avenged my sons. And today only those thunder dragons are a bit annoying but it's not a problem."

"Do they have a leader."

"Yes, it's a dragoness. Her husband, the Thunder Dragon Lord was killed by those kings."

"Were those kings really strong?"

"Oh yes, really powerful Zigur. I saw them only once. Two of them slew ten Dragon Lords in a really short time. Scary isn't it?"

"Cure Elim said the same thing."

"Mhm, three hundred years ago, I fought a warrior that was as powerful as them in my cave."

Mordo and the others were all surprised by Zigur.

"So you ran away, right?"

"No Mordo, the battle was long and harsh but I emerged victoriously."

"Amazing, even the Dragon Emperor couldn't do that!"

"From that battle, I learned a lot of things Mordo. For example, not to be an arrogant fool who thinks he is undefeatable."

Mordo felt that there was something inside those words. Zigur was not like he was in the past and he really preferred this Zigur right now. He wanted to tell him that now he just needs a female and have some children, but Zigur was not that type of dragon.

"Bahamut would be proud. Hey, that pervert Dragon Lord came here some years ago."

Zigur stared at Mordo confused for a moment. What fool would call himself like that?

"Pervert Dragon Lord… Oh, you mean that Dragon Lord."

"That fool will breed with any female creature he encounters. Can't believe that he uses his wild magic only for those things. Makes me want to kill him."

"Don't worry about that. He is dead."

"Hoo, and who killed him?" asked Mordo with excitement.

"My master slew him." replied Zigur with a proud expression.

"Hmm, I see- Wait, what?!"


Both the Dragon Lords were looking at each other in the eyes. Zigur looked normal but Mordo was confused from what Zigur said just now. The adult dragons were just looking at them and eating but slowly because they didn't want to make weird noises that will disturb the conversation between the Dragon Lords.

"Who was that?"

"...My master. Is something wrong?"

"... No, I just uuhhh... Wow, someone like you has a master?"

Mordo was surprised that the mighty Deep Darkness Dragon Lord took orders from someone else, and he looked like he was really proud of his master.

"I have to tell you, Mordo. My Lord is ten times more powerful than any Dragon Lord. He is a Supreme Being."

Not just proud. He is a fanatic. That's what Mordo thought.

"Really? Well, that makes sense as to how he has killed that fool."

"Mordo… you never asked about why I did I come here."

For a moment, Mordo stared at Zigur without saying a word.

"Well… tell me then."

Zigur closed his eyes, turned, and went to a place that everyone can hear him. Others rose and waited for him to speak.

"Mordo, the name of my lord is Ainz Ooal Gown. He is the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. God of Life and Death... Join us."

Mordo was dumbfounded and the others were astonished. His master is God. Just how powerful can this Ainz Ooal Gown be?

"Is the Sorcerer King, a dragon?" asked one of the adult dragons.

"No, my lord is an undead. The name of his species is called Overlord."

They had never heard about Overlords, but the name of this species sounds really powerful and royal. The adult dragons were speaking with each other and they looked like they liked the idea to join with Zigur, but Mordo was still not sure about this.

"I-I really don't know what to say about this, Zigur."

"Oh, father let's join with lord Zigur!"

Mordo quickly turned his eyes at the one who spoke. It was one of the eldest sons, Dorio. He saw the other sons and they looked like they were excited to go to the Sorcerer Kingdom.

"How should I deal with this?!"

"My son, are you sure about this?"

Dorio turned his had at Zigur and spoke…

"Lord Zigur, does his Majesty have grand plans?"

Mordo was confused by the question that his son made.

"World Conquest." Zigur said that nice and clear for everyone to hear and understand it.

"You see father, if we don't become subordinates of his Majesty, he might consider us enemies and when he conquer this land, he might execute us all. And who knows, his Majesty might order Lord Zigur to kill us. That would be really heartbreaking, don't you think father?"

Mord was speechless and was staring at Dorio with his jaw open. He couldn't believe it how fast his son thought this.

"Your son is smart, he might have your wisdom!" praised Zigur."

"No… no, I'm not like that!"

Mordo just wanted to protect his family. He was not a really smart dragon as the others thought him to be, but his son was something else. He knows how to negotiate with others. He had stopped a battle with the thunder dragons with just words. Sometimes Mordo thought that Dorio was weird and he should become strong. In a world like this, his son should sharpen his claws.

"Let's do this father!" His eldest and strongest son Thramir spoke with an excited voice.

They all were waiting for Mordo to give his answer. They were free to go anyway but they didn't want to leave their father behind. Mordo shrugged his shoulders and took a deep breath.

"Fine, I accept, but what will our status be?"

"Guardians of the sky."

"That's nice and good. I like this, at last, we will fly a lot." said Thramir.

Flying was like walking for the dragons.

"I will go to tell the Wyvern Lord about this." said Dorio.

"Wyvern Lord?"

"Yes, his tribe is larger than us."

"Very good, but will they accept?"

"Don't worry Lord Zigur, wyverns will never let a chance like this go away."

Dorio and Thramir went together to the canyons where the tribe of the wyverns is located. Mordo ordered the others to hold the eggs soft not to broke and now everyone went out from the mountain but they encountered some dragons outside. They had blue and white scales. They were the thunder dragons and their leader Argnosa was with them. She looked around and saw thousands of dragons. They looked like they wanted to migrate somewhere.

"What do you want woman?" asked Mordo with a serious tone.

"My dragons saw that dark scale dragon that was coming here. I thought that you all were in danger, so we came to help."

"Thanks but no thanks. He is a comrade of mine. We are leaving, you can have the mountain if you want it."

Her eyes went wide from his words. They had fought many years about the ownership of this mountain and now he is leaving it like a gift for her and the thunder dragons. There must be something wrong here.

"Where are you going?" Argnosa asked.

"Sorcerer Kingdom."

Argnosa was confused because she had never heard about this nation before.

"Where is that kingdom?"

"Katze Plains, we are now the subordinates of his Majesty, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown."

"Is he undead?"

"Yes, you have a problem with that?"

Suddenly Zigur spoke. His tone made the thunder dragoness shiver. It will be not good to disrespect this Ainz Ooal Gown.

"No-No I don't! Are you really leaving this mountain Mordo?"

"Well, we might come later as an army and invade everything."

Now Argnosa understood what Mordo was talking about. She will think that this mountain belongs to the thunder dragons, but later she and her tribe will be destroyed by invading forces of the Sorcerer Kingdom.

"I see… can we come with you then?"

Mordo turned his gaze at Zigur. He was the leader here so he should decide about this.

"The greater the number, the better. I allow it."

"Thank you very much."

They lift their heads up to the sky because they heard a roar. The saw thousands upon thousands of wyverns flying towards them. The sons of Mordo and the Wyvern Lord landed on the ground to greet the others.

"Welcome Valmir, this mighty dragon here is Zigur Errë Siros, the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord ."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Zigur. My name is Valmir Torsun. I came as soon as possible when I heard about the Supreme One."

Valmir was as big as the two Dragon Lords but he kept his head lower because he didn't have four legs like the dragons so he used his wings like arms.

"Thank you Valmir. Our Lord will be pleased. Now that everyone is here, let's fly to the Sorcerer Kingdom!"


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