
Give me another big gift

In the Prince Qi Palace, before Chu Yixuan could even sit properly, the ministers of the imperial court began to come to pay their respects. Chu Yixuan was silent for a moment, then said: "Tell them that this king is sick, and refuse receiving guests."

When the Uncle Lin left, Lu Ming was a little puzzled, and asked: "For all the Masters to come to visit the Duke, you must be here to congratulate the Duke? And to pay tribute to His Highness for the hardships he had suffered in prison these days? Why did the Prince not see it? "

Chu Yixuan said indifferently: "Aren't they afraid of the rumors?"

Lu Ming was startled, but after thinking about it, he also felt suspicious: "Could it be that these lords think that it is possible for the prince to enter the Eastern Palace? So you came here to curry favor with him? "

Chu Yixuan did not say a word, and only nodded silently.

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