
Chapter 209


Oh my freaking Hellish Dumpling God!!!!! This brat! Not even being cute can save her this time!!

'Shouldn't the mere mention of the harmless word "Pineapple" strike a D*MN ALARM in this STUPID–! Yes! I hate it! But the f**king dwarf is RIGHT!! You Stupid, STOOPID... B– BIRDBRAIN!! POO–POO HEAD!!'

Hng! I can't even insult her further! I feel her shaking!! D*rn it, this kid!

". . . .. ..."

As things are looking, the dangerous one is ourselves! I can actually believe none of the f**kers surrounding us is going to make the original a reality!...

'... Did you die in the original because of an allergic reaction? That would make enormous sense to me right now.'


Thinking about it, it's kind of funny. And it's even nice.

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