
Chapter 16

"Dear..." Crixa called out when Annah's tears ran to her cheeks once again but she smiled widely at them.

"I've done it, mom, dad. I was so cool." Annah reported in smiling face, ignoring the tears falling her cheeks.

"Great going, Annahelia." Gid said and went to hug his baby. "I'm very proud of you."

"Right, dad?"

"Ofcourse. That's a nice way to dump assholes." Gid said while Crixa joined the group hug.

"And dad?" Annah looked up to them.

"Yes, baby?" Gid responded.

"I just want to inform you both...I was chosen apprentice of Professor Toc before I transferred here."

Such news made Gid's eyes widened in shock as he looked at his daughter.

"Honey, baby...I know you're broken hearted right now but I'm sending you back to England by Monday." Gid declared.

"Gid!" Crixa protested.

"What?! Apprenticeship with professor Toc?! It never happened for many years! In fact I suspect it never happen ever before but our daughter, Crix, our baby is chosen for apprenticeship!"

Annah grinned in red nose while she saw how happy her dad right now.

"I want to go back there, daddy." She said.

"By all means, baby." Gid said. "I'll take care of the papers, you go fly yourself in England by Monday."

Annah nodded cheerfully to her dad while Crix shook her head while watching both the love of her life.

"Now tell me, what made Toc accept you?" Gid sat at the couch with glimmering eyes.

Now with herself again, Anna recollected to her dad how she passed a very difficult test along with a partner in a class.

"So professor Toc accepting two apprentices?" Gid noted.


"I bet she's also good like you, dear." Crixa inserted.

"Not a she, mom. He's a guy...well an annoying one." Annah noted.

"Oh must be brilliant hybrid." Gid commented.

"He's a pureblood, dad." Annah once again corrected.

"Pureblood." Gid and Crix looked each other before they let her continue with how she passed the difficult spell exam along with a pureblood.

"Whoever is this pureblood, you better not let him have a upper hand when you begin assisting the professor, alright?' Gid advised. "You should always best him."

"I will, dad." Annah said.


Interbreed Academy, England

Wednesday, 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

Maine flipped the page of her book in Manipulation as what professor Toc demanded them to open in brusque manner once again.

"Today, you will attempt the Evanesce spell. Proceed into seating with your partners now. Quickly." Professor Toc said and had to throw piece of the chalkboard to someone who moved like a toad.

Maine bolted then towards her partner in a snap. She saw with her peripheral view that Ricco was the only one who was going in solo again in every class activity.

As professor continued into discussing some basic pros of the spell, all of their attentions went to the door when someone slammed in the door hard.

"Crap. Blasted door." Annah grimaced while she was limping her way towards the desk of professor Toc and placed her enrollment papers to the table.

Toc raised his eyebrows to her then to the paper. "Well, welcome back you useless rogue one."

Annah missed Toc's heartless comments as she smiled widely to him. "Thank you sir."

"Away from me you hybrid and go to your partner. Evanesce spell." he said and turned to the blackboard.

While Annah was limping her way towards Ricco's seat, She threw Maine an apologetic look.

"I will murder you after this class. I swear." Maine warned in low voice, glaring at Annah.

"Neh, Mianhe...I will give you my dagger to assist you." Annah said after she sat beside Ricco who wasn't breathing any words to her.

Annah didn't regard him, since she felt so awkward around him, remembering their fight in KIA weeks ago. She actually felt ashamed right that moment since Ricco's words proved to be true and she didn't heed him. She even slapped him. How embarrassing can that be? But there was no way she would tell him about her break up story or he'll gloat about it and mock her until she drop dead in the cold ground.

As they performed the spell, there wasn't many talking about mundane things like catching up with each other's crap. Ricco and Annah expectedly succeeded into impressing the professor once again and she couldn't be more happier to start her first day at school as soon as she arrived from her flight.


Maine was done murdering Annah to her bed and began distancing herself from her dead's friend's unmoving body on her own bed with all the burst pillow around them.

"Okay, wake up, I'm done." Maine said, panting so hard right now.

Annah groaned in response then and flipped herself upside down with a grimaced to her face. "I think I really twisted my ankle."

"Oh my...did I hit you hard?" Maine went to her in worry.

"No, silly. Pillows are no match for me." Annah said and massaged her ankle.

"Then what happened to it?" Maine looked at it. "Oh gosh, it's swelling."

"I ran the stairs up here after I arrived from Korea. I was getting my book in Manipulations in a hurry that I tripped."

"Is that why you're limping in the class?"

"Yeah. I was still dizzy from traveling but I want to attend Toc's class. I missed it."

"Yeah. I can see that. You even slammed your head in the door."

"I didn't see it." Annah laughed along with Maine.

"Maybe let's have it treated down the infirmary. I'll assist you down, come on baby Annahelia."

Annah grinned at her and complied to her.

Now, descending the stairs, Maine held at the railings for support while Annah was hopping with her other leg.

"We're looking so silly." Annah commented and her laughter resounded the hallway.

"Yeah. This is your fault you clumsy baby--oh." Maine's smiling face disappeared from her lips when someone shoved a book to her chest,bent down and lifted Annah without introduction at all.

Annah's eyes widened learning it was Ricco who seriously casted her a brief glance then to Maine who was also as startled as her.

"Infirmary?" he asked shortly while Maine jerked her head with a single nod.

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