

"Say what!?" Ilia cried out after his consciousness back. He couldn't believe what he heard seconds ago.

"I said, let's have sex," Jeanne repeated. She move her hands to hold the boy's left cheek. She guides his head closer with an intent to kiss him.


Ilia use his hands to hold Jeanne's shoulders, to stop her come closer, push her away. Her words made him no horny anymore.

Jeanne blinked before observing Ilia's sky-blue eyes. Happiness colored her heart when she found out, there is no lust in his eyes. The boy in front of her is different from the thing that is called Roman.

"Is this the real you!?" Anger colored Ilia's voice. He was shocked, in doubt, and wanted to deny that... "It might be a little rude but, you're not a bitch, right?"

A small smile bloomed on Jeanne's face. "If that's true, what would you do? Toss me out? Rejecting me? Aren't you going not to love me anymore? Or rather, you happy with it, wants to push me down, eat me recklessly until you satisfied."

Headaches strike Ilia. Yes, the pain comes from the girl's words. He believed that the girl was not a bitch. But, if that's true...

Ilia massaged his forehead then sighed. "If that's true, you hurt me. I'm not going to throw you out, though. I said I love you and I'm not going to retract my words. But, since you hurt me, I want you to just love me, stop giving your body to someone else, and never seduce a man other than me. You are mine and I don't want anyone else to have you."

Their eyes were locked for a while before...

"Hahaha..." Jeanne laughs out loud. His statement was so hilarious and she was happy because of it.

He says he will not throw her away even though she is a bitch. For the first time in her life, she knew that there is someone that accept the worst of her! There is someone who didn't demand that she should be perfect!

The boy already said it before but she wants to make sure of it.

Her act got her the answer she wanted.

And she can't stop laughing because of her happiness. It's taken a while before she wipes away the tears at the corner of her eyes.

While Ilia... the boy covered his face as he sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. After realizing the words that come out of his mouth, shame came to torment his mind and heart mercilessly.

"Please forget things I said earlier," he told her weakly.

"Why should I forget about it? It's so precious~."

Jeanne picked up her smartphone from her skirt's pockets. She fiddled with the gadget for a while then, [-me recklessly until you satisfied] Her electronic voice was heard.

"Huh?" A strange sound was made by Ilia as he raised his head.

[If that's true, you hurt me. I'm not going to throw you out, though. I said I love you and I'm not going to retract my words. But, since you hurt me, I want you to just love me, stop giving your body to someone else-]

"You recorded our conversation!?" He asked in disbelief. The boy's wide-open eyes saw the smiling widely girl. "Why would you do such a thing and please, please delete that recording full of shame."

"I'll keep it. It's my form of revenge because you call me a bitch." Jeanne turned off her smartphone the put it back in her skirt's pocket.

"...sorry, I don't mean what I say. Once again, please delete the recording."

"No!" Jeanne used a stern tone. "This is my boyfriend's declaration of love, why should I delete it. Besides, it will take it as an insurance."


"You don't need to know what I mean. You have to focus because there are important things we have to do now! We have to flirt with each other!" The passion was engraved in Jeanne's voice.

Sitting on the floor, the confused Ilia became increasingly confused. He looked up, peered into her face while trying hard to manage his chaotic thoughts.

"I don't understand what you're saying and... You've forgotten about the have sex things you said earlier, huh?"

"He…" she made a sound as she back to peek at his eyes. His lust is not yet appeared. An evil smile bloomed on her face as she want to know, how long he will keep himself from the temptation. "You're still thinking about it. Did you truly want it? Having sex with me."

"...I, I." Ilia is lost for his words once he sees Jeanne start to unbutton her uniform. Slowly, her cleavage appears more clearly. Their no doubt, he will see the girl in her underwear in seconds and...

He grabbed her arms. "Stop it! This is not who you are, different from who you used to be. I hate it and please stop it."

"..." Jeanne grow silent as his words struck her broken mind.

Different from who used to be!?

Does he hate it? This part of her?

But this mischievous girl is the real her!

So, What did he mean by that!? Did he love me because of the act I put on every day? Did he want the perfect me!? He lies to me!? Jeanne thought as her mind becomes more chaotic.

Spontaneously, she pushes him away.

Ilia take a few steps back as he tries to fix his balance. Confused, he looked at the girl to second later noticed that the girl's eyes lost their light. Instantly, he remembers that this has happened before in the park.

He was right as a punch come to hit his face!

"Gah!" Ilia made a weird sound.

A familiar pain stung his nose and he stumble backward. He wasn't ready for a fight so he can't dodge her punch on time. Now, when he is aware she wants to attack him, he dodges her second punch easily. Seconds later, he keep his distance from her.

"What happens to you, Jeanne?"

The answer given by the girl was silent and another punch.

Next chapter