
Chapter 104: Rise of The Mandalorians Episode VII

[Mandalore Sector, Mandalore System, Mandalore]

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in a chair near a window, a robe around his body, Obi-Wan stared out of it toward the night sky above.

Knowing it was almost time for the plan to permanently deal with 'Death Watch' to begin. He just hoped that after it was over, things between him and Satine that had developed in the past few days wouldn't come to an end.

"Obi-Wan, is everything alright?"

Turning to the bed Obi-Wan saw Satine staring at him from under the sheets.

"Yes, everything is fine." He replied.

No rather, Obi-Wan has sworn to make it fine.

For he doesn't want to lose Satine.

Not after he had tasted what they had.

"Ok then." Satine replied.

She then closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep.

As she did so Obi-Wan went to prepare himself for what was about to happen.

A determined look on his face as he did.


[Mandalore Sector, Mandalore System, Concordia]

(3rd Person: POV)

Inside of his private room upon the Vizsla clan compound Pre put on his 'Death Watch' Mandalorian armor.

An angry expression marring his face.

For the members of 'Death Watch' he had ordered to watch Van and Serra after they had come to Concordia had just reported in, informing Pre that they had been knocked out and that the two Jedi had disappeared.

So fearing the worst Pre was finally going to enact his plan to get rid of the two Jedi once and for all.

Having finished dawning his armor Pre headed over to his desk, and opened the box sitting atop it.

The content of the box being the darksaber.

Taking the unique lightsaber from the box Pre Vizsla clipped it to his side.

He then moved to put on his helmet and left his private room.

"Tonight will be your end, Jetiise." Pre spoke.

Having no clue how wrong he was.


(Van: POV)

Arriving at the "abandoned" mines Serra and I infiltrated it easily.

We then started recording the activities inside of the mine, while skillfully evading the 'Death Watch' personnel the entire time.

Eventually Serra and I collected enough information to show that 'Death Watch' was alive and well and operating on Concordia.

So once we did we left the mine, and then transmitted the data back to the Milano. Which we used as a relay station to relate all the information we had uncovered back to Mandalore and to Satine and her government.

Then after we did Serra and I were "discovered" by 'Death Watch'.

Finding ourselves standing back-to-back in the outside of the mines, Serra and I stood enclosed in a circle of numerous 'Death Watch' members. Their weapons aimed at us.

Yet none were attacking.

'Most likely Pre ordered them not to until he arrived.' I thought.

Then right on que the man of the hour arrived.

Turning our heads in his direction Serra and I saw Pre Vizsla standing on a cliff above us, and I could now sense the arrogance and smugness coming off the man in waves.

He truly is full of himself.

"Welcome Jedi, to your graves!" Pre haughtily spoke.

"So, I take is you're the leader of 'Death Watch' then?" I asked. Even though I already know the answer.

"That is correct, I am." Pre said.

He then took off his helmet and revealed his, already known, identity to Serra and I. But we still acted a bit shocked to really sell our acting.

"Governor, Viszla, but why?" Serra asked.

"To keep the Mandalorian people from falling any further." Pre replied. "For generations we Mandalorians were feared and respected across the galaxy, but now those who lead us would rather erase our proud and glorious history than acknowledge it. They spit on all things Mandalorian, and me and my allies with not stand for it!" He spoke. "The 'Death Watch' is the future of the Mandalorian people, and I as their leader shall usher the Mandalorians into another glorious age!" He shouted. "Especially now that I have this."

Taking the darksaber off his hip Pre Vizsla ignited it.

The blade itself looking even cooler than it did in the Star Wars cartoons.

I seriously wondered how Tarre Viszla got his lightsaber to be black. Since I want one of those for myself.

"Now then Jedi, defend yourself." Pre said.

"No thanks." I replied. "Also, we're not Jedi but Jedaii." I explained.

"Either way you're still about to die." Pre spoke smugly.

"No, the one whose going to die to tonight is you." I said, looking directly at Pre.

Then a second after I did, they arrived.

Appearing from their hiding spots in the surrounding areas the 'True Mandalorians' quickly surrounded the members of 'Death Watch'. Stunning Pre Viszla to his very core.

Though that stunned expression only lasted for a moment before he pushed a button on his left gauntlet.

Using my Technometry I could sense Pres' gauntlet just sent out some sort of signal. Most likely to other members of 'Death Watch', even including those he had on Mandalore.

So with that phrase three has finally begun.

Now this is where the fun begins.

"My fellow Mandalorians, what is the meaning of this?!" Pre shouted. "You would side with these outsiders, these Jedi, against your own people?!"

"You have no right to talk about our people!" Jango shouted.

Finally revealing himself.

Walking out of the treeline, his helmet in his hands. A determined expression on his face.

The moment he did several murmurs spread throughout the ranks of the 'Death Watch' members present.

"No way, that's him."

"Jango Fett. The Mand'alor."

"I thought he deserted our people."

"So, the Mand'alor has returned."

While Pre Vizsla got an "Oh shit!" expression on his face after seeing Jango. Since he knew that means he pretty much fucked.

Coming to a stop Jango gave me a nod of acknowledgement, which I returned.

Since our plan went off without a hitch.

The fake video we created got us to Mandalore, where we made accusations against 'Death Watch'. This in turn caused the New Mandalorians to begin asking questions and with duchess Satine's support, since I knew she would want to quash rumors of violent Mandalorians rising once more, we ended up here on Concordia.

Where Jango and and the others had been making there way to during the past four days.

Setting up for this event.

Turning away from me Jango looked around. "My fellow Mandalorians. I know I abandoned you all, and that I should not have done. I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. But I am here now, and I promise you I am here to stay. So for those of you in 'Death Watch' who truly believe, and who truly want to follow the ways of our people, I ask you to lay down your weapons right now. For 'Death Watch' is nothing more than a bunch of gangsters, thieves, and terrorists. Who do nothing but twist and pervert our people's heritage to suit their own means. So I ask you, stand with me and help create a Mandalore we can all be proud of!" He passionately spoke.

Jango's message being broadcast all over the Mandalorian Sector at the moment.

Thanks to the numerous holoprojectors I asked the 'True Mandalorians' to set up in order to make it possible.

After his speech ended several 'Death Watch' members present began whispering amongst each other.

"Don't listen to him. He is nothing but a coward! He abandoned us! He chose not to lead us! He does not have the right to lead us!" Pre Vizsla shouted at the top of his lungs. "We of the 'Death Watch' shall lead Mandalore and our people into a new age!" He spoke.

"Shut your disgusting mouth right now you hut'uun! You and your 'Death Watch' have no right to lead our droten!" Jango spoke. "Especially not after all the atrocities 'Death Watch' has committed. Not after what you did to my sister!" Jango shouted.

He then began telling the story of what his sister, Arla Fett, at the hands of 'Death Watch' and even presented proof.

When he did I sensed anger and disgust coming from many of 'Death Watch' own members.

Who after hearing what happened to Arla Fett, threw down their weapons.

"No, no!" Pre Vizsla shouted.

"Enough Pre Viszla, you have lost." Jango spoke. Putting his helmet on. "But even so, that has not sated the rage I feel against 'Death Watch' and the atrocities they have committed against me and my family. As such I challenge you here and now to an honor duel. Me placing my title as Mand'alor on the line, and if I should win I want the darksaber you hold." He said.

Then before Pre Vizsla could even formulate a response I spoke up.

"Ah, I should mention that this entire event is being broadcast across the entire Mandalore Sector." I spoke.

Seeing Pre Vizsla turn as white as a sheet after hearing my words.

Since now he's kriffed no matter what he does.

If he refuses the honor duel Jango proposed and tries to run, then he will lose respect in the eyes of the entire Mandalorian people and will never be able to rule them nor claim the title of Mand'alor for himself.

But if Vizsla accepts the duel he knows he will die.

Since I know he is no match for Jango Fett.

So like I said, no matter what Pre Vizsla now makes he is kriffed.

Ah, just sensing his fear, despair, and anger is so satisfying.

"Well Pre Vizsla, what shall it be?" Jango asked.

"I...accept the duel and your terms." Pre replied.

The man just having sealed his fate.

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