

"Really big brother?" Sen hopped excitedly, not minding that he shook the entire Palace with a single movement. "I want a big busty blond, a petite Lolita, and at least one sadist. My uncle always said that taming a sadistic woman is the best feeling in the world!"

Linlin, Biibi and Shere looked toward Sen with disdain. Despite being beasts, they were women first and foremost. Why was Sen talking about women like they were cabbages you could just pick one of every kind of?

Dyon's lip twitched. He didn't dare to comment with Amphorae right next to him. Something about her calm slight smile sent shivers down his spine.

"You little brat. The women that choose to follow you must do so willingly! Such a thing depends on your charms. Your big brother is lacking in this area, you'll have to stumble around for yourself." Dyon said after coughing for a bit.

Amphorae's emerald eyes shone brightly for a moment before dimming back.

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