
Chapter 49 : Set It Off

[5 minutes ago]

Host Marshy, Host Xenon, Host Sith, and Voel were standing outside of the dome of the exam city.

Voel asked Marshy, "Where's Mifu?"

Marshy responded, "I took him back to his house. I don't need him coming here to do all of this. And Xenon, why did you let your father come here?"

Xenon smoked his cigarette, saying, "He's a grown ass man, he can do what he wants."

They watched the disaster that was happening in the warzone of a city.

Sith said, "Blood..blood…and more blood…keh…keh..I'm feeling the urge to slice everyone up!"

Voel added, "This is madness.."

Marshy tapped the force field outside the exam city, and the entire thing shattered.

Xenon said, "Me, Sith, and my father will spread out and provide support. You go find your son, Marshy."

Marshy was already gone, searching for Duri, leaving Xenon, Voel, and Sith there.

Xenon said, "..Okay."

Suddenly, Mifu appeared. 

"Glad I made a weapon where it can teleport me and hide my presence."

Xenon responded, "Nerd talk. Let's go."

Voel responded, "Indeed."

Mifu said, "I'll help gather students together. And I'll be healing them."

Mifu thought, 'I'm already at my breaking point. I've been fighting secretly in other places, helping people and what not. Even if I don't fight anymore, this is it. I feel it's arrival. Even if I sit in the house forever, it will catch up to me. And might as well do everything I can now.'

Xenon answered, "You do that, old man. Just don't die. Marshy will have a fit. Only reason I'm letting you do this is because your healing power is greater than the other Hosts."

All three of them ran inside of the exam site, and dispersed.

Xenon said to Voel, "Old man, watch over Mifu. We know he's sick, and he can't do a lot of the shit that he used to do."

"Don't worry son, I got him."

"And watch over yourself too. Don't have time to wipe mom's tears if you get shredded."

"It'll be fine. Go."

Xenon and Voel moved away from each other, with Voel going to follow Mifu.

Xenon stopped running to take another puff of his cigarette, and he had prophets coming at him, yelling:

"He's considered the second strongest Host of the seven! Kill him quickly!"

Xenon replied, "All of you can go to hell. No one interrupts my smoking, and no one touches these annoying bratty students."

"Die!! And be fed to the Harvest!"

"Ugh. That again?"

In a split second, Xenon was already on the other side of the prophets, and they were dead on the ground, covered in blood and holes.

Xenon was holding a dark brown and red ax with a black aura around it.

Xenon said, "Was that supposed to be a challenge?"

Some prophets jumped out of the buildings near Xenon, and they had blood circling in front of them, but that blood formed into large drills.

The prophets were looking to take Xenon down once and for all, but Xenon stuck the head of his ax at the giant blood drills, and they touched.

The blood drills were dissolving, and the prophets said, "He's dissolving our power?!"

Xenon replied, "I am."

The necks of the prophets slit, and they began to have seizures, and Xenon was walking past them.

Xenon sighed, "I can see you."

Appearing in front of Xenon, was a 30 foot tall hawk made out of blood, and it flying fast towards Xenon.

The hawk screeched, "You! I've been waiting for a rematch!"

Xenon answered, "Hoh? I remember you. I've fought you before when we fought Reborn."

"Good memory! I hope you have enough space in that thick head of yours, because this will be the last thing you'll remember."

"Hmm. I'm pretty sure I've heard that off a movie once. Ah, fuck it."

The hawk was still screeching, with its beak pointed towards Xenon.

Xenon stuck his hand out, and his hand collided with the hawk, stopping it in motion.

The hawk thought, 'Dammit! He reacted to my speed!'

Xenon slightly kicked the hawk in the neck, and the hawks neck shattered, and the hawks body flipped up high into the air with rings of strong wind behind it, and the ground cracked and broke off the force of that kick.

Xenon said, "Did I beat you last time?"

Xenon dashed up to the hawk, and he wacked him across the face with his ax, almost ripping it's head off.

Xenon thinks, 'Usually..his head would've been cut off instantly.'

Xenon threw his ax to the right, and the ax started flying its own. The ax was swarming around the entire city exam site, and the blade of the ax was cutting half the bodies off the prophets on its own. 

Then, the ax came back around, and Xenon caught it, he raised it upwards, and he sliced the blood hawk in half with it, making  it explode.

Then, three prophets came flying up to Xenon with open books in their hands, and they kept changing something in an unknown language.

Xenon said, "The fuck are you bastards saying? Imagine saying it."

The prophets were about to attack, but their veins started turning black, and their bodies were set on fire by black flames. They screamed, and realized this was from Xenon's ax.

They exclaimed:


"It's his ax!"

"He's from that one clan!!!!"

"Counter it! We've gotten stronger!"

Xenon asked, "Are you sure about that?"

Suddenly, black axes came out of the prophets backs and chests, killing them immediately.

They fell to the ground, and Xenon went somewhere else to provide support.

As he flew forward, orbs of blood were shot towards him, and Xenon whacked them away hard like it was a baseball. 

The blood orbs flung backwards, and they wrecked tons of buildings and left large holes everywhere.

Mifu was taking wounded exam students and flying them up to the cube barrier in the sky, healing them on the way up.

Mifu thinks, 'They recreated a stronger barrier outside the city after Marshy destroyed the first one. The Hosts said this cube was the best thing they had for the students protection.'

The student said to Mifu, "You're..MIFU! Host Marshy's grandfather! Thank you for helping us! You're a legend! I heard you were a power weapon blacksmith for the Titans!"

"Haha, yes, young one. I once was."

Down below on the ground, Voel  was standing in front of hurt exam students, and he was protecting them. He pointed his finger at incoming prophets, and black cube's locked onto their arms and legs, weighing them to the ground.

Suddenly, some Hosts jumped in, and they picked up the exam students, taking them to the cube barrier in the sky.

The students said to Voel, "Thanks! Your a life saver!"

Voel nodded, then turned around to the prophets on the ground being weighed down by the black cube's Voel created.

Voel was walking up to them, saying, "All this. Just to raise that monster Reborn from the dead. Yeah I heard the little chit chat. Some of you look a little too young to be doing this."

One of the prophets answered, "We may not look it, but we are older than you!"

"Mmm. Right."

"We will win! Reborn will kill the Arcane realm and rule over all the other ones! Including earth! Only he is the true savior! A true leader! His brother Zabel…and his family…was only HALF the reason why he is doing this!"

"I do not care. You put these children in danger. You deserve to die."

Voel lifted his fist up, and slammed it in the prophets, breaking the ground and wind apart, shooting everyone in the air.

In the cube barrier in the sky, there was 87 students in there getting healed and bandaged up. Some students were crying, some were shaking, and some were hugging each other, saying:

"I'm so glad you made it!"

"You too!"


"Has anyone seen my friend!"

"This is crazy.."

"I wanna go home.."

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this!"

Some other students were watching the battle outside from inside the barrier, and some was hoping for their friend or relative to show up in the barrier with them, wondering if they were alive or not.

Mifu was healing some children, and a random male Host came up to him, saying, "I-I just wanted to come up to you and say I appreciate what you are doing. To come all the way out here to help us…that means alot. How…did you guys get in here anyway?"

"Marshy broke the barrier that Harvest put around the city. Then…they put it back up. And it's much stronger now."

"Host Marshy is here?!"

"And Host Xenon."

Some students and Hosts overheard them, saying:

"Host Marshy and Xenon is here??"

"This could end pretty fast if they're here.."

"We're saved! We're going home!"

A Host said to all of the students, "Now don't get carried away. Things are still happening, things that we can't even fathom. We're not out of the woods yet, if I'm gonna teach you anything, it's this: Never celebrate too early. That's how you get disappointed in the end.."

Under the barrier, Host Sith had two knives in his hands that were glowing green and brown, and he was slashing up prophets left and right with a smile, even kicking them hundreds of feet back through buildings, and spinning  faster than helicopter blades.

"Keh..keh..keh…! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!"


Over a dozen prophets were closing on Sith, and Sith just stood there. Sith's arms moved faster than bullets going out of a gun, and green and blue slashes were shooting away from him, cutting and smashing the prophets everywhere.


In the middle of that, Sith was dashing up to them all, kicking and stabbing them in a matter of seconds. His kicks were so strong, they created a sonic boom just like Marshy's attacks did.

On the other side of the city, Host Marshy was hovering above it, watching the battles take place.

Marshy thought, 'I can't smell Duri around here. I must check in other places. So many bodies..so much blood…all for Harvest. Fuck that. Duri..I'm coming. Just hold on.'

A few prophets tried to rush and attack Marshy, but Marshy said calmly, "Combustion."

Suddenly, all the limbs of the prophets were ripped off by an unseen force, and they started vomiting.

Marshy said, "Boom."

The prophets were blasted away far back with a loud screech from the wind, and they crashed to the ground.

A few prophets riding on horses made out of blood were holding blood bow and arrows, and they were aiming at Marshy.

They said, "Take aim. These arrows cannot be sensed, coated with chameleon aura. It cannot be seen by the humans eye. Fire."

The prophets shot the blood arrows at Marshy, and Marshy caught them with her right hand without looking.

The prophets gasped, and Marshy said, "Newsflash dumbasses..I can hear you."

"Impossible..if she was able to see those arrows, then she's…not human!"

Marshy turned around and threw the arrows back at the prophets, but the arrows she threw were much faster, and they were breaking the sound barrier every second, making the wind howl and crack loudly from the sonic boom of speed.

The arrows destroyed the entire building the prophets were on, destroying them instantly.

Down on the ground, Host Chaos and Prophet Adam were pushing each other back forcefully, with both of them covered in blood and bruises.

Prophet Adam hit Chaos in the stomach, sending him across the ground.

Chaos sat up and punched himself in the face, and Prophet Adam's face was hit by an unseen force, smacking him in the air.

Chaos met up with him up there, and he stuck his left hand out. A large pink and red orb formed, and Chaos punched it, allowing it to smash agaisnt Prophe Adam's body.

Prophet Adam yelled in pain, and Chaos placed his hand on Prophet Adams chest. Adams chest glowed pink and red, and Chaos's hand was glowing pink and red, and Adams chest snapped backwards.

Chaos's fist began to turn pink, and he was smashing them against Adams body and face.

Chaos then grabbed Adams face, and bashed it against a nearby building, smashed it against the ground, and smashed it agaisnt his knee.

Adam went tumbling all over the ground, and Chaos was running towards him.

Adam closed his hands together, and four large books appeared around Chaos, and ropes flew out of them.

Chaos tried to dodge them, but they were faster.

The ropes caught Chaos's arms, and Prophet Adam up to him, and formed two blood pitchforks, a he rammed them into Chaos chest, but they didn't go all the way through. 

Chaos fell to the ground in pain, coughing and wheezing, with snot and blood dripping from the corner of his lip.

Prophet Adam said, "Now…finally…you fall!"

Prophet Adam was about to kill Chaos, but here came Nine and Jiyu.

Nine was using her lightning speed to run circles around Adam, and Jiyu was on her back, shooting bullets at Adam with a rifle.

The bullets froze when they got close to Adam, and he said, "What are bullets supposed to do?"

Jiyu said, "Explode!"


The bullets exploded in front of Adam, but nothing happened to him, and he said, "Is that all you can do-."

Nine dashed in and knocked Adam across the face with her fist filled with lightning energy. 

'This man has been whooping our ass for the past 20 minutes..he's constantly betting stronger, and he's even besting Host Chaos.'

Then, Jiyu came up and tried to help, using her staff to attack.

Jiyu and Nine were using flashy moves to attack Chaos, spinning and twisting with kicks and swings.

Nine yelled to Jiyu, "Just jeep attacking, Jiyu! Focus on vital points!"

Jiyu answered, "Yokai!"

Adam just stood there, taking all the hits in. Yeah his body sand face was twitching to each attack, but it didn't affect him at all.

Adam said, "Enough."

He punched Jiyu and Nine in the face hard, created a large wrecking ball made out of blood, and he smashed it against Jiyu and Nine. 

Some of the spikes in the wrecking ball jabbed through Nine and Jiyu. Prophet Adam used the wrecking ball to smash both girls through multiple buildings, and dragging them on the ground. 

Jiyu and Nine were screaming, and Adam was about to slam them down with all of his strength.

Then, Shiryu came running in, saying, "This..is bad..we're losing.."

Adam stretched his hand out to Shiryu, and rocks made out of blood zoomed his way.

Shiryu thinks, 'I..can mimic that. It's only a simple blood manipulation technique.'

Shiryu stretched his arm at Adam, and red blood rocks appeared, and rushed at Adam.

Adam gasped, and let go of the wrecking ball, and he started punching away the blood rocks.

Shiryu was running and dodging the blood rocks, knowing he wasn't strong enough to destroy them himself.

Prophet Adam thinks, 'A boy who can mimic my power. Let's see if he can copy this.'

Prophet Adam kicked Shiryu in the stomach, and punched him up his chin.

Blood splattered out, and Shiryu kicked Prophet Adam in the stomach, and punched him up the chin, in the exact same way Prophet Adam did.

Adam thought, 'He can mimic simple fighting moves too?'

Shiryu thought, 'Please..keep showing me powers I can mimic..'

Prophet Adam jumped back, and he started screaming, and as he did that, he grew four blood spider legs, making him taller.

Shiryu said, "That's not..good.."

Adam chuckled, and he shot a web out at Shiryu. Shiryu copied it, throwing a web at Adam.

But Prophet Adam was behind Shiryu, and he started stabbing Shiryu in the back multiple times.

Then grabbed Shiryu by the back of the head, and threw him througha building, making it crash loudly.

Here came Kazuma now, and he was in his full fire form like he was when he went against Tek in the tournament.

Kazuma blast fireballs at Adam, and Adam dodged them, saying, "Do you really think that will work on me?"

Kazuma said, "Why are you doing this?! This is a bad thing you're doing! People are dying!"

"Child. I do not want to explain it anymore. We just need your souls."

Adams body started spitting strings of poison at Kazuma.

And Kazuma punched it with his fire fist, destroying it immediately.

Adam said, "Hm? You're able to destroy it? What if I keep sending them?!"

Poison blood was blasting from Adams body, and it followed Kazuma. 

Kazuma started flying in the air, flying as fast he could, blasting the poison blood down with his fire. They kept showing up, and Kazuma continued to fly away from them.

Kazuma was hit in the shoulder by the poison, and his shoulder was burning loudly, and it sizzled skin off of him.

Kazuma screamed, and he trapped himself in a cube of fire, and the poison blood was smacking against it.

Kazuma flew downward, and he started flying towards Adam again.

Kazuma was brewing up large fireballs in both hands, and he created fire lions on the ground, running under him to attack Adam.

The fire lions got there first, and it went to attack Prophet Adams blood legs first.

Adam thought, 'They're trying to tag my legs first? Perhaps..that fire boy is controlling them with his mind. I must kill him.'

Adam appeared above Kazuma, grabbed his hair, and smashed his face on the ground, then stabbed his blood spider leg on in his leg.


"You are weak. You aren't tough."

Suddenly, Seven jumped on Prophet Adams back, and slammed a purple power orb on the back of his head.

Adam brushed it off, and said, "I couldn't sense you approaching. I applaud you."

Adam started choking Seven, and headbutted her, sending her across the ground.

When she got up, Adam punched her across the face, picked up a nearby brick, and smashed Seven in the face with it over and over, then he created a red blood sword, and cut Seven across the chest with it.

Seven started falling back, and she stuck her hand out to pieces of shattered glass on the ground.

The glass pieces started to glow purple, and she stuck her hand out to Adam.

The glass pieces flew forward and stabbed Prophet Adam in the face and eyes.

Prophet Adam screamed loudly, and Seven thought, '...So he's sensitive in the eyes. Let's fucking get it!'

Seven had blood all over her from he bruises and cuts, she spit to the side, jumped up, kicked Prophet Adam in the face, creates an orb in her right hand, and hit Prophet Adam in the face with it.

Prophet Adam flew back, and Seven went chasing after him again.

Seven thought, 'His eyes are the most vulnerable part on his body, if I focus on my attacks on those, then we could possibly beat his weird ass!'

Seven created another orb, and she tried to hit Adam with it with a battle cry coming out.

She tried to slam it on him, but Prophet Adam caught it, smiling.

Seven gasped, "What?!"

"Silly girl. I'm shocked you were able to apply this much damage to me, let me show you true pain."

Prophet Adam headbutted Seven over 11 times fast, then he grabbed her metal arm, and ripped it off of her, then backslapped her quickly, and Seven flew back and hit a wall. 

Seven's right eye was closed with blood drenching from it, and the whole world saw that she had no arm.

People around the world commented:

"Seven..is missing an arm?"

"No way!"

"She had a metal arm?!"

Seven knew people around the world were talking about her arm, and she sighed.

"Well shit. I…didn't expect them to find out like this. Or even find out at all," Seven chuckled.

Prophet Adam threw a page at Seven, and the page transferred her to her own memories. 

Seven was a kid, sitting in a classroom, with all the other kids laughing at her metal arm. 


"Ew disgusting!"

"Robot girl, robot girl!"

Seven cried, "Stop it..please.."

Back in the real world, Prophet Adam was walking up to Seven, ready to kill her as she was trapped in her own mind and memories.

Chaos was struggling to get up, and he said, "S..Seven!..Wake up..wake up!"

In the memories, Seven said to the other children, "Stop! Guys I'm crying!"

Even the teacher was laughing at her.

Even in that classroom of memories, Seven was having flashbacks of her fighting and getting her arm cut off when she was younger.

Seven sobbed her eyes out, and it was like that for a few seconds. But then, Seven heard Duri's voice. And his voice said to her, "I think it's pretty cool."

The entire class stopped and looked at Duri, and Seven stopped crying.

Seven said, "That's..right…Duri was the only one..who's ever complimented my arm..everyone else..bullied me.."

Adam was about to kill Seven, but Seven woke up, saying, "He said…my arm was cool….I was bullied by kids when I was little..and not too long ago..Duri c-complimented me..as long as one person accepts me..I'm fucking…fine! That…meant a lot to me! If it's cool to have a metal arm..I won't be held down by my fucking past anymore!"

Seven's skin started to turn pale, her eyes turned purple, her hair was getting longer and turning white and purple, and she was growing a pale white arm.

Prophet Adam gasped, and he moved backwards.

Seven started to stand up, and she had a strong purple aura surrounding her.

She said, "If I continue to let my past haunt me…then the nightmares of it will stop…and bitches like you will stop using it agaisnt me to attack me mentally. There will be no more of that.."

Prophet Adam panicked, "What is that form?! Is that the spirit of wrath..?"

"...When I was a kid…that's what those men wanted from me. That's how the arm got gone. I realize that it's cool now. I have a gift. I'm conquering my fucking demons. No more nightmares…I'll be your worst nightmare."

Everyone watched Seven, even Chaos was shocked.

Prophet Adam screeched as he rushed at Seven with all of his power.

Seven vanished, then she reappeared behind Adam, punching him in the face over and over.

Seven had purple tattoos all over her pale skin too.

Seven hit Adam in the chest, bent down, and ripped his spider legs off.

Seven grabbed Adam and started flying with hin up in the air.

Seven was creating large purple and black electric orbs, and she was constantly bashing Adam with them.

Adam couldn't think straight, he was getting completely destroyed.

'React! React! Why won't my body react?!'

Seven's hair started to float, and her hair extended, and it latched onto Adams neck.

The hair started swinging Adam around in circles, and Adam was crushing through buildings.

After a few seconds of that, Seven yanked Adam back to her, and she swayed her hand through the air. Purple water formed around her, and once they touched Adam, Adam crashed to the ground with his neck and arms broken.

Seven dropped down to the ground, and she started walking over to Adam.

Adam was getting back up, and Seven was turning back to normal, and her arm was gone again.

"What's going on? Why am I…changing back?"

Adam smirked, "Hehe…this must be your first time using the spirit of wrath…you're not used to it. That's good for me! Hahaha!"

Adam punched Seven across the face, and she was sent flying. But Chaos, Kazuma, Nine, Jiyu, and Shiryu caught her.

Chaos said, "We got you, Seven."

Adam said, "You are all STILL up?!"

Chaos said Seven and the rest of them, "This prophet is wounded. We can now do what I wanted us to do. Everyone put your hands close together, but do not touch hands. We're going to merge our power energy together..just like Tetsuya and Kedarah did when they were fighting some prophets."

They all said, "Yokai!"

Prophet Adam thought, 'They waited until I was hurt?! I can't move like I used to..if I move fast, I'll destroy myself. That girl..with the spirit of wrath in her..hurt me like this?! No! I can't..fail Reborn…I can't fail Harvest!'

Adam was limping over to them; Chaos, Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Shiryu, and Jiyu put one of their hands in the front of them near each other, and a spark glowed.

The energy ball was forming fast and rapidly, and wind shot out from under them, making objects rise around them.

Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Shiryu, and Jiyuh's hair flowed, and the blood all over their faces and body was moving down fast because of the wind.

Adam kept walking forward, screaming, "NO! I WILL NOT BE BEATEN!"

Chaos yelled to Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Shiryu, and Jiyu, "On my mark, hit him! But follow each other's movements! If one person goes off track with this attack, it will disable it completely! Do it right!"

They yelled, "Yokai!!!"

The energy ball was purple, and there were flames around it, and it was covered in a pink aura and green lightning.

Adam screamed, "No!!!"

Chaos screamed, "NOW!!! GO!!!"

Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Shiryu, and Jiyu screamed a battle cry while dashing forward at Prophet Adam, and hitting him with the orb.

There was large explosion, and Prophet Adam was completely killed.

Things fell back down after floating, and dust was clearing up.

Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Shiryu, and Jiyu were laying on the ground, weak and tired, but not asleep.

Seven was getting on her knees, and she tried to stand up, saying, "Finally. We killed that bitch."

Chaos asked Seven, "Great work. All of you. And Seven…you have the spirit of wrath..?"

"Yes the hell I do. Now…where's Duri..I have to make sure…he's alright..that dumbass reckless idiot.'

"No. I have to get you all to the barrier cube-."

They heard Marshy's scream, yelling, "No!!!!!!"

This was when Marshy found Duri dead.


Marshy was pulling out her Excalibur, and Xenon, Sith, Voel, Mifu, Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Shiryu, Jiyu, and Chaos ran into the same building Marshy, Tek, Ferrow, and Duri were.

Xenon said, "No, Marshy!!!"

Seven and the others saw Duri's dead body, and Seven said, "Duri..Duri…?! No..no way..this can't be happening.."

Xenon threw his ax at Marshy, and Ferrow quickly drew some of his own blood, and he said, "Takeguri, come out!"

Immediately, Xenon's ax touched Marshy, and she was somewhere else.

Marshy was in a dark place, with pitch black skies, and there were nothing but white buildings everywhere.

This is a domain inside of Xenon's ax. It wouldn't hold Marshy long, Marshy's Excalibur would do enough damage to whoever she was fighting, and the domain would be destroyed.

Marshy was holding her scythe, and the large blade on it was glowing red, black, and yellow, and it had red lava and magma on the inside if it.

Marshy looked around confused, and behind her, was a man with dark brown skin, short wavy peach and red hair, pitch black eyes, red spikes all over his body, long sharp fingers, and red antlers.

His name was Takeguri.

Takeguri said, "Hello, Marshy."

Marshy turned around, immediately with a mean look on her face, and she said, "Who..are you..?!!!!"

"Sucks you don't remember me. I'm..the man created by Reborn..the man you fell in love with..the man who was only supposed to make a hybrid child with you. And once I found out you couldn't have children, we tried to kill you, but you survived. Man..it seems like your Host buddy Xenon trapped us in here so we can go all out. I don't mind it."

"...Takeguri…Takeguri…Takeguri…I don't care about you…you used me…wasted years of my life..our love was lie..all you wanted to do was make a hybrid child with me to build Reborns army. I…do not care…anymore. All I care about..is my son..Duri! And I will kill…all of you fuckers..starting with you!"

Next chapter