
Chapter 41 : Jiyu vs Nine

In the blink of an eye, Nine raced over to Jiyu with a fist full of lightning. But in that split second, Jiyu performed a strong spinning roundhouse kick, and it connected with Nine's face, slamming Nine to the floor.

Nine thought, 'She reacted to my speed?'

The crowd and exam students gasped, saying:

"Jiyu barely has any power, and yet, she reacted to Nine's speed!"

"Nine is one of the faster people I know!"

In that split second, Nine quickly spun upward and kicked Jiyu in the stomach, sending her back a few feet.

Jiyu was spinning backwards in the air, and as she was, a black and grey bow and arrow appeared in her hands.

Nine was racing over to Jiyu again, but Jiyu shot the arrow at the floor near Nine, and the shock stunned her.

Nine stumbled around as she heard nothing but a loud ringing noise.

'This girl stunned me?! Oh she fights dirty!'

Nine opened her eyes, and Jiyu rammed her knee on Nine's face, knocking her to the ground.

Jiyu thinks, 'I had to put away the lethal weapons for this fight. All I have is a bow, wires, electric poles, smokescreen, a bat, and a staff. I knew she would instantly charge right at me in the beginning of the fight, it was predictable. I'm…still so nervous.'

Jiyu slid to the right, and aimed her bow and arrow at Nine's feet again.

Nine smirked, and she jumped in the air, and she was using her speed to bounce around the area, leaving after images of herself, Jiyu couldn't keep up.

Jiyu thought, 'Oh no. Time for smokescreens? But I can only use one weapon at a time! It's too risky to put my bow away to pull out some smokescreens. Is this what Nine wants?!'

Jiyu turned around, and she saw Nine coming after her straightforwardly.

Jiyu threw a kick, but the image of Nine went away. Jiyu realized it was an after image.

'An after image?!'

Jiyu was punched on the side of the face fast, and she crashed against the force field wall. A second later, Nine was dashing all through Jiyu with her fists and kicks, pounding on Jiyu and knocking her all over the place. 

Jiyu tried to react, so she jumped into the air, and she was holding one of her arrows.

'I'll be ready for her when she makes contact. I just have to predict where she'll attack me next!'

Jiyu closed her eyes, and inhaled and exhaled peacefully. A spark of light shined in her peripheral, and Nine punched her in the stomach with a ball of lightning in her hand.

Jiyu gritted her teeth, and she slammed the arrow through Nine's shoulder, and the arrow stunned Nine.

Nine's head was ringing again, and she said, "Ow! Fuck!"

Jiyu grabbed Nine's hair, and headbutted her back down to the ground. They both hit the ground, and as soon as they got up, Jiyu was punched down on the top of the head by Nine.

Nine said, "Yeeeehaw! I'm loving this!"

Nine slapped her hands together, green electricity sprouted out from it, and she punched the floor with both fists.

Lightning began to burst from under the floor, shooting out and creating holes. They were reaching towards Jiyu, and they got her.

Jiyu yelled in pain, as she felt the electric currents swim around in her body.

Nine was grinning, saying, "I feel bad for doing this to someone so innocent. It's not normal of me. I usually like delivering PAIN to people. I don't wanna do any more damage to such a sweet girl, so I'll stop the currents from ripping you apart inside if you give up now."

Jiyu laughed, "...Innocent?!"


'Jiyu's entire demeanor just changed?'

Jiyu said, "Innocent, she says. I'm far off from that."

"Oi…oi…what happened to your little nervous act?!"

Jiyu created two copper wires in her hand, and she slapped the ground with them. 

The wire started to be covered with electricity and Jiyu forced herself to slap the wires over at Nine.

The wires didn't touch Nine, but the electricity from the copper wire exploded, and it blasted Nine and Jiyu back at the same time, hurting both of them. 

The exam students commented:


"They could've died!"

"Are they okay?"

"That was a bright blast! What did I miss?!"

Host Chaos asked Host Tetsuya, "What the hell? How did that happen?"

"It's simple. When a copper wire is struck by lightning, it vaporizes because of the high temperature of the electric current that travels up from the ground to the clouds. But in this case, Nine's electricity is overheated, and since it made contact with Jiyu's copper wire, it vaporized on the spot, causing an explosion due to the high volume of power and heat coming from Nine's lightning."

"Whoa. You science nerd."

"That's a compliment. I'll take it."

Kedarah smiled, "Oooh, Tetsuya is smart!"

Hanako said, "..."

Back in the arena, Jiyu and Nine were getting to their feet slowly, covered in dust and blood.

Jiyu wiped her mouth, thinking, 'I had mother and father prepare copper wires for me when I found out I was going against Nine. All they did was send them to my gloves, and they were ready to use. But I can't use them anymore. Since I can only use one weapon once…until I learn how to make them to where I can use them over and over again. It was quick thinking, but dangerous. Nine is quite resilient.'

Nine smirked, "I honestly…thought this was gonna be an easy match up. Looks like I underestimated you. Hehhh…this sucks ass. I didn't wanna have to go full throttle."

A bright green lightning rope formed in Nine's hands, and in a flash, the rope was wrapped around Jiyu's neck. 

Jiyu gasped, and she grunted hard.

Nine said, "I held back because I felt sorry for you. Seems like that's not the case now. You can handle yourself well."

Jiyu thought, 'Shit. This hurts. I have to harden my body, but that only lasts for a few minutes. A piece of the wire is over there on the ground, I'll need that!'

Nine yanked Jiyu down, and then she yanked her towards her. On the way over to Nine, Jiyu picked up a piece of the copper wire.

Jiyu's skin was hardening, and Nine gathered electricity around her fist, and she punched Jiyu in the cheek.

Jiyu's face jerked to the right, and blood flew out of her nose and mouth. 

'Why did that hurt me?!' Jiyu thinks.

Jiyu tossed the piece of copper wire at Nine's lightning rope, and it blew up again, blasting Nine against the force field wall.

Nine was standing up, with her back leaning against the wall, and blood dripped from her eyes and mouth.

She looked down at her hand, and she saw it was fractured.

'My hand…it's fucked up. I remember..Jiyu can harden her body. This…is annoying. I have to get her outta the damn way fast. She has too many fucking tricks. This is expected out of someone who barely has any power. Using my quick speed drains my energy and fatigue, so I should wait to use it again.'

Jiyu was struggling to get to her feet, and she felt that the right side of her face was fractured.

'Impossible…in this form…my skin is supposed to be invincible. But…SHE managed to fracture it. She's strong!'

Nine and Jiyu were walking slowly towards each other, both of them limping, and more blood drenching from their faces and bodies.

Nine said, "I have…fans. Fans counting on me. My family..is counting on me. I said I'd be the world's strongest pain giver..I can't let that die…"




Kid Nine was standing on top of a desk wearing a fake cape, and she had a cute gap in her teeth, and all the other little kids in the classroom watched her, smiling and clapping.

Nine smiled, "I, Nine, will DEFINITELY be the world's most powerful pain giver! And I will save everyone from being wimpy and useless by showing them the pain they deserve! Haha!"

The little kids continued to clap and cheer, saying:

"Nine is number one!"

"Nine is number one!"

"Nine is number one!"

Nine grinned, "Thank you. Thank you."

The teacher, who was a male and sitting at his desk, said to everyone, "I told all of you to get back in your seats. Especially you, Nine. I told you to get down from the desk a MILLION times."

Nine replied, "Hehh?! I refuse! This is anarchy! A riot! Worship me!"

Walking into the classroom, was Nine's mother. And she had her hands in her pockets with a toothpick in her mouth.

Nine settled down, and said, "Mommy..?"

Seconds later, Nine's mom was carrying Nine out of the classroom and through the hallway.

Nine was whining, "Waaaah! Ahhhhh! Put me down, mother!"


"I'm sorry I won't do it again!"

"You said the last 10 times."

"I just…wanna let my dreams be heard. I want people to notice me and what I like to do. Is that..bad?"

Nine's mother stopped, and she sat Nine down.

The mother said, "Wanting to be noticed isn't a bad thing. It's only bad when you want to be noticed for the wrong things. You want to deliver pain, give it to the bad guys. Not innocents."

"But that.. takes the fun away."

Her mother laughed, "Haha. You sound like Host Marshy. Listen..you can pursue your dream, and let everyone know what you wanna be. But make sure you don't fuck up. And make sure you perform the right way. We're always watching you."




Nine said to Jiyu, "Here I go!"

Nine created two bright green lightning whips in both hands, and pursued towards Jiyu.

'I can't hit Jiyu with my bare hands or legs for now. I'll wait until she's not hardened again.'

Jiyu created a large 10 foot pink and white sledgehammer with her gloves, and she ran at Nine with it.

Jiyu thought, 'They called me a weapon when I was little. I was always acting nervous around people. I can't help it. The only thing I ever wanted was for people to accept me for who I am, and what I really am. I hear the bad whispers about me, I've dealt with it for years. But…like Nine, I have people counting on me too. I have to show everyone here I'm not weak because I don't have a lot of power…I'll win this!'



Jiyu was sitting in a dark cave-like area, and there were dead bodies lying around her. Jiyu was covered in dirt and blood, and she was sobbing her eyes out.

There were two adults in front of her, arguing:

"I told you, she's a weapon! A monster!"

"How could you say that?! That's our daughter!"

"Oh really? Tell me this, is she even human?!"

"She's human to us!"

"Oh I can't believe it!"

Jiyu said, "Mama…papa…I'm scared. A-Are you two…going to leave me?"




Jiyu said, "This morning, m-my parents wished me luck. I can't fail and lose in front of the only people who loved me enough to not leave me! They wished me luck, I can't lose. I'll win!"

Nine replied, "I can't let you!"

Jiyu jumped and slammed her hammer near Nine, Nine jumped to the right, and slammed Jiyu across the face with her whips, and she continued to swing at her.

Jiyu was dodging the whip attacks each time the whips hit the floor, it would make a loud striking sound like a lightning bolt blasting a tree into pieces.

Jiyu spun the hammer around her back and head, and swung at Nine's head. 

Nine leaned back to dodge it, and she wrapped her whip around Jiyu's stomach. 

Nine did a 360 flip, and pulled Jiyu towards her in mid air.

She came close, and Nine put her hand gently on Jiyu's head, and let a bolt of electricity blast her.

Jiyu ended up foaming at the mouth, and she was stunned.

Jiyu said, "...More!"

Jiyu punched Nine in the face twice, and kicked her across the chest. Nine almost fell to the floor.

Jiyu slammed her hammer against Nine, but Nine wrapped her whips around Jiyu's hammer, did a cartwheel over to the left while pulling her whips, and the hammer smacked Jiyu's body hard, and it sent her crashing to the force field wall. 

Jiyu shook her head, coughing up blood, and pursued Nine again with her hammer.

Jiyu was spinning and swinging her hammer around trying to get a clean hit, and Nine was doing the same with her whips, dodging Jiyu's blows.

Duri and Seven watched closely at the fight obviously, and Seven said to Duri, "I never seen Nine like this. This is some surreal shit…"

"You don't say? You never seen her fight like this?"

"I have. When me and her fought over something stupid.  But I'm talking about all emotional and stuff. I never saw this from her. And she's my best friend."

3 minutes later, Jiyu and Nine were now fighting hand to hand. Because now, Jiyu's hardened body ability wore off. Nine and Jiyu smashed their fists and legs across each others body.

Each blow from them splashed blood all over the floor, each punch and kick was loud and devastating. They barely dodged each other's attacks with swift movement.

Jiyu was knocked back, and she said, "...Create."

Suddenly, Jiyu's arms turned into swords. And her teeth got sharp.

Nine said, "What the hell?!"

Jiyu sliced Nine across the stomach, making her stagger back.

Nine thought to herself, 'Seems like every fucking person is changing now. I barely have energy left, I'll use my speed one last time.'

Jiyu went to attack Nine again, but Nine used her speed to go up to Jiyu. 

A start of green lightning was created under Nine, she put her hands low to touch it, and she put two fingers on Jiyu's head.


Green lighting stars formed around them, and lightning and green energy blasted from the stars, and they hit Jiyu, knocking her to the ground. 

But Jiyu got back up, saying, "I won't go down easy!"

Nine started using her speed again, and she left over a dozen after images for Jiyu to look at. Each after image had a ball of lightning in their hands as well as they ran side to side.

Suddenly, Nine jumped at Jiyu, and hit her in the stomach with the lightning ball.

It was quiet, and Nine saw that she herself was stabbed in the thigh by Jiyu.

Nine fell on one knee, and she looked at Jiyu laying down.

Nine said, "...You done?"

Jiyu answered, "...Ye-yes. D-did I do okay?"

"Haha. Ha. HAHAHAHA! Yeah. You did good."


The bell rang, and Tetsuya exclaimed, "The winner of this fight..is Nine!"

The crowd cheered, and the exam students were talking.

Ren-Ren: "That was…interesting. Some anime shit just happened. It was cool I guess."

Espen: "They both were thinking about winning. Not a single doubt about themselves when they were knocking on defeats door. Impressive."

Shiryu : "I wonder…how long it took for the Titans to create this arena.."

Seven: "Incredible…very unexpected."

Duri said, "Fuck."

'The past two fights have been nothing but emotions, blood, and intensity. Will I end up going through it too? Ren-Ren doesn't seem like the type to do so. But anything is possible. Tch. Let's just get this shit over with.'

Jiyu and Nine were being escorted together to the medical room where Kazuma and Tek were.

Host Kedarah was floating in the middle of the arena, and she said, "Wowwwww. What a fight! They both did amazing! I'm sure you all are like me and are shocked by the entire fight. This had as much intensity as the Kazuma vs Tek fight! But, moving on! Next to fight…Duri vs Ren-Ren!"

Duri and Ren-Ren made their way down to the arena ring, as all eyes followed them, and the whispers began:

"Duri vs Ren-Ren. Two psychopaths going at it."

"I hope Ren-Ren wins with that sword of his."

"They're both weird and odd. But I'm rooting for Ren-Ren."

In the medical room, Kazuma, Tek, Jiyu, and Nine were sitting on patient beds, being treated while looking up at the TV that showed Duri and Ren-Ren staring each other down.

Back in the arena, Duri thought, 'I gotta watch out for that annoying ass sword of his. Marshy, I know you're watching me. I won't lose this shit at all. I'll destroy this bastard, and wait for what happens next.'

Ren-Ren thinks, 'That peasant Duri's speed and strength and skill are impressive. I gotta watch out for his shadows. Other than that…I'll win. I'll try to win this in under five minutes. I have better things to do."

Kedarah exclaimed, "Now…Duri…Ren-Ren…FIGHT!"

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