
Chapter 32 : We Fought Odyn

Odyn exclaimed, "Well I'd be damned…a little boy wants to strike first!"

Duri replied, "Who the hell are you calling little?!"

"Obviously you, duh. You're pretty brave for jumping at me like this!"

"I'm gonna take a FAT guess and say if I beat the shit outta you, the centipedes will dissolve or something?"

"Huh?! Who do you think I am?! I'm no shounen villain that reveals my secrets! Word of advice, you wanna find something out, search for the answer! Eat him, creations!"

Large centipedes blasted over at Duri, and Duri grinned, "Cute."

Duri made both arms into a shadow form along with his legs, and went to work. There were at least 7 giant super-sized centipedes zooking at him, and Duri began to dodge them.

Duri was running on one's back, as the other centipedes tried to collide into him. Duri was jumping from centipede to centipede, sliding down their backs and stomachs, doing 360 flips over them.

The students down below said:



"That movement!"

"He's still a murderer…"

Duri jumped off a centipede's head, and one centipede was coming at him from the front, screeching.

Duri punched the centipede, blowing a large hole in its face.

Odyn said, "Impossible! They're skin is unbreakable!"

Duri replied, "Really? Doesn't seem like it, dude."

"....KILL HIM!"

More of the centipedes came after him, and Duri was blasting them miles away with spinning punches and kicks with his shadow arms and legs, a sonic boom of wind shot out from each impact as some of the students were in awe.

Odyn raised his arm up, saying, "Legions. Come forth!"

"The hell..?"

Black and gold 70 foot centipedes came from the ground at light speed, heading towards Duri. 

Duri tried punching them both at the same time, but when he made contact, only a few pieces of the centipede shattered, not doing enough damage.

Duri gasped, "What?!"


Duri came close to reaching Odyn, but Duri was then eaten by a centipede down below, gobbling him up in a swift bite.

Everyone down below gasped, saying:

"Oh shit!"

"Duri is dead!"

"He deserved it."

"Yeah, he did. Thinking he was all that!"

"Die, murderer!"

From the cloud, the Hosts were looking with ease. Watching carefully. 

Odyn said, "Ha! He got eaten! Now my centipedes are sure to grow!"

From inside the centipede, Duri's voice said, "Not yet.."

"Hm? How are you still…?"

The top of the centipede's head exploded, with Duri jumping out of it with gold and red centipede blood all over him. Duri was holding a centipede tooth, and he stabbed it against Odyn's collar bone. 

Odyn yelled, "Ah! Dammit! No way you survived that!"

Duri began to fall down, with more black and gold centipedes on his trail.

Seven looked around to everyone else, and said, "Oi! We've seen enough! Half of us need to work on taking care of the centipedes, another half of us take down that prisoner man, and the other half of us need to work on stopping the trains. We don't have a lot of time left!"

Everyone said:

"Let's go everyone!"

"Woohoo! I'm gonna destroy everything!"

"This should be interesting!"

"I hope my moms watching!"

As Duri was falling to the ground, he pressed his shadow fist against one of the centipedes stomachs, and a shadow dragon snake blasted out of his arm, chomping the centipedes stomach, taking him up to the sky.

Duri looked left and right, and he saw more whale size centipedes coming at him.

'They're fast!'

Suddenly, a chain wrapped around Duri's stomach, and Duri was slung up into the air, landing on a centipede's head.

Duri looked around, looking at the exam students battling the centipedes with their powers, and some of them running to the trains to stop them.

Duri said, "Who the hell grabbed me?! I had that!"

Standing beside him was Tek.

Tek said, "Now we know that Odyn controls the centipedes. If we knock him out, the centipedes go down as well."

"You know this bastard's name?"

"There's articles about this man. Rumor is that he was bullied and what not when he was a kid, bullied because he loved insects. They ridiculed his centipede collection, and destroyed it."

"You gotta be kidding me."


"..I noticed the centipedes jump up to guard him everytime someone gets close."

"I noticed that too."

"Huh? No you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"No you didn't!"

"Yes I did, fool!"

Behind Duri and Tek, was Kazuma. Kazuma put his elbows on both of their shoulders, and asked, "Hehe, what's the arguing about?"

Duri and Tek turned around, saying, "Hehh?!"

Kazuma laughed nervously, backing up.

Duri asked Kazuma, "Why are you up here?"

Kazuma said, "Wellllll I came to help beat that bad guy up!"

"Don't you hate me or something? Talking about some, 'HELP.' Help me?"

"Hate you? No! I don't hate you! Katai was running at us, and you thought he was gonna hurt us. I know you're not a murderer!"


"If anything, I thought you hated me!"

"I hate everyone. You know this, Kazuma."

Tek interrupted, "I'm not sorry to break up your nerd conversation, but we need to come up with a plan if we're going to get inside where Odyn is."

Kazuma said in an astonished way, "Oooo. ODYN. So that's the bad guy's name."

Duri explained, "When I stabbed Odyn, it felt like metal under his skin…"

Tek guessed, "He must have some of the centipede skin under him. Duri, you can form shadow dragon snakes from your arm right? Can you control where they move?"

"It's difficult controlling where they go. They act on the basis of protecting, attacking whoever is attacking me, or attacking whoever I want them to attack. If you're talking about riding them, that's a whole different story. I can't control them like that. I'm not used to it."

"It doesn't matter. If you release a few of those dragon snakes, we can charge our way through. Since those shadow dragons fight also. Those centipedes are strong and fast, going up there with just ourselves is risky."

"Hm. Yep. Kazuma, what's your power?"

Kazuma smiled, as Tek and Duri looked at him.

Kazuma had fire brimming from his fists, arms, and legs. 

"Fireeee!" Kazuma exclaimed.

Duri asked, "Is that it?"

"I can make similar things like you, Duri! But I can make lions out of my fire. And I can make fireballs, firebeams, put fire wings on my back, give myself fire armor, a fist made of fire, explosions, and a whole lot of cool stuff!"

"Pretty damn cool, not gonna lie."

Tek said, "We'll need that too."

Duri added, "In the homeroom gym, during the dodgeball game, we eliminated most of our opponents by catching them off guard, or attacking them with multiple attacks at once.."

"While we barge in with the dragon snakes, Kazuma, you can make the lion's charge in to take down the centipedes, and that's when we all jump in and attack Odyn."

Kazuma exclaimed, "Sounds like a plan!"

Odyn saw the three of them, and said, "Kill em, creations!"

Eight black and gold 70 foot centipedes rushed over at Duri, Tek, and Kazuma. They were spinning and zooming around the air, as Duri and the others were sliding down the centipedes' backs, jumping over them, and dodging their long bodies.

On the ground, the centipedes were breaking it all to pieces to get to Duri, Tek, and Kazuma.

Kazuma was on the back of a centipede, then jumped off. A centipede was coming at him, trying to meet up with him to kill him.

Kazuma smiled, and his right fist expanded in size, and it was made out of fire.

Kazuma laughed, "Yay! Come at me!"

Kazuma punched the centipede straight in the head, shattering its foundation hard and blasting it back down to the ground, but it wasn't enough to beat it.

Kazuma was about to fall to the ground, but Duri slid in and caught Kazuma's arm, slinging him back into the air. 

Duri, Tek, and Kazuma were running on the back of the same centipede together, and one more centipede was darting at them from ahead.

Duri pointed his fist at it, and said, "Come out!"

A shadow dragon snake emerged from Duri's arm, and it dashed out immediately. It opened its sharp mouth wide, screeching menacingly, and it devoured the entire centipede.

Duri said, "Ha! Yes! Take that, ugly bitch!"

Kazuma added with excitement, "Woohoo! Good shot!"

"Jump on, dumbasses!"

Duri jumped onto his dragon snake, while Tek and Kazuma jumped on it as well. The dragon snake was flying out of control, devouring all the centipedes in its way.

Tek scoffed, "Control this damn thing, Duri!"

Duri responded, "Shut up! I told you I don't have a handle on it yet!"

Kazuma was smiling, "This is fun!"

The three of them were hanging on tight, as the dragon snake was flying around mercilessly.

Duri was trying to talk to it, saying, "Oi! Dragon thing! Snake thing! Listen to me! How do I control you?! Do you even understand what I'm saying?!"

Duri's arm went forward, and he was pointing ahead, then to the left. The dragon snake went in the direction of where Duri's arm went.

"Are you…actually showing me?!"

Kazuma said, "So cool…"

Tek added, "It's showing you how to control it. We can use it to our advantage."

Duri asked Tek, "What are YOU gonna do?"

"Nothing at first. But now that you have control of your dragon snake, we can change the strategy a little. I'll see if my chains can get through and wrap around the centipede that Odyn is standing on, then we'll use the dragon snake to bite my chain and take Odyn down to the ground along with the centipede. If not, then we can go with plan A."

"...Alright then. Don't screw it up."

"I should be telling you that. Fool."

Kazuma pointed at Odyn, and exclaimed, "Look! Jiyu is with that prison man!"

Duri and Tek looked over there with a shocked look.

Jiyu was on the same centipede head Odyn was on. Jiyu looked around nervously, saying, "I..I didn't mean to-to come up here..I'm sorry.."

Odyn answered, "Sorry? Are you foolish? You're gonna be lunch to my creations! How the hell did you get past my centipedes anyway? They attack whoever approaches me!"

Odyn then thought, 'I sense no bloodlust or hostility from her..only tranquility and peace…I also don't sense a lot of power coming from her either. The centipedes react to my opponents intentions, they alone can feel what my opponent wants to do. They must've sensed that she means no harm. She wouldn't satisfy the centipedes either as food. This is good, I can use a female companion!'

Odyn said to Jiyu, "You. Girl. Wanna be my apprentice? A nature lover can smell a nature lover from a mile away. And you seem to mean no hostility."


"Yes you. I'm looking right at you. Cool gloves by the way."

"T-thank you!"

"Here, take my hand, and we'll become top servants of the future gods: my creations."

Jiyu was walking towards Odyn with a smile, swaying back and forth. 

Odyn was welcoming her with his hand out. 

Around them, multiple exam students were battling the centipedes, and trying to stop the incoming trains.

Jiyu was still smiling, and Odyn was grinning.

Odyn said, "Such peace and harmony, that tranquil aura is flooding all over you; you'd make a great apprentice. I'll teach you everything I know, and we can watch the world worship the centipedes together!"

Jiyu smiled, "Ye-yes! I'm so-so happy!"

Jiyu got closer, and she said, "T-Thank you."

Odyn responded, "Your welco-."

A blade digitally formed in Jiyu's right hand, her eyes got scary and dull, and she slashed the blade at Odyn's head.

Odyn reacted by leaning his head back, but his horns fell off due to Jiyu's speed.

Odyn said, "What-?!"

'She aimed for my head! That's a damn kill strike!' Odyn thinks.

In Jiyu's other hand, a pistol formed in a digital way, and she shot Odyn in the stomach, making him bend over.

Odyn thought, 'A gun?! Those gloves are forming weapons! And what are these bullets made out of?!'

Jiyu jumped over Odyn, put the pistol tip on the back of Odyn's head, and pulled the trigger, blasting a bullet right through with blood splashing.

Odyn screeched, and he turned around to hit Jiyu. Jiyu dodged it, spun, and kicked Odyn in the chest. Odyn darted backwards at least 14 feet, landing on the head of another tall centipede.

He felt blood swiftly rushing out of his head, and he said, "She hid her bloodlust to come up to me, meaning she figured out a way to bypass the centipedes. And even while she was in front of me, she managed to keep a tranquil aura, fooling me."

Jiyu landed feet first in front of Odyn, and she was holding two submachine guns in both hands.

Odyn stood up, and asked Jiyu, "That technology…you must've got that from the Tachibana family..that family that creates that kind of nerdy tech stuff!"

"That's my family, actually. B-but..I'm surprised you-you are able to stand after t-that.."

"Still trying to play the innocent little girl role, huh? Fight me without the guns!"

"Oh, o-okay..here I go t-then.."

The guns disappeared, and Odyn's hands turned into centipede claws, having a reddish gold aura around them.

He dashed over to her in less than a second, and slashed at her.

Jiyu put her arms up in an "X" defense mode, and Odyn hit her.

Jiyu slid back after that attack that landed on her, and Odyn looked confused.

"Oi. You should be chopped in half."

"M-my skin…it can get ha-hard sometimes…sorry."

"...I see it. But it's not impenetrable. I just have to keep slashing!"

Odyn dashed at her again, throwing his sharp centipede arms at her, trying to cut her up. Jiyu was dodging them easily, doing backflips and rolls to avoid getting hit, and she did a split on the ground.

She spun upward with her legs twirling around and around, making her legs smack away Odyn's sharp hands.

Then she pushed upward, and she rammed both of her feet against Odyn's chest, knocking him into the sky.

'Impossible! I can't be beaten by a mere child! She barely has any power!'

Jiyu was already on the right of Odyn, and she punched him in the face and kicked him in the face about 50 times fast, then for her final attack, she placed her palm on Odyn's chest, and she breathed in and out. A great wind blasted away from them, and Odyn was knocked back by it. 

Odyn was caught by one of his centipedes, landing right on the head.

Odyn coughed up blood, and was standing up.

Jiyu was darting towards him, and Odyn thought, 'An opening!'

Odyn dashed up to Jiyu, and Jiyu threw a spinning kick. Odyn disappeared, and appeared behind Jiyu.

He slammed his sharp hands against her back, and they almost went through.

Jiyu said, "Ow! Owiiee.."

"Guess I'll get serious then."

Jiyu turned around to attack again, but Odyn grabbed her arm, punched her in the side and face at least 10 times, lifted her up, and kicked her into the sky. 

She had tears in her eyes, and she whined, "I..I almost had him..I-I don't want a bad grade.."

Immediately, Duri jumped in and caught Jiyu, and he landed on one of his flying dragon snakes that had Tek and Kazuma on it.

Jiyu looked up, saying, "Duri..?"

Duri responded, "You can do a lot of cool shit, Jiyu. You almost beat him."

"You're being nice..?"

"Huh? Hell no. I didn't mean to compliment you at all. I don't even like you to be honest."

"Y-you're funny..thanks for catching me, Duri."

Tek said, "The centipedes are upping their defenses to protect Odyn. Now that Odyn is trying to go full power and wounded. It'll be harder to get inside where he is. The black and gold ones are the only ones circulating and protecting Odyn, while everyone is fighting the weaker ones."

Duri answered, "Hell no. We can still go with that half assed plan of yours from earlier. Everyone is fighting the centipedes and trying to stop the trains, and we have about 5 minutes left to finish everything. Use your chains to connect to the neck of the centipede, attach it to my shadows, and let it drag him down and we all go full force on that bitch Odyn."

"You just wanna take the spotlight."


"Where I will be seen. Not you or Kazuma. I have to be the one to be noticed."

"No. Me!"

"A higher grade means higher acceptance. You should know that. Spotlight has been on you long enough."

"....Damn you!"

Kazuma pointed at Odyn, "Guys, he's pointing at us. So I'm pointing at him."

Duri, Tek, and Jiyu looked over at Odyn.

Odyn said, "I can sense your power from here! It's perfect! Feed my creations!"

The black and gold centipedes began to shoot sharp thorns out of their bodies, and it aimed at Duri, Tek, Kazuma, and Jiyu.

Kazuma said, "Thorns! Yes!"

Tek and Duri asked Kazuma, "Why the hell are you happy?!"

"More combat for me!"

Kazuma made fire brim through his arms and fists and legs, jumped, and started punching and kicking the thorns away from them.

Duri said, "Those damn thorns are an obstacle. But we can get by them. We just have to find an opening. My guess is that if you throw your chains, Tek, then the centipedes will try to jump to it or shoot thorns at it."

Tek replied, "So we just evade and deflect the thorns until YOU say so?"

"Yes. Is that a problem."

"...We have no more time to waste. Let's just get this done. And even if we find an opening, if the chain is knocked away.."

"Your chains are strong enough to attach to those centipedes. Once it connects with one of them, I'll merge with your chains with my fist. Then I'm sure I'll be able to blast the black and gold centipedes into bits."

"The merge…I forgot you could merge with other people's power.."

"You know what, I just came up with a new idea."


"I'M SORRY, DUMBASS! I NEVER DID TEAM STRATEGY BATTLE BEFORE! THIS IS NEW TO ME! Anyway, gimme your chains, and let me merge them with my fist, and I'll blast my way through the black and gold centipedes. Then, Kazuma will use his fire lions to keep the other centipedes off of us. Final plan. So serious. Super serious."


Kazuma smiled, "I like it! Plan number one million."

Jiyu made a sniper digitally form in her hands, and she started shooting some thorns away.

Kazuma said out of curiosity, "I wonder how Ren-Ren is doing? Or Seven and Nine!"

Down below, Seven and Nine were running side by side, heading straight for the trains that were coming at them. Seven and Nine also had over a dozen exam students behind them, allowing their powers to appear.

Seven said, "Nine. You have the power to manipulate anything earth related. Meaning the ground. Obviously. Moving on, I'm gonna create multiple shield barriers in front of us, while you bend the ground upward to slow the trains down. That should give us enough time to destroy the trains and take down these ugly ass stinky ass centipedes. Kapeash?"

"Hell yeah. You forgot I could scream like, REALLY loud."

"Didn't forget. Just don't wanna hear it. Tee hee. Get ready."

Up in the sky riding on the cloud and watching over the exam test, were still the Hosts: Chaos, Hanako, Kedarah, and Tetsuya. 

Tetsuya asked the Hosts, "So, ladies and gentlemen. What are your thoughts so far?"

Chaos said, "Their strategies are magnificent. Sure, like, they came up with a million, but are going for the most logical one possible. Pretty good coming from Tek and Duri and Kazuma."

Hanako said, "Decent effort from everyone. They've taken down a few trains. Some of the students are getting tired and this is only the first test."

Kedarah exclaimed happily, "I feel like everyone is doing wonderful! Especially Jiyu! She really surprised me! And also, Duri and Tek and Minato! Duri and Tek, two rivals working together, BOOM BOOM BOOM! They'll win for sure! And Kazuma has cool fire powers! And Shinra has been doing great!"

Tetsuya said, "Everyone is performing exceptionally well. Seven and Nine have destroyed 10 trains together, and killed over 20 centipedes, and they managed to notice that the trains they are headed towards now are tougher and faster, and they instantly came up with a strategy to beat it. This is what we like to see. Duri and Tek are coming up with a good plan to take down Odyn, Kazuma is using his powers well and taking down some centipedes, and Jiyu definitely surprised me with her skills. I forgot to mention to them about the grading scale for each exam."

Tetsuya started speaking telepathically to all the exam students, saying, "Each activity, you will get a grade ranging from an E to an S. With E being the worst and S being the best. Your performance will determine which one you'll get, which will determine your overall grade for the entire exam. Keep that in mind."

Chaos looked down, and he saw Ren-Ren with his hands in his pockets, walking on the ground, walking casually to a bunch of incoming centipedes.

The other exam students who were fighting the other centipedes said:

"Ren-Ren! Are you gonna do something?!"

"Come on! You haven't done a single thing, psycho Ren-Ren!"

Ren-Ren smirked, "Oh please. A villain is always doing something…"

Multiple parts of Ren-Ren's skin began to turn dark red, places such as his face, arms, hands, and neck; and a red aura ascended from his arms.

Then, a katana sword formed in his right hand, and the blade gave off a red aura as well.

Ren-Ren took off his hat, and said, "Come, Katana!"

Red portals opened behind Ren-Ren, and giant red glowing Katana's slowly came out of them..

Next chapter