
Chapter 28 : Monster Man

Katai and Guhu were moving around the arena ring, throwing heavy hits and kicks, using their skills to evade each other's deadly blows and attacks.

It was perfect hand to hand combat, their hands and blocks were moving quickly, the sounds of smacking and rustling sounded off loudly.

Katai spun on the floor with his legs up, and kicked Guhu up the chin.

Guhu flew up to the top of the forcefield, and then he began to move real fast through the ring. Katai's eyes could keep up with Guhu, but Guhu was going faster every second.

Katai was thinking, 'He's moving at a quick speed, he's going to try something in the middle of his movement, an attack.'

While Guhu was moving, a dark blue and white bow and arrows formed into his hand.

Everytime he bounced quickly off of something, he would shoot the arrow at Katai. The arrow hit the floor, and it would give off a small colorful explosion.

Katai kept dodging them, jumping here and there, avoiding the arrows, moving quickly to keep them from making contact.

'He IS getting faster by the second. He's got me in a bind. But not for long. I gotta create a diversion because of his speed.'

Katai slid to the right, and he used the tip of his foot to quickly pound holes into the floor like a rabbit tapping its feet. 

Smoke was rising from the holes, creating a dust cloud around Katai.

Guhu was still bouncing around, thinking, 'He's trying to create a diversion. I can dissolve that. Rushing straight inside to get to Katai is risky. That move he did earlier was unexpected. I've been watching some of his past fights, he has many tricks up his sleeve.'

Guhu moved away from the force field wall, and he started spinning around the dust cloud, making it go away while Katai was still pounding holes into the floor, making more dust form.

The crowd went crazy, hundreds of cell phones were recording it.

Duri, watching closely, thought, 'Guhu is getting rid of the dust cloud while Katai is constantly creating it. Why is Guhu not rushing in to attack Katai? Oh…he probably still thinks Katai has that invisible force attack move still activated. Guhu is extremely cautious, he won't take any chances.'

The dust was still rising, until Katai jumped up in mid air, and turned around to see a bunch of speeding after images of Guhu.

Guhu was still running around the dust cloud, but he didn't know that it was Katai's clone.

Katai stretched both his hands out, and orange beams came from his fingers. The beams were shooting everywhere around them, and Guhu saw this, thinking, 'A clone! I forgot about his power!'

The beams from Katai's fingers were shooting everywhere, and it ended up hitting Guhu in the stomach.

Guhu was hitting all the corners of the force field, getting bruised up from the hard impact. 

Guhu eventually slid on the floor, and he sat up.

He looked forward, and Katai rammed his knee into Guhu's face.

Blood gushed out, Guhu flew back again, with his back hitting the force field.

He sat up, and Katai was nowhere to be found.

Katai grabbed the back of Guhu's head, and slammed it into the floor. 

Katai said, "You like that?! Huh?!"

Guhu answered, "Ack!"

Katai then began to drag Guhu by the hair, spun him around, and slapped Guhu in the chest with the palm of his hand, which had a orange glowing aura around it.

Blood shot out of Guhu's back, and some shot out of his mouth.

Guhu was leaning against the forcefield, coughing up blood. 

'A few more blows and I could be done for. Those beams of his are no joke. Mom…dad…brother…sister…I'm trying my best! I'll bring back something good for you guys..I just gotta win..'

Katai blasted more orange beams from his eyes, and they headed towards Guhu. Guhu leaned back and dodged them.

He sped up to Katai's face, but as soon as Katai looked at him, Guhu shifted to the left and to the right at fast speeds.

Guhu kicked Katai in the stomach, sending him sliding backwards.

Katai thought, 'He ran up to me…stopped…then shifted positions to get a hit in. He's starting to finally use his brain.'

Up high in the Host's spectating box, Xenon thought, 'He's moving differently…the veins in his body are still popping out..is that…'

Guhu headbutted Katai, elbowed him in the stomach, jumped over him, and kicked Katai in the back as a blue aura came from Guhu's leg.

Katai stumbled forward, and Guhu tried to attack again.

Guhu threw a fist, and when he threw it, he began to have a flashback…


[7 hours ago]

Guhu was outside in the woods, holding a backpack. Behind him, was his little brother, his little sister, and his mother and father. They all had dirt covering them, holding baskets of dirty clothes.

The mother said, "Good luck in this tournament, Guhu."

The father said, "I know you'll make us proud again. Right?"

Guhu replied, "Of course. This time…this time I'm hoping I can bring something back that will benefit the entire family."

The mother walked up to Guhu with her hand on his face, replying, "Don't worry about us, Guhu. You won't fight right if you are distracted by clouded thoughts. Focus on winning! In the end, our family will win! Whatever situation we are going through now..it will end with us being victorious."

The little brother and sister exclaimed at the same time happily, "Go Guhu! Go Guhu! Please bring us a toy back!"

Guhu chuckled, and he patted his little brother and little sister on the head. 

"I got this. Don't worry. Root for me, okay?! You'll be watching right?!"

The entire family responded, "Of course!"




Guhu thought, 'I won't let them down!'

Guhu's fist almost connected with Katai's face, but Katai caught Guhu's fist.

Katai looked at Guhu, "I can read your movements now. Moving all speedy and shit won't save you this time. I admit I had trouble with it at first, but it became  monotonous, when you were hitting me, that's when I began to understand your movements clearly."

"You're…you're lying!"

"You've become…predictable."

Guhu instantly threw another fast fist, but Katai caught it.

Katai continued, "I can read you like a book."

Katai headbutted Guhu, and broke his nose.

Guhu leaned back far, with his back leaning all the way down to the floor, but Katai was still holding Guhu's fists.

Katai continued to say, "Nuh uh. No time to sleep now. There's too many people watching. I need you up and awake so the people watching you can see me beat you half to death!"

Katai sat Guhu back up, and he headbutted Guhu again. Guhu's eyes rolled to the back of his head as blood dripped from his nose.

Katai grinned, "You must have a goal in life, hm? You want power? Money? Fame? What is it?! Whatever it is…you're not getting that shit tonight!"

Katai was about to headbutt Guhu again, but Guhu tried to kick Katai in the stomach.

Katai caught Guhu's feet, and said, "Attacking me is useless now. As soon as I have a read on you, I'm practically unstoppable. Way out of your league."

Guhu laughed, "You got it all figured out, huh?"

"Ha! You're questioning me?!"

Immediately, giant electrified blue wings came out of Guhu's arms and legs and back, and they shocked Katai backwards and made him crash into the force field wall. 

Katai sat up with a confused look, saying, "Oh look! An asspull! You finally wanna get serious?! I'll still win!"

Guhu said, "No. You won't."

Guhu took his blind fold off, and his eyes were bright blue, shining and glowing with blue and white smoke coming from it.

The crowd went ecstatic, and some of them were shocked.



"He finally took off his blindfold!"

"Wait so he isn't blind?"

"He has wings coming out of his arms, legs, AND back!"

The announcers yelled, "Wow! What a turn of events! Are things looking shakey for Katai?!"

Duri, looking down at the fight still, thought, 'Shit. I'm impressed. I've seen a lot of fights in the tournaments, but this is on a whole different scale of hype and energy. I can feel the power rushing through the room, it's like a fresh wind..'

Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Nine, Seven, and Jiyu were reacting to the events as well.

Kazuma : "I always knew there was something up with Guhu! I knew that the blindfold wasn't there for no reason!"

Seven : "I'm too worried about the force field breaking because of all this power brimming in here. Damn."

Nine: "All I know is, is that I BETTER WIN THIS DAMNNNNN BET."

Ren-Ren : "Hmph. That's easy to do. Guhu and Katai are even at my level of skill yet."

Jiyu: "So many colors and lights, I'm having so-so much fun.."

Katai heard some of the comments of the crowd, and he stared at Guhu. 

Katai then thinks, 'I can't lose this. If Xenon's ass is here watchin' this tournament, then the prize has to be something great! All I need…all I need is enough power to kill everyone in the Arcane!'

Guhu sped across the floor in the blink of an eye, and started punching Katai everywhere around the platform. They were even flying in the air, Guhu was punching and kicking Katai in the face and chest multiple times, knocking him around the place.

Katai thinks, 'Dammit! His speed is even faster than before! Is this his max?! Is his power level even the same?!'

Katai was still getting knocked around, and then Guhu flew above him, made the wings attached to him turn into blue feather made fists, and they smashed Katai down to the floor, making a loud crash sound, making the entire arena shake.

Katai was crawling on the floor, and Guhu was heading towards him.

Katai thought, 'The crowd seems to be favoring Guhu…I'm about to lose this fight. I can't lose…I can't miss out on a possibility of acquiring more power. The Arcane killed everyone in the Harvest realm! All my friends…everyone I cared about…I can't let my training go to waste. Fuck that training. I have to drink more of the blood! The whole thing if I have to!'

Katai reached into his pocket, jumped backwards, opened up a small bottle, and drank the rest of the beast's blood.

He landed on his feet, and he began to cough loudly. His veins were turning purple, and some of his skin was turning purple. His nails and fingers were getting sharp along with his teeth, his ears got more pointy, and he was getting muscular.

Guhu said, "What is this monstrosity?!"

Katai dashed up to Guhu in a demonic tone, "Die!!"

Katai grabbed Guhu by the face, and smashed his head into the floor. He smashed it over and over again, and Guhu tried to fight with the wings attached to him.

Katai had two more arms grow out of his sides, and they grabbed Guhu's wings, and ripped them out of Guhu. 

Guhu screamed, and the crowd looked nauseous from that move.

The crowd commented:

"What is going on with Katai?!"

"He looks like a monster!"

"I don't like this..!"

The announcers yelled:

"Whaaaat is going here?! This is getting out of hand now!"

Duri stood up from the light, and thought to himself, 'Hold on…I've seen this shit before. That's right..WARHOL. The man that kidnapped me to take my power. He had merged with a beast for more power. But he had better control of it. This isn't gonna be good..'

Duri pulled out his phone, and he texted in the group chat Nine had put him in with Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Seven, and Jiyu.

Duri texted: "Oi, nerds. I need your help with something."

Xenon, up top spectating still, thought, 'That's beasts blood..I have to stop the match..but it isn't against the rules to use such a thing. But it could make Katai kill Guhu. The rage and anger inside of him is intense, he wants revenge on the Arcane for destroying the Harvest realm. All that built up anger is merged with the beast blood…is he this desperate for power? He's risking his own damn life! I can't forcefully break into the barrier, and I can't teleport inside of it..'

Katai was using his sharp fingers to stab multiple holes in Guhu's body. They were both flying around, with Katai landing multiple blows.

Katai grew another head, and they both headbutted Guhu in the chest. Guhu's chest snapped, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Before he could hit the ground, Katai caught Guhu, grabbed him by the throat, and started punching him fast in the face, with at least 100 punches per second.

Blood was splattering everywhere, and Guhu screamed, "I…can't lose!!"

More wings grew out of Guhu, and they smacked Katai away, with both of them floating in the air.

Guhu made his wings shoot out quick feathers, then made his wings shoot out long feather made arms and fists towards Katai.

Katai laughed with an evil tone, "I'll end you….that boy Duri…Xenon…and the Arcane! Hahahahahaha!"

Katai dodged all the attacks, and then teleported under Guhu's leg. Katai grabbed his leg, flew downward, and slammed him into the floor.

Katai got on top of Guhu. Katai then raised his arm up, and it started forming into a dark purple ax.

Katai said, "Timeeeee….to be disposedddd.."

Katai slammed his ax hand down, but Duri immediately came in and swiped up Guhu, getting him out of the way.

The force field was gone, and the crowd was quiet and shocked.

Katai looked at Duri, and said, "You…"

Duri replied, "Think about what the hell you're doing, dumbass!"

"Oh. I AM thinking. This power flowing through me…feels amazing! To hell with this tournament, I can kill off the Arcane realm with this! They deserve to die for what they've done!"

"Believe me, I fucking know. The Arcane realm destroyed and killed everyone in the Shadow realm. I was the only survivor. Yeah, me and you have a lot in common, maybe we could both help each other kill the Arcane! They are responsible for the tragedies that happened!"

"You're a Shadow! Your people aided in the destruction of the Harvest realm along with some of the Titans. I can't trust you, nor can I work with you. I shall kill you now, you damn hybrid Shadow brat!"

Xenon was walking onto the platform, saying, "We know how you feel, Katai. Things are still a mystery. Like why the Shadow realm and Titan realm were there to destroy the Harvest realm. You may see Duri as an enemy because he is of Shadow descent, but don't do anything that'll get you killed."

Duri agreed, "Exactly, you idiot!"

Xenon asked Duri, "How exactly did you get into the ring?"

"Had my allies distract the announcers while they found the switch to the forcefield."


Katai started to float, and he said, "Xenon..shut your damn mouth. I'm going to kill you too. I appreciate all the training you've put me through, trying to help me go the right way, but it wasn't enough. I wasn't satisfied. That's why I didn't fight when my real father came and got me. I was seeing better results with Ferrow. Xenon..let me fight Duri, and I'll be on my way. Former student versus future student."

Xenon said, "Go ahead."

Duri exclaimed, "What?!"

Katai blasted over to Guhu, and tried to finish him off. He didn't forget about Guhu, he hated getting hit by him, Katai wanted to finish the job.

Katai was about to kill Guhu, but Duri came with an incoming kick.

Katai smirked, "Too slow!"

Katai dodged it, but Duri vanished quickly, then reappeared again, and punched Katai in the face with his shadow arm with wind around it. 

Katai blasted back and landed on the ground.

Xenon was carrying Guhu out of the ring, and told the announcers, "Put the forcefield back."

They answered, "But…Host Xenon!"

"Put on the fucking field. Now."

The announcers looked at each other, and they made the force field appear again, trapping Duri and Katai in there.

Xenon thought, 'Katai is becoming fully bonded with the beast blood. I killed many…but killing younglings is not who I am. Duri is able to do this, keeping Katai in there. He better fucking win.'

Kazuma, Seven, Ren-Ren, Nine, and Jiyu were standing beside the force field, looking at Duri and Katai beating the brutal hell out of each other.

Kazuma said, "This was so unexpected!"

Ren-Ren adds, "Indeed! Duri better not die!"

Seven said, "Duri.."

Nine went, "Oooo shit! It's going down now! Beat his ass Duri!"

Jiyu said in a fearful tone, "Duri..p-please don't let Katai k-kill you…"

Mifu and Voel were standing up, and Mifu was coughing while saying, "D-Duri! I-I'm coming in there to help!'

Voel stopped Mifu, saying, "Mifu! No. Xenon knows what he's doing. Just trust it. You're in no shape to fight anymore. You bragged that Duri was strong right? Trust him."


Tek was watching the fighting from his phone, he was on top of a roof somewhere. Tek had no comments.

People around the world were watching with a close eye, the amount of viewers skyrocketed insanely fast. Millions of reporters were alarmed because of this insane buzz. Even news helicopters were above the Gum-Gum arena.

Back inside, Duri and Katai were repeatedly punching and kicking each other, bashing each other's faces in, slamming each other down, and both of their blood spilling all over the place.

Duri punched Katai in the face with his shadow arms, spun downward, and kicked Katai to the ground.

Duri said, "I'm glad this happened! I was gonna try and fight you anyway!"

Katai answered in a sinister voice, "You're enjoying thisssss way too muchhhh!"

Duri and Katai both jumped in the air with their legs extended to each other, both of their eyes were glowing white, blood dripping from their faces, and a colored aura surrounded their legs.

Next chapter