
Chapter 6

His hair went down on her face, gently carressing her brows and outlines as he loomed over her. His hands gently brushing over her skin, the left slowly making its way intertwined into hers and the right digging into the space between her back and the bed. She blushed at the sight above her, one not resembling that of a man but of a God. His broad shoulders covering her like wings, his chest glissened in the dim lit room showing off the curve which ran from one end of his chest to the other. His eyes were the same color as his hair, a bright gold that got her lost in an abyss of pleasure. His warm breathe gave off the physical arouma of the mountains and the airy feel of a refreshing water fall.

"I love.." And then the TV went off.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Helgart squeeled like a princess.

"Its all you ever watch". Lady Koraq said again in sarcasm.

"Well for a debilitating race, they do make some amazing entertainment". Helgart said as he stood up from the bed he was on.

"Your son seems to show promise." Lady Koraq commended as she opened the door to becon Helgart to come. He got up from the bed he was on and followed her out of the room toward the courtyard where a boy who looked to be at the age of twelve was surrounded by six dark figures staring manacingly at him. The boy had a fade hairstyle in which the top was packed into a black silk ribbon. He was topless but wore a loincloth around his waist to cover his privates.

"Is that, my boy?" Helgart said in amazement.

"Yes". Lady Koraq said with a smile.

"In just a few days he was able to kick in his ghoul genes to speed his growth though at first it seemed to have been fast, now it slowed down a bit." Lady Koraq said as she walked toward the two chairs that were beside them.

"In a matter of hours I'm sure sure he'll be ready for the next step". She said as she sat down. She then proceeded to raise her hand which made all of them bow in a judo style.

"Is this a training session?" Helgart whispered.

"On the contrary, this is an exhibition". Lady Koraq smiled again and then dropped her hand to signify the start.

In that instant, two of the figures charged toward the child, the first one threw a fist at the boy who tilted his head to the side and thrust two fingers deep into the eyes of the figure which made it scream in pain. The second one came at him from the other direction with a kick but the child crouched and swung the head of the first figure into the kick path of the second one. The kick took the head clean off the body of the first figure killing him instantly. The second figure was met with a punch to the side of its body which went clean through ripping flesh and broken ribs, coming out through the back of the figure.

"He is a fine cut of a warrior isn't he?" Lady Koraq smiled

Next, four figures came at the boy next, he kicked one in the stomach and did a roundhouse to the face of the other. He then evaded the punch of the third and punched the fourth with two fists at once. The second one came again but this time the child grabbed the figure by the throat and ripped it out. He whipped his hands to throw the blood off his hands and then he turned around and looked the last three of the figures. He then raised his hands up in a fighting stance which made all three attack him at once. He waited for all of them to get close before he made his move in which with super human speed he ducked and moved forward too fast for them to know what was happenening and he jumped off of the face of the one in the middle and spun the figures head three sixty around its shoulders before rolling forward, turning swiftly and launching himself fist first into the stomachs of the other two figures which froze up. He then ripped out the spines of both figures out through their bellies all covered in blood. He stood up carrying the inards of his victims which he dropped and then bowed to Lady Koraq and Helgart who just sat there in shock and awe.

"That came out of me!" Helgart said in a burst of joy.

"Such power, such talent, such... violence", Lady Koraq said.

She motioned for the gaurds around to take the boy to get cleaned. He followed behind them and took the path that went through Helgarts room. A brief object caught his eye, it was the TV that Helgart was watching. He looked closer and on it was a show about kids his age in school learning social skills.

"Young master, Please let us accompany you to your room". One of the gaurds said to which the boy followed them.


"Finally we get to get out of here", Will said with so much Joy. The doctor just gave them good news that they would be set to leave by the weekend which was only a few days away. They had spent nearly Three and a half weeks in the Hospital mostly due to John's broken leg.

"Yeah it's been a while I actually smelt fresh air not this antiseptic smell". John exclaimed.

It had been a long time they actually left the Hospital premises. The news of Mr. Woo's death had already faded a bit, though people still go to his grave from time to time to drop flowers and pay respects. His store space had been repurposed into a power station by the newly elected mayor to erect power walls for the new company which manufactures electric cars in the city. A new reverend had been appointed to the church and the old one had been filed missing in police reports.

"Bro, you know what baffles me though?" John asked Will who was engrossed in the console in his hand.

"What's that?" Will asked not looking away from the console screen.

"Well, we've been getting a lotta stuff from this family friend who claims to know our parents but he hasn't really ever shown himself to us". John continued.

"gaaah... I ran outta chakra!" Will said absent mindedly.

"You're not even..." John was about to yell when the Doctor came in with a bright face.

"Boys, how are we today". The doctor said with a smile.

"Will, you shouldn't put the console so close to your face". The Doctor adviced.

"Tell em Doc". John said to which Will stuck out a tongue to make fun of him.

"Well, I was on my way out when I came across your benefactor". He said.

"That means 'helper' Will." John said sarcastically to which Will frowned.

"He said he'd like to meet you both today".

The brothers both looked at the Doctor and then at each other.

"But what about seeing us on the last day?" Will asked.

"He said it was a matter of utmost importance". The Doctor replied.

"So boys, I'd like you to meet Mr. Alexander".

Alexander came in with a breeze of elegance, he wore a white shirt tucked into black pants and shining leather shoes with gold brouges on both of them. His shirt was buttoned in such a way that a bit of his chest showed which was adourned with a two chains. He wore his long hair into a bun which he clipped with gold and left hand was his coat.

"Evening gentlemen". He said with a smile that showed all of his white chompers.

The brothers were both caught in the moment and couldn't say anything.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it". The doctor said as he left the room. Alexander then proceeded to sit on the chair across from both the boys in their bed.

"So, how are the both of you?" He asked again.

"We are swell". John said still staring at Alexander.

"Where are my manners? My name is Alexander Lockhart". He said with confidence and an air of entitlement. The brothers still kept staring while Alexander gave facial gestures as though expecting them to be surprised.

"It... seems you haven't heard of me?" He asked.

"Well, prior to now when you mentioned your name, we only ever knew you as a benefactor". Will said, to which Alexander looked somewhat dissapointed.

"Well I'm not surprised". He said as he leaned back into the chair he sat on.

"I knew your parents very well". He continued.

"So, you were their friend from the café they owned?" John asked.


"You were a friend from one of their travels?" Will asked.


"Ooh ooh, you were a dude they helped get his life back on track and now you want to return the favour by giving us a big check?" Will said with glee. Alexander slapped his palm on his face in disappointment before proceeding to speak.

"Ok... What I'm about to say is going to come as a shock to both of you and honestly I wouldn't have wanted to get you guys involved in all this so soon but it's a matter of utmost importance". He concluded.

The brothers looked more and more confused with each word Alexander spoke.

"What do you really mean Mr. Alexander". John asked. Alexander took a deep sigh and then leaned forward to with a mood of seriousness.

"I'm about to tell you both the truth about who your parents really were".

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