
Luffy takes the Iron Throne by tmb1112 (GoT x One Piece)

Latest update:2016

Summary:The Straw Hat crew, after getting their new ship at Water 7, land on a strange island where no one's heard of a Log Pose before. The crew gets stuck there and their dreams seem to be lost, but their newest crewmate tells Luffy a different King he could be. Not the King of the Pirates, but the King of the Seven kingdoms. Starts in 5th season of Game of Thrones


Word count:192k


Chapter 1:

"Land ho!" Usopp shouted from the cow's nest of the Thousand Sunny. Their new ship was a masterpiece and he had to hand it to Franky, it was amazing. He still hadn't completely forgiven the cyborg for what happened over their money, but he was glad it was put to good use.

The other members of the crew were running towards the front of the deck after hearing this and they stared off in awe at the land mass in front of them. "Is that really an island?" Chopper wondered, "It's so big."

"So was Alabasta," Nami reminded the little reindeer. "We spent days traveling across the desert there."

"Yow!" Franky shouted as they were getting closer and he saw a giant statue near the shore. "Looks like there's a port over there."

"Yippee!" Their captain exclaimed and jumped on the lion figurehead of their ship. He pointed and yelled, "Straight ahead between the big guy's legs!"

"He does know it's a statue right?" Nami asked her friend standing next to her.

Robin smiled and shrugged, "You can never be too sure with Captain-san, Navigator-san." Her cold way of addressing her friends was dismissed by the orange haired girl who knew her well enough by this point of their voyage.

"No," Zoro said positively as he sat up from his nap and looked out at the statue, "Luffy thinks he's alive. When we get closer he'll realize it's not a giant."

"Sanji come look!" Usopp called down as he climbed down the mast and started running over.

"Someone had to steer," the chef retorted. "Besides, I can see it well enough from here. It looks a lot like Water 7. There are canals between the smaller islands all around the port." The blonde haired chef looked up and down the coast on either side of the port and the south side stretched farther than he could see, but the north part that they sailed to curved around and went east. "We're at the northernmost point of the island," he called to the others.

They were too busy staring at the huge statue to pay attention to the yelling helmsman. Sanji steered them right beneath the man's legs and they all stared straight up.

Franky frowned and slapped a hundred beri into Zoro's hand for losing the bet on what was under the man's metal skirt. The swordsman laughed and they sailed to shore to see what was going on around here.

"Alright everyone," Nami called them together as Sanji brought them up alongside one of the docks. There were dozens of waterways going between the islands but his one looked like a busy marketplace. "A pirate ship docking here doesn't seem like it's a big deal, but just to be safe we need someone to stay back and guard the ship."

"I've got it," Zoro said and then walked over and leaned up against the side, taking a nap.

"She said guard the ship, not go to sleep!" Chopper exclaimed at him, but the swordsman was out cold. "I want to go look for some medicine around here." The small reindeer doctor turned into his large furry human form and had his medicine backpack on him to stock up on supplies.

"I'll come with you Doctor-san," Robin offered. "I'd like to learn some more about this city and the island we're on."

"Adventure!" Luffy exclaimed and left with the two of them. Meanwhile, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, and Nami went to look for food, ammo, cola, and information on how long it would take the Log Pose to adjust.

"Luffy, these people are all looking at us oddly," Chopper whispered nervously to the smiling captain in the Straw Hat.

Neither Luffy not Robin seemed fazed by the looks and the black haired woman smiled at their shape-shifting reindeer. She stated, "It's probably because they've never seen someone as impressive as you before."

Chopper's eyes went wide and then he smiled too and started dancing around, "Saying that doesn't make me happy you dumbass."

"Are you really pirates?" A man on their right asked and the group of three stopped walking and turned towards him. He had an eyepatch and nasty teeth. His clothes were rough and his muscles large with a large tattoo on top of his bald scalp. "You ain't seem like any pirates I've ever seen," the man spit on the floor in front of him.

"Of course we're pirates," Luffy responded and pointed back at the ship, "don't you see my flag?"

The man he was talking to started laughing, "So you're the captain? I guess the Straw Hat fits," the guy stopped leaning on the wall and walked forward towards them. He had knives in his belt that were noticeable from where they were looking, but then again a lot of people in the port seemed to be armed. "But what's a shrimp like you, a beautiful woman, and a hairy ape doing in Braavos: the richest and most powerful city in Essos?"

"Going on an adventure," Luffy replied seriously and the man laughed again, this time angrily as he felt the skinny kid was mocking him. "Do you have a problem with that?" Luffy's hat was covering his eyes but he lifted his head up a little and met the gaze of the real pirate in front of him who backed off.

"No," the man replied and was glad his voice didn't crack. Who the hell is that?!

"It doesn't look like anyone recognizes you," Chopper wondered out loud as they kept walking. Now that they were farther from their ship, people weren't staring at them as much since they didn't see where they came from. "I thought with your new bounty everyone would know your name."

Robin looked around at the people on the sidewalk of the canal they were walking alongside. "It doesn't look like these people are part of the World Government."

"Huh?" The two with her asked.

She explained her theory. "The fact that they don't recognize Luffy, or either of us for that matter, is probably because they don't receive the paper from the World Government. I've been watching them trade in the stores and ships around us and the money they use is not beri but some currency I've never seen. Also, do you notice anything about their weapons?"

Chopper looked around and now he saw it, or didn't see it. "No one has any guns."

"The World Government discovered gunpowder hundreds of years ago and spread it around the world. If there are no guns here, that means no marines, no trade with the World Government." Robin never thought a place like that would exist on the Grand Line and she was all the more excited to explore it now. The archaeologist smiled at Luffy, "I'd like to go check out some more of the city. Would you mind staying with Chopper?"

Luffy pouted and stuck his lips out, "I wanna go exploring too."

The large reindeer in Heavy Point was nervous they were about to leave him alone and he pointed excitedly, "Look, a medicine stand. We can get some and then head back to the ship before you leave," the two humans looked at the frantic doctor who rushed over to the stand and they walked after him.

"I guess that's fair Doctor-san," Robin said as she followed. The Captain was still looking around though at all the people and cool places around them. He was just waiting for the right opportunity to break off from the group.

"What do you mean, 'What's a Log Pose?' This!" The orange haired navigator pointed at the blue orb on her wrist with a needle on it. "Do you know how long it will take to set or not?" Nami and Sanji were in a bar looking for information while Usopp and Franky went shopping.

"Sorry lady, I've never seen that thing before. Where'd you say you came from again?" The tavern owner was pouring a drink for one of his other patrons and Sanji was standing behind the navigator, giving harsh glares to anyone who looked at her lecherously. "Telling from the look of you, your not from the free cities."

"We're not," the woman growled and was turning her head, looking for someone else who might have some information.

"So you came across the Narrow Sea," the man mused as he put down the bottle and grinned at the travelers. "Must have been a rough voyage. Where in Westeros are you escaping from?"

"We aren't from Westeros," Nami growled as she looked over at a table where a few men were playing poker. Maybe they'll know something...

"You're not from Westeros?" The man repeated and now some people on the stools were looking at the two strangers funny. "Where is Essos you from."

"We just got to this island," Sanji told the man while Nami started over for the table to ask some of the men about the Log. "Our crew is from East Blue," he said and now the bartender was staring at him in utter confusion.

"What's that?" Some dark skinned man on a bar stool next to Sanji asked.

The chef looked at them and then around and no one seemed to know what he was talking about. "You don't get a lot of visitors from far away do you?"

"Far away?" The bartender leaned over the counter and almost fell over it. "You're telling me you aren't from Essos or Westeros?!" His voice rose and now everyone was leaning in and listening close. Sure, the man could be a liar or a storyteller, but they wanted to listen anyway.

"Don't even pretend like your from Sothoryos," a heavyset woman sitting with a thin man on the other side of the room laughed.

The room filled with laughter and Sanji's curiosity got the better of him. "Why, what's there?"

The bartender didn't like the grown man's limited knowledge and it suggested he really did come from somewhere other than the Known World. "Nothing but plague and death," he said and the room quieted down a little, "So where are you from?"

"Across the sea," Nami replied from the booth she was at where the men playing poker didn't know what she was talking about. "Anyone know what this is?!" She held up her hand and they stared at the little orb she was holding up.

"Is it like a compass?" A pirate with a scar down his left cheek called out.

Nami sighed, "Yeah, it is." She was disappointed no one knew anything about the Log Pose, but it was a large island, they'd be able to find something. "Come on Sanji," she said and walked over to the door.

"Coming Nami-swannn!" The chef called out and spun around on one foot to the door with hearts in his eyes.

A man next to the door was smirking at Nami as she was walking past but the woman didn't respond to his look at all. He reached down to grab her ass but when his arm was a few inches away, he felt a foot in the face and flew across the room into the wall. Nami still didn't turn but a smirk appeared on her face as the man was just taught a lesson.

The others in the room stared at the thin blonde man whose kick sent the other man soaring through a wall. Sanji glared his direction and then followed the woman outside while professing his love for her.

"The fuck were those people?" The black man at the bar muttered and everyone in the room felt the same way.

"Where would you like to go first Captain-san?" Robin asked as her and Luffy walked down the street between buildings.

They dropped Chopper off at the ship where several unconscious men were lying on the dock next to it. Zoro had to fend off from some other pirates who thought they could take advantage of the sleeping guard and rob the ship. Everyone made a wide berth for the captain of the crazy green haired man when they headed back to their ship.

Now they were walking around again though, and Robin was letting Luffy lead the way. It probably wasn't the best idea, but it was more exciting when he led them in random directions and neither one had any idea where they were going. "Ooh, look at that!" The captain exclaimed and ran down the next sidewalk where he pointed to a huge building across a channel.

Nico Robin took one look at it and felt a pit in her stomach. The ominous building had enormous stone pillars rising up above the entrance. From where she was standing, she could see between two of the pillars. The door to the building was black on one side and white on the other.

Luffy spun to her with a huge smile on his face, "Let's check it out!" He threw an arm around Robin and then stretched his other across the water to the pillar where he tossed them across. The woman was nervous flying over the water without any of their other crew around to help if they fell in, but she knew Luffy would be more careful than normal while she was there.

The two of them landed in front of the doors with Robin on her feet and Luffy bouncing after he hit. He slammed into a pillar and then dropped to the ground and hopped back up, not hurt at all by the hard hit to his rubber head.

"Knock knock," Luffy called out as he hit his fist on the white part of the door. He kept knocking and Robin watched bemusedly from behind him. "Anyone home?!"

The door creaked inwards and Robin looked in to see it was dark inside. The man inside was wearing a gray cloak and he stared at the people in front of them. The boy in the straw hat was smiling wide and the woman behind him was grinning as well. "Go away."

The door started to creak shut but Luffy put his foot in the crack and it stopped on him. "Wait, what's happening in here? This is a cool place." The pirate pushed the door forward and the cloaked man inside stared at him and moved to the side.

The archaeologist walked in behind Luffy and bowed her head respectfully at the man standing next to the open door. The two of them walked down a dimly lit, dank hallway and Robin put a hand on Luffy's shoulder. "Try to stay quiet," she whispered as she looked around and saw statues of Gods on the walls. "This is a place of worship."

"Oh okay," Luffy replied in a soft voice and even started tiptoeing forward. The two of them went into a large room where they saw the first people since the man at the door. There was a young girl sweeping near a pool in the middle of the room. Next to the pool, another man in a cloak was pouring water into a second man's open mouth. Both of them were praying while it happened and Luffy tilted his head interested in the strange ritual.

Robin tried to stifle the giggle at Luffy's oddly quiet expression as he took in the large room and she distracted herself by looking over to the young girl. She had stopped sweeping and walked over to the cloaked man who was walking away. They started arguing and the girl was pretty loud as she complained about sweeping and wanting to be a Faceless man.

"Valar dohaeris," the man said to her. "All men must serve. But you only wish to serve yourself."

"Hey!" Luffy shouted and ran over to the man lying next to the pool. The guy wasn't moving and Luffy started shaking him, "Hey, get up. Are you alright?"

"Who are you?" Jaqen H'ghar asked the strange man in the room. The person had long scrawny arms and legs and was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt unbuttoned down the middle. The Straw Hat on his head was the strangest part about him though and it caught his eye immediately.

"He's dead," Luffy growled and stood straight up, glaring over at the man who gave him the water. "You poisoned him."

"Some prefer death to life," the Faceless Man stated. "This is where they go to end their suffering. If you are not here to die, why are you here?"

The young girl next to the cloaked figure was staring at the dead man next to the pool and then up at the strange teenager next to him. Luffy looked at them and then at the dead guy, softening his glare, "I'm not here to die."

"Valor Morghulis," the girl stated while she looked at him.

The pirate met the gaze of the girl and he tilted his head, "What's that mean?"

"All men must die," she responded, kind of confused this guy had never heard of the phrase.

"Oh, yeah. But I don't plan on dying here," Luffy said and started picking his nose as he looked around. "This looked like a cool place so I wanted to check it out before I left."

The man standing next to Arya gazed at the strange man in front of him. "Who are you?" He wondered, not having expected someone like this in the House of Black and White.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will become the King of the Pirates!" He introduced himself to them. "That's Robin, she's an archaeologist in my crew."

For the first time, Arya noticed the black haired woman standing in the shadows behind Luffy. The man next to Arya turned and started walking away, leaving the girl with the dead body and the strange pirates.

Two others walked over from the side of the room and grabbed the body of the man. "Where are you taking him?" The girl asked and the two people ignored her as they walked away and into a door. She looked down at her hands angrily.

"Why are you here?" Luffy asked the girl who seemed different than the others he'd seen in the building so far.

The short girl looked up at the man who said he wanted to be King of the Pirates and she furrowed her brow. "To get stronger," she answered.

"How is sweeping floors going to help you do that?" Luffy asked, "Are you an idiot?" The question was serious and the girl frowned at him about to retort, but then thought about it herself. She'd been there for over a week but Jaqen H'ghar showed no sign of teaching her to be a Faceless assassin.

"I don't know," she said. The girl clenched her fists and snapped her head up to him, "But I need to get stronger. I'll do whatever it takes."

Robin looked back and forth between her captain and the teenage girl in front of him and smiled. The captain was grinning too and he liked this girl, "Why don't you come with us then? Join my crew."

The woman and girl were both surprised by that statement but Luffy started laughing. "Everyone on my crew is really strong so if you join you'll become strong too."

"That doesn't make any sense," Arya argued and shook her head aggravated.

"Makes more sense than sweeping a clean floor," Luffy countered with a grin. The girl looked around at he spotless floor she'd been cleaning and he was right, it didn't make any sense.

"Why should I trust you?" Arya said and for a moment Robin could see the mask of anger on the girl's face and saw her for the child she was. The girl looked around fifteen years old and was small for her age, but at that moment Robin saw a bit of herself in her.

"Because I haven't done anything to lose your trust," the boy replied.

"You haven't gained my trust either," the girl snapped at him.

Luffy frowned and scratched his chin, "Well I say you join my crew, so let's go."

"Don't decide that on your own," she said angrily but a smile broke on her face at the man's silliness. He really didn't seem like the type of person who would betray her. Her head lowered a little and she clenched her fists tight, "Would you really make me stronger? You don't look too strong yourself."

"Huh?" Luffy said and smirked. He punched the floor beneath his feet to show the girl how strong he was and the floor cracked. Her eyes widened in absolute shock, but then in terror as the cracked floor broke and her and the pirate started falling.

They fell down for over ten seconds and Arya thought that when she hit the ground she would surely die. "Gum Gum," she turned her head down towards the right as they fell and saw the pirate smiling as he fell. His mouth opened wide and he yelled, "Balloon!"

His stomach inflated into a huge ball that the falling girl landed on and bounced. Luffy laughed as he deflated and the girl fell off of him. "What the hell are you?!" She yelled and pushed herself away on the ground with her hands.

"I'm a rubber man," he said and grabbed his cheek, stretching it out. "See?"

"A rubber man?" She stopped pushing away from the weird man and stood up. Her next question caught in her throat, not seeming important anymore, and her eyes widened into saucers.

Luffy saw her eyes pointed over his head and he turned around and his eyes blew open like hers. There was a huge pillar sticking out of the ground and reaching all the way up to the hole in the ceiling that they broke through. The pillar was covered in human heads, thousands of them. The pirate and the little girl looked around and this wasn't the only pillar in the room.

"Luffy!" Robin called down from the hole in the ceiling. The two down below looked straight up at her.

"A girl was not ready," someone said and Arya snapped her head back down where a man was walking out from behind the pillar.

"I am ready," she argued. "Teach me to be a Faceless Man," she looked up at the different faces of men and women killed in this building that now rested inside this crypt.

"A man can't teach Arya Stark," he said and then turned around.

"I'm no one," the girl shouted at him. He was still walking and she yelled, "Teach me!"

He stopped and the girl and pirate stared at his back. The man stood still and then started turning around where the two in front of him saw something weird. His face was no longer white and was instead dark black and he lifted the gray hood and put it over his head. "A man can not teach a girl to be no one," he reached into his cloak and pulled something out, flicking it across the space between them where it landed in Arya's hand.

She looked down at the gold coin and then looked back up, "I travelled across the Narrow Sea. You said..."

"A girl is not ready," he stated absolutely. "You must leave."

"Bon-chan?" Luffy wondered out loud and the man in front of him turned his way. "Is that you?"

"I don't know who this Bon-chan is," Jaqen H'ghar muttered and then motioned to the other end of the huge room where there was a door, "Follow me."

"It's alright, we'll leave the way we came," Luffy said and looked up at the hole. The assassin and the girl next to him stared as the pirate lowered his arm and then threw it up, his hand stretching up to the hole on the ceiling where he grabbed on. "Let's go," he grabbed the girl and she screamed as they shot through the air and back out the hole.

Robin and a few others were standing around the hole and most of them jumped backwards as the two came flying out of the ground. The ones who didn't back away were Robin and the men wearing cloaks around her. She was starting to get nervous around these men and they seemed dangerous.

"You ready to go Captain-san?" Robin asked.

"Sure," Luffy had gotten a good look around the strange building and he was happy he came to look. "You're coming right?"

The girl in his arm finally calmed herself down and was breathing deeply as she stared at the strong pirate. He was powerful enough to break a hole in the stone floor and he had a weird ability. "Will you teach me how to be a rubber man?"

Luffy gawked at her and then said, "There's only one rubber man, and that's me. But, I'll help you get stronger," he offered hoping she would take the bait and join him. This girl was interesting and Robin watched closely to see the reaction from her.

"One minute," the girl responded and then ran off and turned down a hallway.

"If I may ask," Robin started and her younger friend looked at her, "why'd you invite her to join us?"

The other people around them were feeling seriously ignored in their own building but no one could say anything to the man who flew out of the floor from a hundred feet down. "Don't know," Luffy responded like it was on a whim. He stuck his finger in his ear and twisted it around while they waited.

The girl didn't even take the full minute and she rushed back down the hallway with some clothes in her arms. Arya wrapped her sword and some money in her clothes and was running back out. I don't need to be a Faceless Man to get stronger. If he can train me, I'll be much stronger than I ever would get staying here.

"You ready?" Robin asked this child.

"Yes," Arya nodded and couldn't help but smile along with the two older people there.

"Then let's go!" Luffy shouted and they walked towards the door with a new crew member.


Next chapter