
The First Flame by MachinaExDeo (Highschool DxD)

*I'm back* *Pairing so far: IsseixKoneko*

Latest Update:April 5, 2020

Summary: Look, he didn't ask for this. He just wanted a date. And while it was fortunate that he saw a girl's breasts, the burning hole in his stomach wasn't really worth it. And now he had to deal with sexy girls trying to kill him, from God knows how many fantasy species. Actually God's probably clueless about that too. Immortality must have some perks... right?

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12074570/1/The-First-Flame

Word Count:186k


Chapter 1: The Spark

Issei Hyoudou was having a great day.

He had spent the day on a date with one of the most beautiful girls he had ever met, Yuuma Amano. She was pretty, funny, kind and she was totally into him! He had been wracking his brain before the date on ways he could impress her, and more importantly, how he could avoid screwing it up. But it all seemed to have paid off.

He really liked it when she smiled, or how cute she was when acting bashful because of something he said or did. As a result, he supposed he got a bit carried away in complimenting her. But she was just too darn cute! Not to mention her breasts were HUGE! He had to stop himself from staring (not that it helped) more than once during the date. Thankfully she didn't notice, or if she did, she didn't mind (another great thing if it as true!).

In your slimy faces, Matsuda, Motohama!

Unfortunately, the day was about to end, and the date along with it. They had decided to take a walk to a park nearby. It had seemed like a good move on his part. The sun was setting, and it gave a really nice romantic vibe to the situation that he really hoped Yuuma-chan liked.

"We sure had a lot of fun today, didn't we!" Yuuma-chan said cheerfully.

"Yeah, it was a great day!" Issei whole-heartedly agreed as he walked alongside her. His fingers brushed against the palm of her hand, sending his heart into a frenzy. Alright, Issei, go for it!

Without saying anything, he took her hand in hers, eliciting a small "oh" from Yuuma-chan, along with a noticeable and oh so adorable blush on her face. Yes! I did it!

His inner celebration was stopped when she ran slightly ahead of him, stopping in front of a fountain in the middle of the park, twirling around to face him."Hey, Ise-kun?"

"What is it, Yuuma-chan?"

"Can... can you do me a favor to celebrate our first date?"

Wait! What's she going to ask me? Is this the kiss good-bye at the end of the date? Are we finally reaching the climax? I have to prepare myself. Oh gods, does my breath smell? Despite his mental panic, he managed to blurt out a response. "What kind of favor?" He really hoped he didn't sound like he was thinking of something stupid, even if he was.

"Could you please die for me?"

Hang on, what?

"Sorry, Yuuma-chan. There must be something wrong with my ears. Could you say that again?" It was a mistake, surely. Yuuma-chan leaned over to him, in a way that made his heart race. He could smell her shampoo, it smelled so good on her. If he looked down, he could see down her blouse.

"Would you die for me?" She said it again, her beautiful face transforming into a cruel smirk.


Black wings seemed to sprout from her back, the feathers spiraling lazily through the air. What is this? Is Yuuma-chan an angel? She was like something from a fairy tale, the sun casting an eerie shadow over her face. It can't be. No angel can be this terrifying.

"If it's any consolation," her voice was cold, not like the soft voice he had enjoyed listening to so much. "I had fun on our date. It was like playing house with a little kid."

A buzzing vibrated through the air as... something appeared in her hands. It sort of looked like a spear, and isn't it glowing? It looked like one of those neon signs, but ten times brighter.

As fast as it came, it disappeared. Issei was confused, until an uncomfortably warm sensation started spreading out of his stomach. He raised his hand off the ground, Wait, when did I fall down? He reached to his stomach, feeling the warm sticky blood coating his fingers.

He could hear Yuuma-chan's voice again, but it was so faint he wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not. "Sorry about this, but you were a threat to us. If you really want to blame someone, don't blame me. Blame the God who paced the Sacred Gear inside you." The sound of flapping wings, and then he heard nothing. Just the calming waters of the fountain.

Am I dying? It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it least I saw Yuuma-chan's breasts. They really were great breasts. Are they really the only ones I'm going to see?

Is this it? Am i going to die here? I don't want things to be over, already. I'm still too young! I haven't even touched a girl's breasts before. i have so much I want to do!

I don't want to die!

The warm feeling in his stomach suddenly intensified, going from uncomfortable to searing pain. It was as if someone had poured fuel on him and lit a match.

It hurts! Ithurtsithurtsithurts! I thought the pain was gone! If death is this painful I want it to stop!

Looks like it started.

Correct. It has finally begun.

I'm sorry about this, but the first one is always the most painful.

Wait, who are you?! What's begun, what's happening to me?!

Any further thought he had was cut off when the burning pain grew once more, no longer limiting itself to his stomach, now radiating throughout his entire body. It was like every bit of hs body was on fire simultaneously.

He opened his mouth to scream, but the sound died in his throat. He raised his hand again, the effort taking all of the strength he has. He expected to see red blood on his fingers again, but instead was greeted by something flickering. Is that fire? I guess that explains the burning. Maybe Yuuma-chan was an angel. This is the 'smiting' thing that angels do.

Hmph. Don't be ridiculous. As if a mere fallen angel would be able to smite us.

Who... are you?

You'll have to be more specific, brat.

We are one, but also many.

We are you, you are us.

And it is time for us to wake.

The pain ceased, but the fire only grew brighter. It wasn't normal fire. It was white, not a harsh white, but it was pure and untainted. Issei couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort as he saw it. As if dying wouldn't be that bad as long as it was by this brilliant white flame.

His eyes started to close, his eyelids becoming impossibly heavy.

Sleep now, for you shall rise again!

Issei woke up screaming. He shot up into a sitting position, continuing to shout until his throat was dry. After a while he started feeling stupid and managed to stop screaming. What the hell? He looked down, and was shocked by what he saw. Or rather, what he didn't see.

His injury was gone. Vanished. Disappeared. There wasn't even a scar. It was like he had never even gotten stabbed in the stomach by a spear of light. If it weren't for the gaping hole in the middle of his shirt he would've thought that the stabbing was a hallucination or something. So much for being a dream. Not that he held much hope for that explanation being true anyway.

And another thing. Where was all the blood? There wasn't a single drop of blood on his clothes. Come to think of it, there wasn't on any on the ground around him either. Okay this has gone from weird to freaking trippy. His clothes were torn as expected, but they were also badly charred, especially along the site of the tear. However, all of his clothes were singed throughout, as if someone had thrown in a fire for a few seconds before putting them back on his body. That's more than a bit creepy if that actually happened.

First things first though. What the hell did happen? Last thing I remember is Yuuma-chan with that weird spear and...!

That's right. He was on a date, with Yuuma Amano. She asked him to... to die. Then she transformed into some, winged... thing! Hell, who was he kidding, he was in way over his head here. There was only three things he knew for sure.

1: He finally saw a girl's breasts.(YES!)

2: Yuuma-chan was not normal.

3: He was meant to be dead.

Yet here he was. From what he could tell, he was perfectly healthy, aside from the fact that his back was killing him, and he was seriously hungry. Other than that, he actually felt pretty good.

What do I do now? Hospital? He snorted. Yeah, right. What do I say, 'My girlfriend turned into a super hot angel and then stabbed me and set me on fire, but I'm just fine!'... Yeah, let's call that plan B.

Issei felt something in his pants pocket. He fished out his phone and saw the caller ID. Kaa-san? Why is she calling me? "Hello?"


"Wait, what?" Issei quickly checked the time on his phone. 23:13. Oh shit. He tried to keep calm and play it cool. "Umm... didn't I tell you that I was going to be out for the day?"

Issei felt relieved when he heard another voice through the phone. "See, honey, I told you he was fine. There was never a need to worry." Thanks a lot, Tou-san! "He's probably having the time of his life with that girl!"

Thanks a lot, Tou-san.

"ISSEI! Come back home this instant, do you hear me?!"

"Of course, Kaa-san." The moment he replied, his mother hung up, a sure sign that she was pissed as hell. She didn't like to yell at him through the phone, preferring to save all of her anger for a face-to-face talk. Eager to not make her any angrier than she already was, he picked himself up, and started to run home.

Ironically, if Issei actually took his time, he would have remembered one important thing through the fear of his mother's wrath.

"Issei, what happened to you?!"

Namely, he looked like hell. Or to be more specific, his clothes looked like hell chewed them up and spat them back out. Whoops. Realizing his blunder, he stuck to the excuse uttered by so many others in the hopes that it would serve him well. "Um... I slipped and fell?"


Issei could visibly see his mother's temper breaking and decided to backtrack. "Uh... I mean... there was... um... a fire, yeah, a fire! There was a fire in the restaurant we were in! My shirt caught fire, but I managed to put it out. And, um... we had to stay there for a while so the ambulance people could make sure we were okay." Technically there was a fire, so what if the details are a little sketchy?

As expected, at the first mention of danger, his mother's mood did a complete 180°. "A fire? Are you okay? Are you sure you aren't hurt?"

"Oh yeah, don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine. Clean bill of health!"

"Well, thank goodness you're okay. Now what about your date. I imagine she was pretty shocked after the incident, right?"

Other way around, Kaa-san. "Actually she seemed okay. She was fine when she went home."

His father heard this and started berating him. "Oi, are you telling me you let a girl you were on a date with walk home alone?! What kind of man are you?"

"It wasn't like that!" Oh great. "I offered, but she was pretty insistent. Besides the date didn't really go that well anyway. I doubt she would want to see me anymore." Pretty sure the feeling's mutual anyway.

"Che, what did you do this time? You didn't do something stupid like declare your undying love for breasts or something did you?"

"That's kinda harsh, don't you think?! Well, whatever. I don't want to talk about it. Is there anything to eat?"

That night, Issei Hyoudou dreamed of fire.

He was floating in the air, the flickering flames burning around him, above, below, all around him, seemingly burning on nothing. The fire was unlike anything he had ever seen. It was mostly white, but the tips seemed to be tinged with red and... green, maybe? It mesmerized him, the brilliant colors dancing across his eyes.

And they were so bright. Issei was sure they had to be as bright as the Sun. And yet they did not hurt his eyes. Actually, they didn't hurt him, period. They almost seemed welcoming. They danced across his body, curling around him like scarves, embracing him with warmth.

More than that, he could feel something radiating from them, something far greater than warmth. It was life, in the purest sense of the word. It was vibrant, resonating with his very soul.

He reached out with his arms to try and hold one of the flames in his hands, and amazingly, he did it. He would try many times after that to really describe how it felt.

He would fail.

His mother once told him that one of the happiest moments in her life was holding him in her arms when he was a baby. She told him about the joy she felt, holding a little bundle of life in her arms. He wondered if this feeling was in any way the same.

But there was something weird about the fire. It took him a while, but he eventually understood what was so strange. It wasn't just accepting him, it was like they were a part of him. He could feel each individual flame as easily as he could feel his arms and legs. He could interact with them as easily as if he was breathing.

Without warning, all of the little flames flew towards him, but he wasn't afraid. They flew into his body without any difficulty, and he welcomed them.

The next day, Issei was seriously thinking of throwing a sickie to get out of school. He could sell it to his parents, something about being too tired from yesterday's events. And he had his own reasons, that being concern for his life.

Yuuma-chan... tried to kill him, didn't she? He didn't think he could deny that fact, it was the only thing about her he was certain of. If he went back to school, and she saw him... what then? Would she try again? He shuddered at the thought of it. When she stabbed him and burned him, he felt so much pain and fear. Even if he could somehow survive again, he really didn't want to risk it.

In the end, he decided to go. He would stick to busy roads and go home right afterwards. He wasn't sure if Yuuma-chan would try anything with... well... normal people around, but he needed answers.

Turns out, he didn't need to worry.

"Dude, you look like hell." Motohama remarked with his usual tact and sensitivity.

"That so? 'Cause I feel like crap." Issei said with his forehead against the table.

"What happened to you yesterday? Oh, I get it, you were up all night reviewing the 'material' I got you, eh?" Matsuda said with lecherous grin on his face.

"Wha? No, I did tell you I was with Yuuma-chan, right?"

His two perverted friends blinked, exchanged a glance, then blinked again. Motohama spoke up first. "Um... Issei, who are you talking about?"

Are they shitting me right now? "Yuuma Amano, remember?! I introduce her to you guys on Friday?! The really cute girl who asked me out? Any of this ringing a bell?" Issei had a flash of insight and rummaged in his pockets for his phone. "Here I took a picture, it's here... somewhere...huh?"

"Hey man, you sure you're feeling alright?" This time Matsuda's voice contained some genuine concern. "Maybe you should see the nurse?"

"No... no, I'll be fine, I think."

Matsuda and Motohama didn't look convinced, but Issei was spared the trouble of explaining further as the bell rang signalling the end of their lunch break.

The rest of the day's classes passed in a blur. Issei was growing nervous now. His friends didn't remember anyone named Yuuma Amano. He dropped the name to other people to see how they would react but everyone just looked at him strangely. He even checked the rosters and the name Yuuma Amano didn't exist anywhere!

What kind of shit have I gotten myself into? Was everything really just some fucked up delusion? Maybe my shirt got burned some other way. Yuuma-chan never existed, or something.

He was driving himself crazy with his speculations. He was so engrossed in thought that he almost didn't hear the announcement on the intercom after the bell for the end of classes. "Hyoudou Issei to the Student Council Room, immediately after school, please. Hyoudou Issei to the Student Council Room after school, please."

A short clipped message, and yet it somehow filled Issei with dread. His friends ran to his table. "Alright, fess up. What the hell did you do?!" they asked frantically.

"What are you talking about, I didn't do anything!" Inwardly he was panicking. What happened? Did they finally take the kendo team's recommendations to have me whacked? Or maybe they found the stash of pornos in my shoe locker!

"Well whatever, man don't screw this up!"

"What do you mean?"

"Weren't you listening? That was the Student Council President on the intercom! She never calls for a student personally, so you must have done something to really tick her off!"

The moment the after school bell rang, the two of them shoved Issei out of the room with warnings and predictions, while sending him looks of pity and lamentation, doing nothing to help his fears. Issei walked to the Council Room with the gait of a man walking to his execution. He stopped in front of the door and hesitated before knocking. After a call of 'Enter' he stepped inside.

And immediately froze.

Sitting behind the desk at the end of the room was Souna Shitori, Kuoh Academy's Student Council President. She was as beautiful as everyone said, and Issei could easily see why she was ranked the number three out of all the girls in the academy. She sat with perfect posture, her violet eyes crtitically scanning him from behind the lenses of her glasses. That ice-cold gaze, showing every bit of her famous intellect was the only thing stopping Issei from haveing his eyes wandering.

Behind her was another girl, Tsubaki Shinra the Vice-President, standing dutifully at her side. She was not as well known as the President, but Issei definitely knew her, as she had doled out some serious punishments in the past due to his... ahem... questionable hobbies. And she did it all with that blank expression on her face.

Issei turned his gaze to the table in the middle of the room and felt whatever composure he had left slip away. Sitting calmly and elegantly sipping tea were the most popular girls in Kuoh. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were the most beautiful young women Issei had ever encountered, easily surpassing every model he had ever seen.

Akeno Himejima, someone that everyone in Kuoh, male and female saw as a Yamato Nadeshiko, the perfect woman. Her kind purple eyes, her long glossy black hair, her perfect body made it perfectly clear why she deserved that title.

The second girl was Rias Gremory. A foreign student, her long, striking, red hair caught the attention of everyone who glimpsed it, male or female. Her beautiful blue-green eyes twinkled with something akin to amusement as she looked at him. The sight of her gorgeous face gracing him with a smile should have elated him, and brought the biggest smile to his face.

Should have.

Issei didn't understand. He was alone in a room with not one, or two, but four extremely beautiful girls. He should have felt like jumping for joy, and screaming from the rooftops.

So why the hell was he so scared?

He was terrified. Not like last night with Yuuma-chan. This kind of fear was more primitive. The fear of prey standing before a predator. It called out from his heart, telling him to run, run far, and never look back. People had always said that these girls' beauty was beyond this world, but Issei felt somewhere deep in his mind that their entire existence was something unearthly.

And dare he say it, unholy.

"Please take a seat, Hyoudou-san." His body seemed to move on its own, prompted by Shitori's curt voice. He sat down at the table opposite Rias and Akeno and accepted the offered cup of tea with a shaky hand.

"I'm sorry if you feel that we have alarmed you, Issei-kun. Oh, may I call you that?" Rias began.

"S-sure." Issei inwardly cursed himself for stammering. So not cool, man!

"Then, you can call me Rias!"

Ah! No way! First name basis already?! "Thank you, um, Rias-senpai."

"Now, as I was saying, there shouldn't be any reason for you to worry. Souna here just wanted to address some concerns."

"Concerns? About what?"

Souna rose from her place behind the desk. In her hand was a cellphone. "I believe that you are acquainted with this person." She flipped it open and showed him a picture of Yuuma Amano.

Issei was sure his face must have been all the answer they needed. "H-how did you know about he-"

"Her name is Raynare." Souna interrupted him, her voice cutting through his questions, freezing his throat to stop him from talking any further. "As you well know she is a Fallen Angel, a member of the Grigori faction. We believe that her attack was done under orders from a man named Kokabiel. They seem to believe that you are a human in posession of a Sacred Gear and that you pose a threat to them."

She said it all as naturally as she was breathing. Issei looked at the other faces in the room, expecting, and hoping that one of them would smile, giggle, even laugh out loud at the absurdity of what the young woman in front of him just said. But nothing. They were completely serious.


"However, that begs the question: who are you?"

"Kaichou, I think there's been some kind of mistake. Yes I know that girl, but she told me her name was Yuuma Amano. And I have no freakin' clue what a Grigori or a Sacred Gear is-"

"Please drop the act." This time it was Rias who spoke. Her expression didn't change, but Issei could definitely hear the steel in her voice. "I know what happened after Raynare attacked you. I must commend you, to be able to slip in undetected for so long. However, even if you have no ill intentions, I must ask for your identity."

"Wait, how did you-"

"A familiar of mine was watching the situation. Those powers of regeneration you displayed are unmistakeably those of the Phenex clan. Of course, we already asked said clan for your identity but imagine my surprise when they didn't even know of your own existence.

But that only gives rise to more questions. The most prevalent of which has already been asked. Who are you?"

Issei's mind was whirling. What the fuck did I step into? Kokabiel? Phenex? Fallen Angel? Sacred Gear? What the hell is this?

"Please, slow down, Rias-senpai. This is just a big misunderstanding. I don't know why you think different but I am human. I am just a normal guy."

Rias sighed in exasperation, as if she was dealing with a particularly difficult child. She gave the briefest of glances to Akeno, but that was all she needed.

A flash of yellow light was the only warning he got. He threw himself to the floor with as much speed as possible, but a bolt of lightning still tore through his right shoulder, shredding the sleeve of his uniform and charring the sofa that was behind him. Issei gulped and started sweating heavily. If I didn't move, that would have gone right through my head!

"Impressive reflexes, for a human." Rias commented. "Are you atill going to act stupid? I admit, you play it quite well, but I'd rather see the real you right now. Not that you have any other choice." she said, tapping her right shoulder.

Issei reflexively looked at his injury, only to see it disappear in a burst of white flame.

He turned back to his upperclassmen, seeing nothing but cold indifference towards him in their eyes. As if trying to murder him with a lightning bolt was no big deal in their perspective.

Issei finally understood something. They''re not human. There is no way people with eyes like those are human. I have to get out of here.

Issei scrambled to his feet, nearly leaping to the door. Before his hand even touched the doorknob, though, Tsubaki seemingly materialized in front of the door, a naginata in her hands, the blade held menacingly against his throat. He swallowed, feeling the cold steel press against his skin. He didn't dare move, for fear of cutting himself on the spear.

Souna had resumed talking behind him. "Please, let us do this civilly. We called you here instead of confronting you like a common criminal becuse you have done no harm to anyone during your stay here. I might even go so far as to call you a good person, albeit with perverted tendencies. No-one can fake those so well. We can even forgive the fact that you trespassed onto our territory. But we do need your co-operation."

Issei barely heard it. Instead his mind was coming back to an all-too familiar feeling, one he had met less than 24 hours ago. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, oh God, I am so dead!

His mind was literally racing. He managed to push down the terror just eneough to start thinking of an escape strategy. What do I do?! What the hell do I do?! I need to get out of here. I need to get away... from them!

The window! His mind seemed to scream at him, though for some reason, it didn't feel like his thoughts. Jump out the window!

That's crazy, we're on the third floor! I'll die!

You can take it! Or would you rather stay here with these ladies?!

Actually, I woul- waitwaitwait, that's not the point! Fine then, the window! His decision made, Issei punched the away the spear, ignoring the brief pain in his neck from where it lightly nicked him. He jumped just as something whipped right underneath him where his knees used to be. Whoa, how the hell did I do that?

He had no time to think about it because his targeted escape route was approaching very fast. Putting his arms in front of his face, he pushed himself through the window.

It hurt. It hurt a lot more than movies or TV shows suggested. He heard somewhere that if you had to jump through a window, throw something at it first, but he never really thought of why until now. The first thing he felt was the impact. He thought his arms would break before the laminated glass would.

The second thing he felt was the cuts. Holy shit, were there a lot of cuts. Movies make it so the glass shatters into itty bitty pieces, but in reality? The shards of glass are huge, and cut so deep into his skin he was surprised his arms weren't severed completely. Again, it hurt. Not as much as getting stabbed in the stomach and being set on fire, but it was up there.

Through the pain, he barely felt the third thing, which was the fall. Instead it skipped right to number four: the landing. Honestly, it didn't feel as bad as he thought a fall from a thrid storey window would be, but then again he was lucky enough tho land in a couple of bushes. That and he was probably high on adrenaline.

That isn't going to last long. Groaning, he hauled himself up and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Sona and Rias watched the hastily retreating figure through the shattered remains of the window, noting the decreasing trail of white flames he left behind him.

"Think it worked?" Rias asked.

"Yes, though your acting skills could use a little work."

"Gimme a break. I was ad-libbing the entire thing."

"Whatever the case, with any luck he will lead us straight to his master."

"Do you really think he has one? There is still a distinct possibility that he is an Extra Devil. He could even be telling the truth about being human for all you know. Some rare Sacred Gear. Maybe a magician, even."

"If he is an Extra, all the more reason to find out what it is he's up to. Extra Devils almost never come out of their own little worlds. There must be something significant for them to tread onto another Devil's territory for so long, much less the sisters of Maou." Rias had to concede that point. Extra Devils were notoriously reclusive, some going for decades, even centuries without contacting the outside world.

Sona continued to speak her deductions. "No Sacred Gear in existence has abilities like that. I admit, there is a chance it is a rare Sub-Species, but I doubt it. As for being a magician... it's possible." Sona admitted. "Though I am fairly sure he is not human. Either way, his panic was genuine, so we can expect him to run to whoever he answers to. Once that happens..."

"We'll take care of all of them in one fell swoop, eh? Quite devious of you, Sona." Rias teased.

"Do try not to make me sound like an evil mastermind, Rias." Sona sighed. "If anything, I truly hope that this will not come to violence and their intention is not harmful, to us or anyone else."

"You have to admit, to hide almost all traces of the supernatural from us, for two years? It is impressive. He must have considerable control over his power."

"Almost, Rias?"

"I was planning to make him part of my peerage. In fact I was hoping he would summon me during that disaster of a date."

"You were going to let him be stabbed? Who's the devious one now?"

"I did make sure he had a summoning circle and I had my familiar watching over him. I wasn't going to let him die, Sona. But then he pulled that regeneration." Rias sighed. "Such a shame. I thought he would have been an excellent addition."

Issei managed to run well away from the school building. For some reason they hadn't even tried to follow him. Oh well, he certainly wasn't complaining. Just to be safe, though, he decided not to go straight home. They probably knew where he lived, so chances are that's where they would look for him first.

He stopped running in a small abandoned park. He leaned back against a tree, completely out of breath. He slid down the tree, trying to calm his furiously beating heart. In the past two days he had faced more stress than the rest of his years combined. He was surprised he wasn;t a nervous wreck at this point, but he still wouldn't rule it out for the future.

He looked down to his arms and legs. As he expected. Not even a scratch, huh? Oh, he had felt it. The pain had been real, so real that whatever lingering beliefs he had about this being a dream were complitely swept away. And yet, his body was completely unmarred.

What is this? What am I? He had argued to them that he was 100% human, but was it even true? No human can walk away from a three storey fall, or heal from injuries in a burst of white flame. His mind flashed back to the encounter. Didn't she say something about a Phenex? Like the legendary bird or something?

What do I do now? He felt that it was a reasonable question. He probably shouldn't have gone back to school, but then again, what's to say that they wouldn't have gone directly to his house. No, I can't let Okaa-san or Otou-san in on this, whatever the hell this is.

But that didn't really give him a lot o other options. He couldn't go to Matsuda or Motohama for the exact same reason. And it wasn't as if he had enough money to stay anywhere else. it was getting dark, and he really didn't want to sleep outside. So what's left?

"So you're the one that Raynare couldn't kill, huh?"

The sudden voice had him jumping to his feet, frantically turning his head to find the source.

"How disappointing. I was expecting something that would be able to at least put up a fight. But then again, I shouldn't have expected much from Raynare."

Terrible realization dawned on him, as pitch black feathers lazily floated down all around him. He craned his neck upwards, following the feathers, And there he was.

He was a middle-aged man wearing a long pale violet trench coat over a white dress shirt and black pants. With the black glowes on his hands and the fedora casting an eerie shadow over his eyes, he made quite the menacing figure even if you forgot the set of raven black wings growing out of his back.

Did he forget to mention those?

They were fully extended, stretching twice as long as the man was tall. They weren't flapping at all. In fact they were so still, Issei had to wonder whether it was the cause of the man's flight.

Wait. Raynare? Where have I...

[...name is Raynare...]

[...Fallen Angel... Grigori...]

[...you pose a threat...]

"Hmph!" The winged man smirked upon seeing the look of horror that grew on Issei's face. "Looks like you realize who I am. Very well, I will grant you the honor of knowing my name before I kill you. Be grateful, filthy Devil scum"

Those bark blue eyes locked on to him, bloodlust radiating from them as a spear of light, a paler color than his eyes formed in his hand. "I am Dohnaseek. Stand up, Devil, or suffer the humiliation of dying on your knees."

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12074570/1/The-First-Flame

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