
Family by VampireApple (One Piece)

Latest Update:COMPLETE

Summary: The Straw Hats are a crazy family, but they love each other. In their own crazy way. For the most part. Now with Jinbe!

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6232951/1/Family

Word Count:7k


Chapter 1: Luffy

. . .

Luffy is the goofy brother of the crew.

He will do anything to make his crew smile…

"Robin! Robin! Look at this!"

"Why do you have chopsticks in your nose and mouth captain-san?"

"Because its funny!"

"Yes… yes I believe it is."

… and he is always ready for a game….

"Zoro, play tag with me!"



"… what?"

"Play tag with me!"

"… no."

Smack, crash, thunck.

"What the hell!"

"Yay! Zoro's playing!"

…and, of course, he is always hungry.


"If you finish that sentence, I'll cut your tongue out, roast it, season it and feed it to you."

But Luffy is always willing to spend time with his nakama…

"Chopper, that hurts!"

"If you didn't insist on getting injured all the time then I wouldn't need to treat you ALL THE TIME!"

… and he loves how talented they are…

"Wow Franky! What does it do?"

"It shoots lasers and makes pretty patterns on trees."


… he makes sure they know he will do anything for them…

"Ah! Jinbe!"

"Yes Luffy?"

"You know that evil squirrel dropped a branch on you?"

"…I do not remember that, no."

"Oh, well. I finally caught it! And I had Sanji cook it! I saved you some!"

"Thank you Luffy, that was a delicious bite."

… even when they scare him…

"Luffy, have you been playing in the treasure room again?"



"Yes Nami?"

"You know I'm going to kill you, right?"

"Run away!"

… and he'll always believe every word they say.

"… and that's how I became a giant!"

"Wow, Usopp! How did you get small again?"

"Well, you see I had to travel to the tiny island of…"

Most of all Luffy loves to laugh with his nakama.

"Tell another one Brook!"

"Yohohohoho! Alright! There are two muffins in the oven. One turns to the other and says 'Man, its hot in here.' The other screams 'Ah! Talking muffin!'"

"HAHA! More!"

Yes, Luffy is goofy. He enjoys being goofy. But he loves his family and will be serious when they need him to keep them safe.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6232951/1/Family

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