
Harry Potter SI by Hiver (Harry Potter)

Latest Update: COMPLETE sequel up(Sequel is multiverse)

Summary: A person gets self-inserted into Harry Potter. The story is written as a diary, with responses to comments.

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/harry-potter-si.233048/#post-8447256

Word count:53k


September 1, 1991

Now in retrospect calling Q a 'motherfucker' and trying to punch its lights out was a Bad Idea.

It started with me falling asleep and waking up in a white void with John de Lancie standing in front of me with a shit eating grin on his face. My standard reaction to realizing its a dream while having a nightmare is to attack the monster.

Doing so in this didn't end up with me waking up, but with me on my ass and Q laughing at me.

Q then went on to explain that all BROB threads have gotten its attention and it want to try it for real, then It handed me a book and a pen, turned me 11 and then sent me of, giving me barely enough time to curse at him.

Hence me waking up in a moderately comfortable bed in a room that looked that it hadn't been redecorated since the Eighties. The 1880ies.

After finding my glasses on the night side table I discovered a old tin can with a note attached that said 'Portkey, 08:30', a wand and a trunk full with books of clothes. Along with the book i'm writing this in along with a note. This is basically what the note said:

'Hello Sber, I forgot to tell you..

Welcome to the wold of Harry Potter. A small warning: Its a alternate universe. Its similar enough to what you consider 'canon' but not close enough that you can use future knowledge.

The book this note was in will be your link to SB. Everything you write in there will end up on the forum. It will even work the other way to but only in that thread.

I made sure you would wake up with at least a hour until the Portkey activate so feel free to have a nervous breakdown.

Have fun.


PS: You got a account at Gringotts and a allowance of 10 galeons each semester. Cover story is that your dead muggle parents was rich.'

So now you know pretty much what happened. I spent the time going over my things instead of freaking out, I can do that later when alone at Hogwarts. You cant think if you are freaking out.

I am currently writing this while on the train, trying to look bored for the pair of older girls I don't recognize that are sitting on the other side of the compartment.

In other words, I am alone in a world that make NO sense and have been handed a completely broken magic powers.

I'm going to get myself killed.

Hiver signing off.


P.S.S: Looks like this book got a automatic timestamp. Handy.

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/harry-potter-si.233048/#post-8447256

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