
Episode 37: Wheelchair or Crutches

The room falls silent as Ethan stares at Mia waiting for her answer or better still the answer to his question. Mia stares blankly at the wall and then sighs. “Divorced when I was nine. Domestic violence and other stuff. Mum is dead. Dad alive wanting to kill me” Mia said “That sums it up,” she said

Ethan nods. “Your dad used to hit her, is that why she died?” he asked

“Cancer” Mia replies

“I see, did the beating inspire the sense to learn how to fight?”

“A percent”

“What about the rest?”

“Bullying, defense”


“I had five”

“Why had?”


“First child?”


“Why does Bell like you so much?” Ethan asked and since his questions, Mia finally smiles

“I don’t know. You should ask her that” Mia said

“Do you buy her things?”

“Not often. Moreover, my work keeps me busy so I don’t know why she does though I’m her father’s cousin so maybe the love just came naturally but either way ask her that yourself”

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