

Here Catherine is getting herself ready for the dance while her mother is dressing her hair. The mother and daughter sharing a close moment together, they both seem to be as a best friends. Since her mother styling her hair, she and Catherine have some little conversation together about Paulo.

"You know Cathy ? since your childhood I always supposed to knew that there is something between you and Paulo ?" Her mother said.

"And why you suppose think that ?" Catherine asked.

"Why not ? when you're child instead of spending time with your own mother you always be with Paulo and not only just for an hour but for all day." Her mother complained

"Mom that's not true !, I don't spend my whole day with Paulo in my childhood." Catherine replied.

"Hmm..... I am your mother and I know more than you, when you were child every sundays without having your breakfast you just go to the park or by the lake with Paulo and you both stay together for whole and when you both never come back in the evening Kesi and I have to look after you both. Whenever you are with you never even care about the time, you even never concerned about me, your own mother as well." Her mother taunts.

"Mom I am sorry for that but I don't know, I don't know why I love to spend my time with Paulo only but I don't know why now he doesn't like to spend time with me just like he supposed to when we were child." Catherine said.

"Why ? and how much time you want to spend with him I mean you two study in same college together, you both go to college together, you both even come from college together, you both even do your college stuff together in a same room. Now how much time you want to spend with him ?" Her mother said.

"Yeah mom you're right that almost for a whole day we are together but Paulo never shows interest in me instead he just only care about his so called dream and his stupid passions which make no sense to me and most importantly they are really immature. It looks like he is with me but actually he is somewhere else away from me." Catherine said.

"I really don't understand what are trying to say and what dream Paulo care about ?" Her mother asked.

"You know very well mom, his old football dream which sounds so unrealistic he is almost an adult now but still he's stuck in his childhood dream. Even now he never come home with me after college anymore because he is training with that totally finished and tarnished club of our town Parma C.F, I make him try to realise that they're just using him for their own benefits but still he prefer to train with them." Catherine said.

"Cathy I admit that somewhere Paulo and his ambitions are totally illogical at some point but I think he has the right to choose his own path of destination. I really don't see it wrong at all I think for the sake of your love you should support him to achieve his dream. Who knows that he might also start to love you hmm ?" Her mother said.

"Who told you that I am not supporting him ? I am supporting him in hiding this thing to his family." Catherine said.

"What ?... What hiding ? can you just tell me clearly." Her mother asked.

"Nothing mom actually Paulo kept this thing as a secret to his family and lied to them saying that after the college he is working as a part time librarian in the college, instead he is playing football and do you even know that his father totally hates that he he is playing football. If his father ever get to knew about this then surely Paulo will be no where left because his father would surely throw him out of the house." Catharine said.

"Does following your ambition is a sin for anyone ? Everyone has their own interests, their own merit then why Paulo doesn't has the right to follow his passion ?" Her mother asked.

"Mom you're right and even him everyone has their liberty to follow their passion but what happens if the passion is nothing but just full of nonsensical and impractical things. Those dreams mean nothing they are only just good in thinking but not in real life mom." Catherine said.

"Cathy I think you really need to respect Paulo's interest and his ambitions. He also respect your likes and dislikes. See you just love to study, learn many knowledgeable contents and most importantly like to score excellent marks in your exams just like that Paulo also love to play football and its not his fault. Since his childhood I always saw him with that ball and try to run with the ball just like all those football players in the television and he is also human, he have freedom to decide his own destiny." Her mother.

"Smh..... Mom you don't understand ! See I don't say that Paulo has no rights to decide his own future but on the other he should also care what his parents want. If his parents don't want him to play football then obviously its for his own well being I mean his parent are only doing it for his own good and seriously believe me that in this sport he'll never make it to something. He even didn't made it into our college football team so how could I think that he'll become a great player in future like his own fictional hero Diego Sanchez." Catherine said.

"But Cathy at least you should try to understand his passion and his love for football." Her mother requested.

"MOM ! I really do care about Paulo, even more than anybody he knows, that's why I want him stop dreaming too much unnecessary. I want best for him and it is very important to make him realise that whatever his parents and I am trying to make him understand that football will never be great option for him in fact he deserves something more better than football and you know what once I tell him about true feelings for him then I am sure that I'll also make his mind change for football." Catherine said.

Catherine's mother felt little bit disappointed that she can't make her daughter realise about Paulo's ambitions but she ignored the fact for now as she didn't wanted to ruin her daughter's excitement and her special day.

"Ok let it be, now look at to yourself see how beautiful is my princess is looking. Tonight my daughter definitely will be asked by every single boys in your college for a dance and might also for your love as well." Her mother praising her beauty.

"Mom I don't want to dance with any other guy except Paulo and it doesn't matter that who wants me and my love but it does matter that I will only give my heart and soul to Paulo only and I only want him to be my lover, apart from him I will never dream any other random guy." Catherine said.

"Ok, Ok my goddess, you'll dance with only Paulo tonight and I hope that nobody will intervene between you both. Ok now you're ready so I think you should take leave then." Her mother.

"Thank you so much Mom. I love you you are the best thanks for dressing me so gorgeous, Today Paulo will not even take his eyes away from me, Bye mom." Catherine thanked her and kissed her on cheeks and took a leave.

"All the best my sweetie hope you succeed tonight."

Her mother wished her luck and then Catherine left her house and goes to pick up Paulo from his house.

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