
Chapter 85 : Family Reunion


“Believe it or not, I do understand,” Jared murmured to me.

“I know you do. That’s one of the things I like about you,” I said. I sighed and sank back on the pillows.

Now that I was stuffed full of chicken noodle soup, I was absolutely exhausted!

Jared crawled into bed with me and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me against his bare chest.

I pressed my cheek to his skin and listened to the steady, strong rhythm of his heart.

“There was a time when I was younger when I was almost jealous of Xander, growing up in a cushy castle with everything he could ever want,” Jared said. “But I realized that I never wanted to be anything like him or have the life he has.”

“Like me and Lena?” I muttered a little sleepily.

“Yeah. I just thought that having all that money and a comfortable palace would make life too easy. And I think having a more… difficult life, has been an asset for me.”

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