
Chapter 138 : He's Dead


Two Weeks Later

Mom huffed out a breath, a garment clip clamped between her teeth as she fussed with the back of the fluffy white dress I was wearing. I grunted in response, looking into the full-length mirror at my reflection.

The dress was only tight around my breasts and fluffed out over my body in a “baby-doll” style that suited the growing swell of my belly to the point that it was hard to tell I was even pregnant. Silky puffy sleeves tapered off at my wrists.

“I look like a cream puff,” I laughed, glancing at Mom over my shoulder.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she bent back down to her task of fitting my now incredibly large breasts into the dress, once again.

“I like cream puffs,” Elaine said from the sofa on the other side of the airy, brightly colored sitting room in Castle Drogomor, her legs crossed on the coffee table.

Clare snorted with mirth as she flipped through Maeve’s huge leather-bound spell book that was sitting on her lap.

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