
Chapter 81 : The Moonstone Sinks into the Ocean


Gemma was sitting at the kitchen island, pouring a hefty amount of cream into her coffee. She stirred in two spoonfuls of sugar before setting the spoon down and lifting the mug to her lips.

I was standing near the sink, the carafe of coffee in my hand as I prepared to pour myself a mug. It had been a long night with little sleep. Dad had finally gotten me into my bed, tucking me in without even giving me an opportunity to take my boots and coat off, acting like if he didn’t get me into bed and tuck me in like he used to when I was girl, I would disappear right before his eyes, like a dream.

I hadn’t even had a chance to talk to Mom. He had made her go back to bed before I even reached the top of the stairs.

Mom was always the first one awake in the mornings. I thought I’d see her in the kitchen, making coffee. Instead, I made it myself, alone, until Gemma came in from where she had slept on the couch in the den.

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