
Chapter 188 He Is Still Alive!

The more blood that came out of me and into him, the stronger I heard his heart begin to beat.

Even his wounds started to heal at a visible speed.

But he still wasn’t opening his eyes.

I heard footsteps approaching, and then Georgia's voice. “Ethan, Soren is back and I need to talk to you about a situation. Also, we’ve just gotten word that Kal is—” Georgia’s voice stopped abruptly behind me.

“What the… Rosalie, you are awake?” she asked, and her tone was filled with pleasant surprise.

With tears in my eyes, I turned to look at her. “Go get Cerina!” I implored her.

Her face turned into terror. Without another word, Georgia shot out of the room.

I continued to try to get my blood into Ethan, even digging at my arm with the scissors, trying to make the cut deeper as my wound healed up fast.

“Your Majesty! You’re awake?!” Cerina and Seraphine shouted as they ran in the room. “Wh—what…?”

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